
Renovation is what? How is the renovation of buildings, "Khrushchev", territories, ships, etc.

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Renovation is what? How is the renovation of buildings, "Khrushchev", territories, ships, etc.
Renovation is what? How is the renovation of buildings, "Khrushchev", territories, ships, etc.

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Renovation is a process designed to improve the structure of something. Translated from Latin, this word means “repair”, “update”, “renewal”.

Renovation in the work of manufacturing enterprises

As a result of the economic activity of any organization, the process of moral and physical deterioration of its machinery and equipment, as well as structures and buildings, takes place.


To restore the working capacity of production assets, they are replaced by more advanced ones, that is, renovation. This allows you to increase labor productivity, which, in turn, makes it possible to produce more products.

Process Ways

Replacement of retiring production assets can be carried out in one of three ways:

1. Writing off individual funds intended for the production of products. Moreover, they are replaced by newer and more productive ones.

2. As a result of the reconstruction of individual units and entire enterprises. During this process, a certain proportion of worn-out fixed assets must be replaced with more modern ones.

3. The renovation program is often carried out with the liquidation of old enterprises when new production shops and sections are built on their territory.

Renovation in shipbuilding

Physical and moral depreciation of many fixed assets is also observed in the shipping company. Many companies have vessels whose age is close to the limit. For them, renovation is almost the only method that prolongs life. Otherwise, the ships will simply be scrapped. And many companies cannot afford this, since they will lose the bulk of the profit, because it’s the hardworking veterans who travel along the water between the Far East and countries located in the Asia-Pacific region. A large number of cargoes are transported by such vessels also on the rivers flowing in Russia and neighboring countries.


Not every company can update the fleet using the method of replacing old fixed assets with new ones. This process is lengthy and very expensive. That is why the renovation of ships. It allows you to rejuvenate old funds for ten to fifteen years. At the same time, the company will have additional time to conduct fleet renewal, and the transportation market, in which there is fierce competition, will not be lost.

Renovation is a process that will allow a company to increase the prestige of a ship. At the same time, tariff levels can be revised upwards, and the most favorable conditions from insurance organizations can be obtained. In addition, after updating the vessel, the cost of its maintenance will be significantly reduced. Ultimately, the life of honored veterans of the river and sea will be extended.

Renovation made in the cargo compartment of the ship’s hull can be implemented by the sectional method. This will allow you to perform a larger percentage of work during navigation. The vessel is not decommissioned.

Housing Renovation

This issue is very relevant for the whole country, because it plays a role in creating the most high-quality living environment for the population.

And in this area, renovation is the process of restoring or replacing some physically or morally obsolete objects with other, newer ones.


Housing stock may be repaired or modernized, restored or reconstructed. Buildings can be demolished, and new objects built in their place. All these actions relate to various methods of renovation. Which of them should be applied in each case? It all depends not only on the characteristics of the residential building, but also on how to use it further.

First stage

Before carrying out any work, an investment project must be drawn up. This document will determine the main set of necessary practical actions. This will include expert, design, construction, and other types of work that are aimed at fulfilling the task of updating the home and solving social and economic issues on the effective operation of the facility.


State involvement

In the process of renovating the housing stock, municipal and regional authorities play an important role. Moreover, their participation can be carried out in two forms - financial and non-financial. Each of them performs its important function.

The essence of state financial participation is:

- the provision of subsidies that can be spent either on improving living conditions or on reimbursing a certain share of the costs of repairing and servicing apartments and houses;

- housing program financing;

- maintenance and organization of housing loans;

- providing individuals with tax benefits;

- investments aimed at improving the structure of the housing complex.

With non-financial participation, government agencies apply a wide range of tools related to the field of technical, regulatory, and urban planning. In this case, the main objects for fulfilling this function are not only the renovation projects themselves, in which new construction, overhaul or reconstruction can be provided, but also the subjects of renovation (tenants, homeowners, manufacturers and credit organizations).

Territorial Renovation

At a certain site, demolition of existing structures and buildings and extraction of networks and utilities from underground can be carried out. This is the renovation of the territories. Its main goal is to free up land for new construction. At the same time, the degree of preservation of buildings located in the given territory does not matter.


There is a conditional division of renovation into two types. The release of land for new construction can be forced or evolutionary.

What is renovation of the first type? This is a formal decision on the demolition of an existing building site. Evolutionary renovation, on the contrary, proceeds naturally, as it is the result of certain errors, the consequences of which are not amenable to control and management.

Large-scale project implementation

In Russia, a grandiose program is being implemented, which provides for work that allows the reconstruction of entire neighborhoods. Renovations of vast territories in St. Petersburg are carried out by an organization that was created specifically for this project. This is SPb-Renovation LLC.

An agreement has been concluded between the company and city authorities. According to him, until 2019 in St. Petersburg will be renovated "Khrushchev". The construction company is carrying out demolition work for more than a thousand houses located in nine districts of the Northern capital. In their place will be built almost eight million square meters. meters of new apartments.


To date, one hundred and fifty thousand people are registered in the houses to be renovated. After the work, the number of residents is expected to increase three times. It is planned to build new houses of the highest quality. In this case, the most advanced technologies of our time will be used.

Under the project, new quarters should be equipped with individual boiler houses, and in all apartments the installation of meters for supplied energy resources is being developed. In the houses, it is planned to heat the cold air coming from the street. This function is assigned to modern supply and exhaust ventilation. Superlifts will appear in the hallways, which will self-charge during the descent. The window openings provide for the installation of wooden double-glazed windows, etc.