
Roman Julia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganova. The child of Julia Snigir and Evgenia Tsyganova

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Roman Julia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganova. The child of Julia Snigir and Evgenia Tsyganova
Roman Julia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganova. The child of Julia Snigir and Evgenia Tsyganova

The romantic relationship between Julia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov began to develop rapidly in 2015. Just at the moment when it became known that the previous lover of the actor - Irina Leonova - is in position. What made the heroes of our article famous and what are their achievements?

Evgeny Tsyganov: biography, creative activity

Eugene was born in March 1979 in the capital of Russia, the city of Moscow. His parents were employees of the Moscow Research Institute "Titan". The actor was named after her great-grandmother, grandfather and father's aunt. Tsyganov has an older uterine sister named Ira.


The young man was educated at a piano school of music. Evgenia noticed the director and offered to play in the theater. Thus, for 4 years, from 9 years old to 13 years old, Tsyganov played various children's roles. At the onset of adolescence, the future popular actor decided for himself that he grew out of such a repertoire.

When Eugene was 14 years old, he played in the rock band A.S., after the collapse of which, in 1997, created with his friend a new musical ensemble called “Croutons”. For 7 years Tsyganov was a soloist and guitarist in the team.

At the age of 17, Eugene began his studies at the school. Schukin, after the first course of which he decided to go to GITIS. After graduation, the young artist was invited to the troupe of the Moscow theater "Workshop of Peter Fomenko." The debut role in the movie Tsyganov played in the tape "Collector", after which they began to actively invite Eugene to shoot.

Personal life of Evgeny Tsyganov

During the filming of the film “Children of the Arbat” (after participating in which the actor became truly popular), the young man met theater and film actress Irina Leonova, with whom Eugene had lived in a civil marriage for about 10 years. Consisting in a relationship with Tsyganov, the actress gave birth to a man seven children. Eugene Tsyganov on the eve of the birth of the seventh daughter of Vera left his large family and started an affair with actress Julia Snigir. Despite the fact that he and his previous wife were bound by so many years of marriage and common children.


Until recently, the actor’s comrades hoped that the man would return to his family, improve his life and his personal life. Evgeni Tsyganov, after the official separation from Irina, continued to take care of the children: he visited them, helped financially, but did not return to his family.

Julia Snigir: biography, personal life

Julia Siriskina (the maiden name of the actress) was born on June 2, 1983 in the city of Donskoy (Tula region). Her father taught in a chess club, and her mother worked as a telephone operator. After studying at the gymnasium, the girl decided to go to the capital to get a decent education in Moscow.

However, on the first attempt, Julia was not able to enter the university, during the year she had to work as a secretary. In addition to work, the girl was actively studying English and the next year she was able to enter the pedagogical university of the capital. While studying at one of the skits, Julia met a young man named Alexey Snigir, who later became her first husband.

After graduation, the future actress worked for some time as a teacher at school, but quickly realized that this was not her vocation. The girl dreamed of a modeling career and did her best to get to work in a modeling agency. Her dream came true, and at one of the castings, Julia met with assistant Valery Todorovsky, who noticed the potential in the girl and recommended that she enter the theater. Assuming that from Snigir you get a first-class actress.

Having starred in the movie "Inhabited Island", the girl became a famous and popular actress. However, in order to find herself, she had to not only change her profession, but also leave her spouse.

During the filming of a fantastic picture, which became crucial for the actress, changes took place in the personal life of Julia Snigir. The girl began an affair with the cameraman Maxim Osadchim, which lasted about 4 years, but it never came to the official marriage.


The actress met the popular Russian artist Daniil Kozlovsky during the filming of the film "Rasputin". The young people were in a romantic relationship for about a year, after which they broke up due to the fact that Yevgeny Tsyganov began to look after Snigir.

Roman Yulia Snigir and Evgenia Tsyganova

The young people met in 2014 on the set during a joint participation in the television series "Where the Homeland Begins." A little later, Evgeny Tsyganov and Julia Snigir met during the filming of the film “About Love”. After which the star couple began an affair, which the actors kept secret. Julia and Eugene went to any social events separately.

In 2015, when a popular actor abandoned his spouse at the 7th month of pregnancy, information appeared in the media that Julia and Eugene were having an affair, but young people denied this information. When it became known that the star of the “Inhabited Island” was in position, press speculations were partially confirmed.


The birth of Fedor

Julia gave birth to a child in March 2016. This event took place in the Lapino maternity hospital near Moscow of the Mother and Child clinic, which serves many famous personalities from the world of show business. The boy was born a little ahead of schedule, weighing about 3 kg. It is known that the walls of the maternity hospital Julia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov left the newborn together.

Since the girl is not officially married, she initially thought in the birth certificate of her son in the column where her father's data is indicated, put a dash. However, Eugene insisted that the boy carry his last name.
