
Russian practice in the field of outsourcing

Russian practice in the field of outsourcing
Russian practice in the field of outsourcing

Video: Dr Daniel Thorniley at Intercomp's "Business practice" conference 2024, July

Video: Dr Daniel Thorniley at Intercomp's "Business practice" conference 2024, July

There are different situations on the modern Russian market. Often, companies transfer non-core functions to outsourcers almost completely. Sometimes the need to use a service such as outsourcing is reduced to zero .

There are a number of circumstances when the development of your own department can be a pretty good solution for the company. For example, when own processes are well-built, and managers have a fairly high qualification. Then you just need to raise the level of your own specialists. True, in such cases, additional expenses arise for the development of this department. In fact, he is becoming another company within the core business. Not everyone will be ready to put up with this situation.

In most cases, now managers prefer to create combinations - they carry out some projects on their own, and for individual functions and features they conclude an outsourcing agreement. For example, modern banks use the work of their own departments when it comes to providing the latest technological solutions to customers, for example, mobile and remote services. But in some areas, even such companies cannot do without third-party performers. Thus, it is not necessary to separately hire and train employees to solve a specific task or problem. It is enough to take advantage of the experience and competence of IT companies, which are usually quite high.

One of the most common models in our market is a fixed cost. With this model, even before the start of work, their volume is strictly determined, as well as the final price. The technical and organizational risks associated with this completely pass to the contractors. This model is bad in that it does not take into account problems that may arise for objective reasons that are not dependent on anyone.

The model of actual payment of labor costs is also widespread. There is no fixed cost. Payment is carried out depending on how much work the person actually performed. The rates of the contractor’s specialists and the time spent on the project become the main parameters in this case. So a certain flexibility of actions is supposed here. Both parties can adhere to this flexibility. Work can be rescheduled at any time if the very unforeseen circumstances arise. This approach has perhaps the only drawback - the performers lack the motivation to complete projects in a short time.