
Russian architect Evgeny Rozanov: biography, works

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Russian architect Evgeny Rozanov: biography, works
Russian architect Evgeny Rozanov: biography, works

Domestic architecture is rich in outstanding architects. But the architects who worked during the Soviet period make up a special caste, because they not only produced innovative ideas, but also could defend them under conditions of strict ideological censorship. A striking representative of Soviet architecture is Evgeny Rozanov, who was able to create real masterpieces and decorate the country's space with outstanding buildings and complexes.


The beginning of the way

Where are prominent architects born? Most often in ordinary families. So, Evgeny Rozanov was born in a simple family of employees, and nothing seemed to portend great prospects. He was born in 1925 - the times were difficult, the most difficult tests in the country fell on his growing up: industrialization and the devastating Great Patriotic War. During the war, the future architect worked as a mechanic at a car factory, helping the front. When Eugene was to choose a profession, the country was in ruin, it had to be raised and rebuilt, apparently, this was the motive for choosing the Moscow Architectural Institute, where he entered in 1945. He was extremely lucky at the institute, since his teachers were one of the founders of the famous VKhUTEMAS, Vladimir Fedorovich Krinsky, as well as outstanding followers of the great I. Zholtovsky - Grigory Alekseevich Zakharov and Zinaida Sergeevna Chernysheva. They were the most advanced architects of that time, the true idols of the architectural youth of Moscow. Teachers significantly influenced the style and taste of the architect Rozanov.

Ticket to life

At the end of the institute, Evgeny Rozanov receives a flattering invitation from Grigory Alekseevich Zakharov to go to work in his workshop. Here, the architect worked for 5 years and during this time gained invaluable experience, which helped him quickly enter the first echelon of the country's architects. Such a high start gave him the opportunity to lead major projects of Mosproject and Soyuzgiprotorg for the next few years, as well as come to his native institute as a teacher. For 10 years after leaving the university, Evgeny Rozanov grew into a significant architect, who was trusted by large-scale projects.


Outstanding facilities

During his long and productive creative life, the architect Rozanov created more than forty significant structures and architectural complexes, among which there are three skyscrapers of 30 floors for the association “Science” on Vernadsky Moscow Avenue, which determined the development of this area of ​​the city, the five-thousandth Dynamo sports hall on the street Lavochkina, arrangement of Ukrainian Avenue. He designed the huge complex of Lenin Square in Tashkent, recovering from the earthquake, the major theaters in Kursk, Orel and Khabarovsk, concert halls in Rostov-on-Don and Kostroma, administrative complexes in Voronezh and Vladivostok, and many other structures.


The architect Yevgeny Rozanov developed his own individual style, which makes his projects recognizable, they are distinguished by their scale, elements of futurism and constructivism, their love for technological materials: concrete, metal, they feel the scope and humanity.


Monuments and Monuments

In addition to buildings, the architect Rozanov took an active part in the creation of various monuments. So, back in 1956, his first professional award - the first prize in the competition, was awarded to him for the monument to A.V. Shchusevu at the Novodevichy cemetery. Later he creates outstanding compositions: a monument to the air defense forces of Moscow in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. on Sky Defenders Square, a monument to the 300th anniversary of the Navy in Russia, a monument to A.S. Pushkin and his wife N.N. Goncharova in Moscow, a monument to F. Nansen in Moscow, a monument to the Peoples of Africa fighting for liberation, in Luanda - the capital of Angola. In his works, Rozanov sought to emphasize the greatness of man, as well as create the most winning platform for creation.


Administrative and social activities

Prominent architects often feel a great responsibility to the people for what kind of environment they form, and Evgeny Rozanov was no exception. The Russian architect actively participated in many projects to preserve the historical appearance of cities, to create a comfortable and aesthetic environment for people's lives. So, he actively participated in the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, was among the authors of the project for the reconstruction of Borovitskaya Square in the capital and the building of the Banking Business Center on Moscow Ovchinnikovskaya Embankment.


Most of Rozanov’s life was spent in administrative activities. For 8 years, he led the architectural design and development of the whole country, during this time the profession of an architect became one of the most respected, he also managed to attach importance to the problem of urban development at the state level. He is the founder of the International Academy of Architecture, which still plays an important role in the urban development of Russia.

Rozanov was even a deputy from 1989 to 1992. He wrote a lot, and his work helps novice architects to understand the basics of their profession. Rozanov performed many honorable duties, he was vice-president of the Russian Academy of Arts, president and founder of the International Academy of Architecture in Moscow, full and honorary member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences and a foreign member of the Paris Academy of Architecture.

Honorary title and special achievements

The architect received many well-deserved awards for his fruitful life, he participated in many Russian and foreign competitions and repeatedly won them. He was awarded several state prizes, seven orders, had the Badge of Honor and a gold medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements of the USSR, had two thanks from the President of Russia, and Evgeny Rozanov received the honorary title “People’s Architect” in 1981.