
Market "Dordoi". Dordoi Market in Bishkek: prices, reviews

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Market "Dordoi". Dordoi Market in Bishkek: prices, reviews
Market "Dordoi". Dordoi Market in Bishkek: prices, reviews

Video: Дордой-Крупнейший Рынок в Центральной Азии-Бишкек /DORDOI The largest market in Central Asia Bishkek 2024, July

Video: Дордой-Крупнейший Рынок в Центральной Азии-Бишкек /DORDOI The largest market in Central Asia Bishkek 2024, July

Here business people come together. “Dordoi” is a market and organization that creates jobs that are readily occupied by citizens. Workers earn money and their work provide a comfortable life for fellow citizens. Thanks to the organization, more than one thousand vacant posts appeared. There is a real chance for self-fulfillment and benefit society. We learn about the features of this market later in the article.

The phenomenon in the trading environment

The Dordoi market in Kyrgyzstan is a unique large-scale trading complex. Here you can find almost everything that a modern person needs. When democratization began and Kyrgyzstan was economically reconstructed, Dordoi (the market) became a leader in the field of trade, supplying Central Asia with the most necessary goods and products.


The bazaar management company owns a clothing bazaar where you can find many types of clothing for all seasons, as well as rows whose existence is dedicated to the sale of automotive parts. The Dordoi market in Bishkek, whose prices are pleasantly pleasing, serves several hundred thousand customers traveling from afar to walk along these shopping arcades and enjoy an excellent choice, quality service.

The services of the complex are used by people whose place of residence is Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan. It really presents a lot of things for which it is worth making a long journey. Even the most sophisticated shopping needs can be met. Due to the wide range, you can choose the best products that foreign or domestic manufacturers offer to people. Excellent quality coexists with a pleasant and favorable price.

Highly developed enterprise

Dordoi (market) has sales locations that are well equipped. There is a wide infrastructure. All this constantly attracts people to Bishkek. The Dordoi market pleases with the versatility of the range of services. There are trading places in the form of equipped containers and pavilions. Shops are located in the premises, inside which you will meet the widest selection of goods provided.


History of education

Dordoi (market) arose in the winter of 1991. Then he was considered a diversified company. In 1998, the company switched to a limited liability company.

At the moment, it is an independent business entity. The principles of the market economy are applied in the work of the market. The development action program organically fits into the requirements that an enterprise must follow in order to successfully trade in modern business.

The only organism is Dordoi (market). Customer reviews have repeatedly noted the coordination of work, surprising for such an extensive complex. A whole technology of work has been developed. Along with economic tasks, the owners of the enterprise also set themselves the social need of society. Selling a particular product, market workers are attentive to the wishes and needs of visitors.

Inside the bazaar, investments are actively and effectively carried out under the supervision of management. If you ask about the most developed market in Kyrgyzstan, this enterprise will probably advise you as a business card in the territory of this republic.


Mutually beneficial cooperation

Market owners strongly support the provision of mutual services with institutions involved in social activities. Partners are world-famous organizations. Also in these agreements an active part is taken by the state, which is very interested in the active development of the complex. After all, such an organization is a real pride, a big plus and a positive trait for Kyrgyzstan.

Much attention is also paid to social issues. In particular, Dordoi participated in organizing the fight against child labor used illegally. In addition to all the previous advantages, the shopping complex is also part of an association uniting the markets of Kyrgyzstan. Also in this association there are entrepreneurs engaged in the field related to services and trade.


Social mission

Objective, conscientious work is actively conducted, during which taxes are deducted in favor of the Social Fund of the Kyrgyz Republic. Dordoi is one of the leading taxpayers in its area. Charity is not alien to the market. He sponsors and financially supports social organizations and socially vulnerable sectors of society. Support is given to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the elderly, as well as figures who are engaged in culture, art and sports. The population receives regular charitable contributions.

What does the market offer?

People come here for seasonal clothes, food, appliances and much more. Here you can walk all day, looking at shops full of interesting goods. The choice here can be long and pleasant for the reason that it really is, and even in abundance.


At any time of the year, the Dordoi market can suit you. Fur coats and boots or T-shirts with shorts - all in all a huge variety. In addition, there are food stalls where you can buy food at a good price for both daily use and in bulk.

If you still came here to dress up, the good news is that there is very little synthetics. The vast majority of things have not only a good price, but also excellent quality. Wearing such clothes, you will greatly facilitate the life of your skin.

Large selection of knitwear. For every taste there is a T-shirt, bathrobe or towel. These products will serve much longer than their counterparts from poor and perishable fabrics. If you want to buy a large batch of clothing and take it abroad, you are unlikely to succeed, because the customs officers do not release from their territory an entity that collects more than three identical units of goods. Commerce is not welcome here.

The price and quality here are absolutely amazing. For example, a family of three can more than dress for several seasons for 15 thousand rubles, taking not only clothes, but also replenishing household supplies with new bedding and a series of towels. You can also bring useful things to your family or friends.
