
Russian teacher Volkov Gennady Nikandrovich: biography, activities and interesting facts

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Russian teacher Volkov Gennady Nikandrovich: biography, activities and interesting facts
Russian teacher Volkov Gennady Nikandrovich: biography, activities and interesting facts

Teacher. Educator. Thinker. These three words were the name of the most famous work of Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov - the famous Soviet professor and writer. Probably, every employee of the pedagogical sphere has heard about the educational approaches of this person. Volkov became the founder of ethnopedagogy - a well-known scientific industry, the provisions of which are widely used to this day. The life and professional activities of Gennady Nikandrovich will be described in detail in our article.

Young years

The biography of Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov originates in the Chuvash village of Big Yalchiki. It was here, on October 31, 1927, the hero of our article was born. Gennady's father was a professor of physics and mathematics. Perhaps it was because of the influence of the parents that Volkov chose the path of a teacher. Already in 1948, he began to teach at a secondary school in the city of Cheboksary.

In his youth, Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov corresponded with Vasily Sukhomlinsky - an outstanding humanist teacher. At that time, Volkov was only ten years younger than his friend. However, the influence exerted by Sukhomlinsky could not but affect Volkov's further activities.

Life in Soviet times

Volkov is a graduate of the Chuvash Pedagogical University named after Yakovlev. Here Gennady Nikandrovich graduated from graduate school, after which he worked as an assistant professor and senior research fellow.

In the early 70s, the famous teacher moved to Moscow. In the capital of the RSFSR, he begins the creation of an extensive pedagogical sector of the Institute of National Schools. Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov actively developed the concept of ethnopedagogy, which he formed at a young age. The scientific activity of the famous teacher attracted foreign experts, and therefore the hero of our article goes to Erfurt - at that time the city in the GDR. Here he works as a professor at the Higher Pedagogical School.


With the collapse of the Soviet state, Volkov moved to Kalmykia. Here he becomes a consultant on ethnopedagogical theory and the head of the laboratory at the Institute for Personal Development. At the moment, Gennady Nikandrovich continues to work. He is in the editorial teams of various scientific journals, and also continues to improve his theories.

Scientific activity of Volkov

Gennady Nikandrovich has written over a thousand publications in his entire life. In pedagogy alone, he became the author of about fifty monographs. Most of his works are devoted to the ethnopedagogical concept - science, the subject of which is education according to folk traditions. Volkov himself is a representative of the Chuvash nationality, and therefore he actively popularizes the national methods of the educational process.

The scientist devoted several of his works to Turkic-Russian relations. Based on the primary sources, he was able to substantiate the moral unity of these two peoples. Over the course of his biography, Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov has mastered several Asian languages, and therefore it can be safely called a polyglot.

The concept of ethnopedagogy

Traditional educational practice should take place in modern pedagogy. Many ethnic groups and nationalities possessed such amazing and effective methods of education that their use would be relevant even today. It is only important that the methods used are consistent with the principles of humanity and good faith.


The identification of archaic principles of education and their harmonious integration into the modern pedagogical process is what is called ethnopedagogy today. Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov was the main developer and popularizer of this concept. She first appeared in 1962. Almost immediately, ethnopedagogy was widely developed.

The essence of Volkov’s concept

What is ethnopedagogy for? Indeed, many of its provisions are archaic, blurred or not relevant at all. Critics of the theory believe that the educational approaches of our ancestors are significantly different from modern approaches. So, in many traditions there is rudeness, uncontrolled spontaneity, and sometimes even violence. However, according to the theoretical information of Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov, everything is not so clear.


The subject of ethnopedagogy is focused, clearly defined educational processes. All traditional approaches to education must comply with the principle of humanism, and therefore they undergo a very careful identification. The subject of Volkov’s concept - folk culture - is not used entirely, but most pragmatically. Elements of folklore, moral family experience, spiritual values ​​- all this organically merges into the modern educational process. As a result, several tasks are realized at once: the national culture is preserved and developed, and the modern pedagogical process is improved and filled with new colors.

What is the importance of Volkov’s ethnopedagogical concept?

Gennady Nikandrovich’s books were mainly devoted to the study of national educational traditions. The educational process is divided into training and educational. Each of these elements can be painted with folk customs. It is only important to correctly formulate the goals and objectives of further work.


With the advent of Soviet power, folk traditions began to fade noticeably. The Bolsheviks with their globalist intentions did not want to divide society even according to cultural criteria. Such a policy was noticeably reflected in the customs and spiritual component of various nationalities. This was prevented by Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov. Tales, songs, sayings and other elements of folklore of various ethnic groups were carefully collected by famous scientists for their subsequent application.

Goals and objectives of ethnopedagogy

The main goal of the ethno-pedagogical concept is very simple: it is the development in the minds of the younger generation of civic consciousness and national values. Creative inspiration can play a large role in various fields of activity, including pedagogy.

How can you instill in young people a love of folk traditions? It is necessary to look for various methods and techniques with which one could actualize ethnic approaches to education. This is the main task of Volkov’s concept. However, identifying all the necessary factors is not so simple. And it’s sometimes impossible to insert them competently into the pedagogical process. Nevertheless, there is a way out. It will be described about him further.

Methodology in the works of Volkov

The subject of ethnopedagogy - folk culture - is an incredibly vast area for study. It is difficult to imagine how developed the spiritual component in Russia is. A huge number of ethnic groups and nationalities gives rise to an incredible number of traditions and customs. How can this whole system be classified? Is it possible to construct a methodological structure, the application of which would be possible at any time? Gennady Nikandrovich did it.


It should immediately be noted that the methods proposed by Volkov are rather specific. They even sound a bit unscientific, although there is an explanation for this. It should highlight the requirements, agreement, orders, advice, beliefs and requests. Six of these elements form the backbone of the methodological system of ethnopedagogy.

All presented methods are easily integrated into the education system. It is only necessary to take into account the child’s psychotype, and proceeding from it, choose the most optimal development methods. So, quiet children are more suited to requests and advice, and overly active - persuasion and demands. The selection of methods is a complex and painstaking work that only a real teacher can do.

Means of education according to Volkov

In the works of Gennady Nikandrovich much attention is paid to the means of the educational process. Of course, all means should be selected based on the traditions of a particular ethnic group. However, it should be remembered that they must comply with ethical, moral and humane standards. Only adequate factors of education will help the child adequately express their thoughts and emotions.


The most common pedagogical tool in any educational environment is communication. It is necessary in order to seize the attention of the child, to gain his trust. In second place is the game - the most important psychological element. With the help of the game you can achieve incredibly successful results. Properly built and well-planned gameplay will strengthen the team spirit in children and make them part of society.

Ethnopedagogical means are quite diverse. Sayings, riddles, fairy tales - all this can have a much greater impact on the child than adults expect.

The value of Volkov's scientific works

The view of generations is very important for modern scientific experience. Especially when it comes to such categories as life, nationality, family or nation. The educational space of our state is rather heterogeneous. That is why it is wonderful: there will always be new factors and means.


Critics of the scientific activity of Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov believed that ethnopedagogy is a meaningless and irrelevant area. Allegedly, supporters of old traditions turn away from progress and turn to archaic norms. This, of course, is not true. Volkov actively advocated for progressive development in all scientific fields. Traditions are a kind of engine in this development. In the monographs and stories of Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov, the idea has repeatedly slipped that they are trying to forget Russian culture, erase it from memory. But how can you forget what is the basis for everything else?