
Russian economist and politician Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva: biography, career, political activity

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Russian economist and politician Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva: biography, career, political activity
Russian economist and politician Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva: biography, career, political activity

Oksana Dmitrieva is a well-known Russian politician. State Duma deputy of all convocations. Former Minister of Social Development and Labor. Oksana Dmitrieva repeatedly changed the parties in which she was a member of ideology. The final choice is Just Russia. Dmitrieva is an excellent economist, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma for taxes and budgets. Doctor of Economic Sciences.

A family

Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva (Russian nationality) was born in Leningrad on April 3, 1958. Mother - Natalia Efimova - Ph.D. Studied at the Leningrad University of Water Transport.

Oksana's father - Heinrich Rosenberg - is a scientist, a ship mechanic. He studied at the Makarov School. Created Soviet gas turbine units. Until his death, Henry worked at the Leningrad Scientific Institute of Morphlot.



Oksana Genrikhovna studied at the Leningrad school number 397. After school, Oksana entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic University at the Faculty of Economics. She graduated in the eightieth year. Then she continued her studies at the Leningrad University of Economics and Finance.

Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva is an excellent economist. Doctor of Sciences, author of four monographs and over seventy scientific papers. She has written several books on economics. In 1985 she defended her thesis “Political Economy of Socialism”, and in 1992 - her doctorate.

Work before a political career

After graduating from St. Petersburg University, she worked in it. For some time she was a senior employee of this educational institution. Then she led the business sector. Itself has organized the Problem laboratory engaged in economic research. She worked in it until the ninety-third year. Then she remained only its leader and did not personally engage in scientific research.


The beginning of a political career

Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva, whose parents were researchers, went not only in their footsteps. Additionally, she decided to try herself in politics. And her career in this field is developing quite successfully. Oksana Genrikhovna began with the Yabloko faction. In 1993, she became a deputy of the State Duma of the first convocation.

Worked with taxes, finances. Developed a budget review system in the State Duma and passed several laws. As a result, thanks to her activities, the veto imposed by Yeltsin was first overcome. Thanks to Oksana Genrikhovna, the parliamentary commission began to control the budget.

Continuation of a political career

In 1995, Oksana Genrikhovna was elected a deputy from Yabloko again. Since 1996 - Chairman of the Committee on Budget, Taxes and Banks. In the ninety-eighth year, President of Russia B. Yeltsin was appointed to the post of Minister of Social Development and Labor of the Russian Federation. After the resignation of the Kiriyenko government, she became only acting until the appointment of a new government. She worked as a professor at the University of St. Petersburg in Economics and Finance.


In 1999, Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva again became a deputy of the State Duma. But already from St. Petersburg (in the 213th district). Since the ninety-eighth year - the head of the regional branch of "Enterprise Development".

Political Activities: Bills and Government Work

While working as a member of the government, Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva, whose biography is associated not only with political but also with economic activities, proposed a number of projects for consideration by the State Duma. They concerned the social status of the poor.

Thanks to Dmitrieva, in 2000 a law was passed on awarding the title of "participant in the Great Patriotic War" for those who were awarded medals for the defense of Leningrad during the fascist blockade. She defended and defended the rights of pensioners who continue to work so that they can receive a full pension. And also introduced a number of laws that provide for improvements in taxes and budgets.


During the work of the deputy, Oksana Genrikhovna achieved for St. Petersburg payment of twenty billion rubles from the state treasury for the cultural development of the city. Amendments to the 2001 budget and to the law on tax refunds to regions for individuals persons - also the merit of Dmitrieva. Thanks to her, St. Petersburg also increased investments to expand the subway.

Party affiliation

Oksana Genrikhovna started Dmitrieva political activity with the Yabloko faction. But in July 1998, she was expelled from her for agreeing to enter the government (the Yabloko party was in opposition to the ruling coalition and was negative about the fact that Dmitrieva agreed to take the post of Minister of Social Development and Labor). Oksana Genrikhovna with several political supporters created the Northern Capital movement. It became an opposition to the governor of St. Petersburg V. Yakovlev.


In the fall of the ninety-ninth year, Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva entered the electoral bloc "Fatherland - all of Russia." In the State Duma in 2000 she became a member of the "People’s Deputy" group. Was in it until the spring of 2001. She was expelled from the group due to disagreement with her certain positions. The State Duma refused the petition of the “People’s Deputy” group and left Oksana Genrikhovna in the same post.

In 2002, she and her husband created a new party, Entrepreneurship Development. In the same year, she became the head of the Oksana Dmitrieva Bloc. But no one was elected to the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly from this movement. After she won the election in 2003, Oksana Genrikhovna did not enter any faction.

Member of the Fair Russia party

Oksana Dmitrieva got into the first three of the Just Russia party in the winter of 2006. She won the election and went to the AP, but she refused the mandate. In the fall of 2007, the Just Russia congress approved candidates for the State Duma elections to be held on December 2, 2007. Oksana Genrikhovna stood at the head of the St. Petersburg group of candidates.


In December 2007, Dmitrieva was again elected to the State Duma of the 5th convocation. Two weeks later, Oksana Genrikhovna became the first deputy head of the "Fair Russia" in the State Duma, while working in the tax and budget committee.

Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva (A Just Russia party) introduced her own alternative budget-related projects to the State Duma for discussion. Along with the proposals of the government on the same topic. Since the spring of 2008, Oksana Genrikhovna has been one of the seven secretaries of the main board of Just Russia.

In September 2010, Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva became chairman of the St. Petersburg branch of the party, replacing Oleg Nilov in this post. A year later, in the summer, Oksana Dmitrieva becomes deputy head of "Fair Russia" in the State Duma.

But her rise to the party "top" was interrupted. In 2013, in the fall, the next congress of "Fair Russia" was held. Its leader, Sergei Mironov, criticized Oksana Dmitrieva for the "alternative budget" prepared by her on behalf of the deputies, not the party.

As a result of the vote, she was not elected to the Supreme Presidium of Just Russia. This was so unexpected for the congress that it caused a real sensation. Oksana Genrikhovna immediately offered several options for joining and transferring to other parties (“Communist Party of the Russian Federation” and “United Russia”). But Dmitrieva refused them.

After Oksana Genrikhovna was removed from the post of head of the St. Petersburg branch of A Just Russia, she left the party in the spring of 2015. Accordingly, the leadership of the faction removed her from the council in the State Duma. It turned out that Dmitrieva lost at the same time the post of deputy chairman of Just Russia. In place of Oksana Genrikhovna was appointed Yakut deputy Fedot Tumusov.


Personal life

Politician Oksana Genrikhovna Dmitrieva is married to Grachev Ivan Dmitrievich. He is a State Duma deputy, Head of the Energy Committee. Their son, Dmitry, was born in 1995. In 2011, he graduated from the tenth grade at a school in Moscow. Now a student.