
Rector of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova Victor Sadovnichy: biography, activities and interesting facts

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Rector of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova Victor Sadovnichy: biography, activities and interesting facts
Rector of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova Victor Sadovnichy: biography, activities and interesting facts

In the 1992-1993 academic year, Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichy was appointed rector of the main university of Russia. Since then, he has been leading Moscow State University, which, since its foundation, has been named after the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. In 1996, and then in 2001, having received the support of a large team of his native university, he was again elected as rector. Over the years, he not only was able to justify his credit of trust, but also made an unprecedented contribution to the development of the university.

Viktor Antonovich, of course, has a unique talent for scientific foresight and is able to accurately determine promising and relevant areas that correspond to recent trends and meet the challenges of the time. So, on his personal initiative, 10 new faculties were created, including such specialties as fundamental medicine, public administration, art history, bioengineering and bioinformatics, etc. Viktor Sadovnichy, rector of Moscow State University, is also the creator of the science park, which in the shortest possible time He won fame not only in Russia but throughout the world. In addition, for many years Moscow University has been ranked among the top 100 best universities in the world.


Viktor Sadovnichy: biography

The future academician and rector was born in the spring of 1939 in Ukraine in the village of Krasnopavlovka, Kharkov region, a few months before the outbreak of World War II. His parents - Anton Grigorievich and Anna Matveevna - worked on the collective farm. Victor's childhood was difficult: war, hunger, cold, deprivation. In 1946, he went to first grade, at school he was a diligent student. However, in high school, he transferred to evening school, and during the day he worked at the Komsomolets mine in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk Region, as a loader. Despite the constant employment, he studied well and graduated with honors.

Higher education

In 1958, he decided to go to Moscow and submit documents to Moscow State University. Having passed the exams for "excellent", the young man soon became a student in the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Being naturally endowed with organizational and leadership qualities, he joined the student council and then headed the committee. Viktor Sadovnichy was also the head of the Komsomol organization of the Faculty of Mathematics. In 1963, he graduated with honors from Mehmat, and he was sent to study in graduate school, which he graduated ahead of schedule, brilliantly defending his dissertation.



After defense, he was left at the department as an assistant. Then he became an assistant professor. Further, there was a post of deputy dean for science of the faculty of mechmat and head. Department at the Faculty of Cybernetics. In mid-1974, after completing his doctoral dissertation, he defended it and received a doctorate in physical and mathematical sciences, and a year later he became a professor at the university. From 1980 to 1982, he was the 1st Deputy Vice-Rector of Moscow State University, and in the next two years he was appointed Vice-Rector of the educational and scientific part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. For several years before his election as head of Moscow State University, he was the 1st vice-rector.

Teaching and Achievements

For more than 30 years, Viktor Sadovnichy has been giving lectures in his native mechmath in the discipline "Mathematical and Functional Analysis". Gardener is an outstanding specialist in mathematics, mechanics and computer science. Under his leadership, methods were developed for the mathematical processing of information coming from space. He is also the author of a new analytical direction, in particular, the process of controlling the movement of various aircraft, mostly spacecraft. More than 50 both domestic and foreign cosmonauts trained and completed the full pre-flight program on the simulator designs developed by him. In 2001, he was awarded the State Prize.


Scientific activity

Viktor Sadovnichy is the author of about 500 works of scientific value. Of these, 60 are monographs and university textbooks, which are translated into different languages ​​of the world and are widely used in many universities. The most famous of his works are textbooks and collections of problems for students of mathematical faculties.

Beginning of the rector

V. A. Sadovnichy was the first rector of Moscow State University, who was elected to the post during the first democratic elections held in the history of the university. Its voters were members of the Scientific Council. After that, he was elected three more times by the rector of the country's main university. However, at the end of 2009, drastic changes took place in the university election system. Rather, after this, the rector was appointed by order of the president of the country for a period of five years. The last time he received an appointment in 2014.


Moscow State University and Sadovnichy

For almost 25 years, Viktor Antonovich and Moscow State University have been one. Over the years, Moscow State University received the status of a Russian autonomous university, the Tatianin Church existing on the territory of the university was reconstructed, after which its activities were resumed. Since 2009, Moscow State University received the status of a special scientific and educational complex. It was Sadovnichy who revived the centuries-old traditions of Moscow University and all Russian students, giving everyone a holiday Tatyana's Day (Students' Day). Over the years of his management, new faculties, departments, training centers, etc. were founded.

Awards and titles

V. A. Sadovnichy is a member of the Presidential Council (on science and education), and is also a member of the scientific Security Council of Russia. He received the title of honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation and the Academy of Arts, as well as an honorary professor and doctor of many Russian and foreign universities, including Mongolian, Belorussian, Kazakh, Vietnamese, Nottingham, Juice and Suni (Japan), Istanbul and others. Comrade Sadovnichy during the years of Soviet power he was twice awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and after the collapse of the USSR - orders of Merit to the Fatherland, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degrees, Alexander Nevsky, several orders of the Russian Orthodox Church. In 1997 and 2005, he was awarded the Legion of Honor (France).
