
Parents tired of living under the same roof with their 30-year-old idler son and sued him

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Parents tired of living under the same roof with their 30-year-old idler son and sued him
Parents tired of living under the same roof with their 30-year-old idler son and sued him

Video: Evicted 30-Year-Old Michael Rotondo Leaves Parents' New York Home 2024, June

Video: Evicted 30-Year-Old Michael Rotondo Leaves Parents' New York Home 2024, June

Very often, children expect their parents to unconditionally support and provide any benefits. They were brought into this world and, since they can take care of themselves independently before growing up, it is quite logical that mom and dad will try their best to help their child and fully support him.

In only parental care should not last forever. On the way of growing up, the child must learn all the necessary skills and adopt an independent life, in order to then fly out of the family nest and set off on free flight.

But what if the children, who are no longer children at all, begin to abuse the kindness of their parents? The heroes of our article today decided to take extreme measures to teach a lesson to their 30-year-old idler son.

Typical family

Mark and Christina, middle-class Americans, lived in the small town of Camilla, near Syracuse, New York. In 1987, they had a son, who was named Michael. When the guy grew up, he left his father's house in search of an independent life.

Return to parents


Like many other young Americans who set out to build their own lives outside of the family walls, Michael experienced failure after failure. In 2010, he contacted his parents and asked for permission to return to his home. Loving mom and dad, of course, agreed.


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Years of idleness

The expectations of parents who hoped that their son just needed time to sort out himself and find a stable job did not materialize. By his 31st birthday, Michael was unemployed and did not contribute to family expenses or household duties.

8 years of idleness led to the fact that parents are tired of pulling on themselves a lazy and irresponsible son. One fine day, Mark and Christine decided to proceed with extreme measures.

Official warning

In early 2018, Michael received a letter from his parents stating that he needed to leave the house within 14 days. Mark and Christina warned that they were ready to take all necessary measures to bring their decision into action.


Days passed, but Michael did not think to fulfill the will of his parents. Then Mark and Christina decided to send him the last warning letter, which spoke about a possible lawsuit.

Desperate attempts

Like any other parents who love their child, Mark and Christina did not sue Michael after he ignored all their appeals. For some time they continued to send new letters to their son, in which they repeated their will, but at the same time offered a lot of compromises. Need a starting amount for your own housing? You are welcome! Need help finding a job? Here is the list of vacancies available today!

However, Michael remained adamant.