
Reznik Vladislav Matusovich: biography, activity

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Reznik Vladislav Matusovich: biography, activity
Reznik Vladislav Matusovich: biography, activity

One of the most scandalous personalities in Russian politics is Reznik Vladislav Matusovich. His nationality is Jewish, according to the Russian passport. All life is connected with St. Petersburg. State Duma deputy of several convocations, a millionaire who believes that no money will bring as much joy as the eyes of a happy child.


Reznik Vladislav Matusovich was born in Leningrad on May 17, 1954. Little is known about the school years of a politician and businessman. The only interesting fact: in the seventh grade, he met a boy named Dima Rozhdestvensky, who later became Reznik's business partner.

The native Petersburger received a brilliant education, having graduated from the Biological Faculty of Leningrad State University in 1976 and having received the specialty of biologist - geneticist of microorganisms. At first, he connected his future with science, so he did not stop at a specialist diploma and entered graduate school, this time choosing the capital's Institute of Development Biology as the alma mater. Here he defended his thesis.


Until 1982, he worked as a junior research fellow at a research institute of all-Union significance and, probably, dreamed of the fame of a scientist. But the times were not the same. The earned money was sorely lacking for a living, and Reznik Vladislav Matusovich went to the stuntmen on television. For each performed trick, he received 56 rubles, and for his rehearsal - 28. All this extreme sports lasted according to some sources for 5 years, and for others - as much as 8.

The beginning of a serious career

Meanwhile, the collapse of the Union was approaching, times were muddy, and who wanted to, began to try to catch the "fish". It was at the end of the eighties that the sharp career growth of the hero of this article came. In 1987, Reznik Vladislav Matusovich, whose biography was associated with Dmitry Dmitrievich Rozhdestvensky Children's Friendship, became deputy director of the television company Russian Video. It was headed by Rozhdestvensky himself.

The company received a generous inheritance from the state: money for promotion, equipment and the 11th channel for broadcasting. Things were going smoothly. Sharp, topical programs were filmed, Russian Video journalists traveled a lot to hot spots and prepared vibrant materials. Such activity required constant financial injections, and on this basis Reznik Vladislav Matusovich and his friends co-founded Rossiya Bank together with partners.


By the way, it is known that Rozhdestvensky and Co. were well acquainted with the mayor of St. Petersburg, Sobchak, as well as with Putin and other representatives of St. Petersburg. Their broadcaster helped these politicians during the election. And the fact that the established bank, where Reznik held the post of deputy chairman of directors since 1989, was firmly afloat in the stormy perestroika ocean, is also associated with high acquaintances in the nomenclature. Rumor has it that through "Russia", former party workers "saved the treasures" of the dying CPSU, or rather, its Leningrad cell.


The further career of a man named Reznik Vladislav Matusovich is closely connected with the insurance business. In 1990, he entered the board and even became chairman of the newly created St. Petersburg insurance company Rus, which, according to many, also participated in schemes with party millions. It is noteworthy that under the leadership of Reznik, the future Russian president and prime minister Dmitry Medvedev worked as a lawyer.

At the same time, the resourceful businessman managed several other large insurance facilities of the country, being a member of the directors. This includes JSC RusMed, and the Regional Insurance Company, and JSC Russian Reinsurance Company, and even the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund.


And in 1995, Reznik Vladislav Matusovich, whose photo has already flickered in the media, headed Rosgosstrakh. With this company, the name of Reznik is associated with a scandal. In 1998, he tried with great benefit for himself to privatize the state-owned facility, for which he was dismissed. But later through the court he was reinstated as chairman and even received compensation.

All this time, “Rus” remained under the control of Vladislav Matusovich, where he owned a controlling stake. In 2002, having sold his 50.2% to the Germans, he received ten million dollars for it.

Reznik loves to tell reporters about activities in the insurance business. So, for example, in one of the interviews, he said that he always made decisions on payment if he saw that he was not a scammer, even in cases where the applicants did not have enough documents. The successful businessman considers payments to be the best advertisement for the insurer.


At the very beginning of his great voyage, Reznik Vladislav Matusovich realized that business without politics cannot be fully conducted. At the dawn of the 90s, he joined the movement "Democratic Choice of Russia" and entered the political council of his branch in St. Petersburg. But closer to the 2000s, the businessman changed the "right" to the pro-Kremlin Unity.


