
Revdy (Sverdlovsk region): history, industry and attractions of the city

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Revdy (Sverdlovsk region): history, industry and attractions of the city
Revdy (Sverdlovsk region): history, industry and attractions of the city

Revdy (Sverdlovsk region) is an unusual city and in many ways even unique. It can be safely called industrial. At the same time, there is very clean air and a lot of greenery. We invite you on a short tour of this small and cozy town!

Geographical location and features

Revda, or Revda (Sverdlovsk region) is a small city, located near the confluence of the Revda river in Chusovaya. It is the center of the eponymous urban district. Historians cannot explain the origin of the name of the settlement, however, they associate it with the Finno-Ugric “reovdyar”, which means “pit”.

The town is located forty kilometers west of Yekaterinburg. There is a railway station on the line connecting the former Sverdlovsk with Kazan.

Revda has one interesting geographical feature: the border between Europe and Asia runs right through the district. In fact, it can be considered the most eastern city in Europe.


The postal code of Revda (Sverdlovsk Oblast) is: 62328Х. The last figure depends on the area and the specific street of the village.

History of the city

The starting point in the history of the city can be considered the year 1734, when the breeder Demidov built a small iron foundry on the banks of the Revda River. It was here that a large deposit of magnetic iron ore was found. Cast iron production in Revdy grew every year, which stimulated the growth of the village. However, the working conditions at the plant were terrible. Therefore, the unrest of the workers happened very often (the most significant happened in the spring of 1841).

By the end of the XIX century, about 8 thousand people already lived in the town. Revdins mastered various crafts and crafts. In particular, the city throughout Siberia was famous for its artisans who made excellent forged nails. The city received a new impetus for development after the construction of the Yekaterinburg-Perm railway line in 1906.


Revdy (Sverdlovsk region): modern industry and economics

To date, the city has four large enterprises, which work and the bulk of its population. It:

  • Sredneuralskiy smelter.

  • Nizhneserginsky Metallurgical Plant.

  • Revdinsky brick factory.

  • Non-ferrous metal processing plant.

Every year, the Revdins produce 20-25 million rubles worth of products. Despite such a saturation of industrial enterprises, the city has a favorable environmental situation. Revids are surrounded on all sides by forests, and the local wind rose is such that smog and dust here never stagnate in the air.

However, this is all, as they say, prose. And what is the interest of the city of Revda (Sverdlovsk region)?

Sights of the town

There are few interesting sights in the city itself. One can distinguish the palace of culture of SUMZ, Literary Square, a pond with a dam, as well as the church of Archangel Michael. The central square is decorated with a rather beautiful and dynamic monument to V.I. Lenin, made according to an individual project, which increases its historical value.


More interesting sights are located in the vicinity of the city, however, to get to them is not so simple. 15 kilometers south is the source of St. Platonida. The water in it is healing and unique in its chemical composition. But 20 kilometers to the west of the city an interesting architectural monument has been preserved - the abandoned Didinsky tunnel. Its total length is 1124 meters. There is a legend that somewhere in the tunnel are hidden the innumerable riches of Admiral Kolchak.

An amazing natural site located just a few kilometers from Revda. This is the rock Starik-Kamen, whose geological age is about 600 million years. If you look at the rock from a certain angle, you can clearly see the profile of an elderly man.
