
Roman Igorevich Teryushkov: Minister of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs of the Moscow Region: photo, biography and career

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Roman Igorevich Teryushkov: Minister of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs of the Moscow Region: photo, biography and career
Roman Igorevich Teryushkov: Minister of Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs of the Moscow Region: photo, biography and career

Widely known in connection with the case of the beating of journalist Oleg Kashin, the edrosovsky functionary successfully continues his career as an official. Roman Igorevich Teryushkov is one of the natives of the Young Guard (youth wing of the ruling party), who reached high ranks. Now the Young Guard manages youth in one of the country's most athletic regions.

early years

Roman Igorevich Teryushkov was born on December 20, 1979 in Moscow. He spent most of his childhood years in Balashikha near Moscow, where he actually grew up. He himself always emphasized a special attitude to his native city. In one of his interviews, he confessed his love for a small homeland. Teryushkov Balashikha is already in the fourth generation, his great-great-grandfather moved to this city, and his grandfather was born here.

His favorite places of recreation and games for him were the Yellow Pond in the suburban area of ​​Saltykovka, a boat station and a linden alley located along the shore of the pond. He was attracted by a cinema where one could watch Soviet films and take a walk in the Balashikha park on the banks of the Pekhorka river.

Roma’s boy played football in his school years, and from these years he has been rooting for the CSKA team. Classes in a game sport developed a team spirit and the ability to achieve goals.

The beginning of public activity


After graduating from high school, Teryushkov entered the Moscow State Agroengineering University named after V.P. Goryachkin, a leading educational institution that trains specialists for the country's agricultural industry. He graduated with honors, becoming a specialist in economics and management. Having graduated, for some time (2002-2006) he tried to apply the knowledge gained in the private sector, where he worked in senior positions.

However, he soon realized that there were no special prospects for him in business, he decided to engage in social activities. In 2006, he joined the All-Russian socio-political youth organization of the United Russia party, which was established in the same year on the basis of the dismissed Youth Unity movement. The ruling party decided to form an active pro-government movement, preparing new party leaders. Which gave excellent chances for new members of the organization, such as Teryushkov.

At a high post


An active and ideologically correct young guard was noticed, and he began to quickly move up the career ladder. In 2009, he took one of the highest posts in the organization - the post of head of the Central Headquarters. In accordance with the charter of a public organization, it is the sole executive body. Roman Igorevich Teryushkov organized the work on the implementation of the decisions of the Congress and the Coordination Council, ensured the holding of meetings and other events. In the hierarchy of public organization, this is one of the highest posts for the functionary.

Among the achievements of a young public figure, they noted participation in the development and implementation of a program to create and develop a system for youth participation in parliamentary activities in Moscow. Which is still one of the forges of young personnel for various branches of government (executive and legislative). In the biography of Roman Igorevich Teryushkov, he noted that he was one of the initiators of the creation of a system that allows to provide legal rights and protect the interests of young people under state authorities.

Kashin case


In 2010, he was involved in a scandal - Roman Igorevich Teryushkov was questioned as a witness in the case of the beating of political journalist Kashin.

The investigation established that on the eve of the attack on the opposition figure, in November of the same year, Teryushkov, through his acquaintances, the police, tried to find out the victim’s home address. An article with a photograph of Kashin and other opposition figures with the stamp "Will be punished" was posted on the Young Guard website. She was removed after beating a journalist. The management of the organization said that they also condemn the crime, and the photo was only an artistic way that needs to be distinguished from life.

Oleg Kashin himself believed that the high-ranking Young Guard was "developed" very harshly. What I assured my friends. For Teryushkov, the case ended in a year and a half exile from public space. Then a successful functionary suddenly disappeared, and journalists could not find him. In the biography of the Minister of Sports of the Moscow Region, Teryushkov Roman Igorevich, it is noted that during this period he was involved in the organization of environmental projects.



In the spring of 2012, he was appointed to the post of head of the municipality of the Golovinsky district of Moscow. And career growth has resumed. The very next year, the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov invited him to work. Teryushkov Roman Igorevich was appointed to the post of Deputy Head of the Balashikha Administration, where he oversaw interaction with public organizations and territorial public self-government.

From March to August 2014, he served as head of the administration of his native city. The local branch of the Yabloko party tried to challenge the appointment of Teryushkov in court. According to them, the new city official could not be appointed because he did not meet the requirements for work experience and specialty. Officials gracefully circumvented this limitation by slightly adjusting the law. The official administration body published an announcement about the competition for the vacant position. Where they wrote that the candidate should have the experience of municipal service, work in the specialty "or others".

In the regional administration


At the end of the summer of 2014, he was transferred to the Government of the Moscow Region as Minister of Sports. Teryushkov Roman Igorevich began to oversee almost the entire youth policy of the region, as he was also responsible for working with youth and tourism development.

The minister considers the governor his mentor. He says that he learns a lot from Andrei Yurievich, including systematic thinking, the state approach to professional activity. He considers his boss a competent manager, a wise politician and a strong business executive.

First steps in the ministerial post

The first responsible decisions at the post were tough anti-doping measures. The order of the Minister of Sports of the Moscow Territory Roman I. Igorevich says the application of financial penalties even for a single violation of all-Russian and international anti-doping rules. Such athletes will have to return to the state the funds spent on their training.

In 2016, at the initiative of the Minister, the “Live in Sports” social movement was created with the aim of uniting efforts to popularize and develop sports in the region.