There is information that many rejected Reznik's candidacy for the post of State Duma deputy, calling this person doubtful, but Putin allegedly needed him, and he was registered.

In 1999, Russia received a new deputy named Reznik Vladislav Matusovich. The State Duma was replenished with a very active member, who became the link between her and the government.

Further, the "insurer" did not leave politics. He received a deputy mandate both in 2003, and in 2007, and in 2011, each time running for United Russia.


Politics really appealed to Reznik. He often states in the press that lawmaking brings him real pleasure. And he confirms his words with deeds: only in September 2012, he registered 237 bills, and he spoke from the rostrum 631 times. According to the Forbes magazine, Vladislav Matusovich is the most influential and active State Duma deputy.


The main field of activity of this elected representative, of course, is finance. After all, in them he is king and god. Officially, Reznik is fighting at his deputy post with criminal proceeds and their legalization. Unofficially, it is lobbying the interests of various insurance companies, including foreign ones. At least he is accused of this.

So, for example, according to one of Reznik’s bills, the minimum authorized capital of a medical insurance company should be 120 million rubles. Obviously, such a rule is beneficial to large "fish" in the world of insurance business.

Spanish scandal

But not only around the legislative initiatives of Vladislav Matusovich, scandals flare up and down, other reasons also happen.

For example, a very loud noise arose in 2008, when the villa of the "insurer" was searched in Spain. This happened in the framework of the case of Gennady Petrov, the Tambov leader, accused by Spanish law enforcement officers of many crimes: money laundering, tax evasion, drug trafficking, smuggling and contract killings.


Reznik was friends with Petrov, and even bought the villa from him, without, incidentally, indicating the fact of the purchase in the declaration. In addition, in 2009, the Spaniards accused him of kidnapping a man who allegedly was a debtor to Gennady Petrov.

The Russian side then stated that the allegations were overblown and political in nature. Naturally, deputy Reznik Vladislav Matusovich denied everything.

Environment Resnick

It is possible that the Spanish prosecutors had reason to accuse Reznik of collaborating with Petrov. After all, everyone knows that even at the start of his career, he closely communicated with representatives of the Tambov group. True, the story is silent about exactly what role it played there.

Also surrounded by Reznik were German Gref, the father and son of the Molchanovs, Mikhail Manevich, who helped the business of Vladislav Matusovich to acquire real estate in the center of St. Petersburg, Zakhar Semushka, Denis Volchek and other prominent figures in politics and business. Some with a clear criminal "darling."


One of the persistent rumors associated with Vladislav Reznik is talk of his unconventional sexual orientation, which he allegedly carefully hides. Journalists even suggested that the politician leads an informal group of deputies in the Duma, assembled on this principle. Like, all of them (Igor Dinis, Vladimir Golovlev, Andrey Wulf, Vladimir Semenov, Alexander Makarov and others) are homosexuals. And in the sphere of their influence, the budget, taxes, defense and state security.

Reznik does not confirm his belonging to sex minorities, but has repeatedly openly criticized proposals that would violate the rights of such people at the legislative level.

Reznik Vladislav Matusovich: family politician

Rumors are rumors, and facts are facts. Vladislav Reznik has three children: two sons and a daughter. They are born from several marriages.

Papa dearly loves his heirs, and their future is not indifferent to him. He dreamed that the eldest son would follow in his footsteps, and the dream came true: the offspring became a financier. But the daughter Reznik predicted the career of an architect, but she found herself in consulting.

The youngest child of a statesman was born Diana Gindin, an American citizen whom the businessman met in the 90s.

Many consider this marriage just a screen, but nevertheless it exists. Reznik is also preparing his way in the financial sphere to his youngest son. For the sake of the child, the indigenous resident of the metropolis moved from St. Petersburg to the suburbs, having built a house near the Northern capital.



In 2007, the "insurer" was called the richest deputy of the Russian Duma, having at its disposal more than 1.5 billion rubles. The basis of the budget is interest on bank deposits and securities.

Later, the politician became sharply poorer. In 2009, only 103 million declared Reznik Vladislav Matusovich. His wife, Diana Gindin, reported to the tax office about 109 million. The businessman himself did not think that this was not enough, explaining that he only received interest and did not sell anything.

In 2012, Reznik again counted one and a half billion. In addition, the couple own a huge homeownership, an area of ​​more than 224 square meters, other residential and non-residential real estate, land and cars, the number of which has probably already exceeded two dozen.