
Russian journalist and television host Artyom Sheinin: biography, personal life

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Russian journalist and television host Artyom Sheinin: biography, personal life
Russian journalist and television host Artyom Sheinin: biography, personal life

Today, Russian television is literally full of numerous popular shows on political debate. Among this diversity stands apart a program that regularly broadcasts on Channel One. Its almost permanent leader is Artyom Sheinin, whose biography will be examined in detail in this article.


Curriculum Vitae

The future television journalist was born on January 26, 1966 in Moscow. Like almost any student of that time, he was actively involved in sports and took part in various competitions. In general, Artyom Sheinin (his biography is full of bright events) was a very good student and had extremely positive ratings in all subjects.

There is information that Artem Grigorievich grew up without a dad. And therefore, his mother was forced to work hard in order to feed her family, and the boy was brought up by his grandmother. His grandfather also worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and therefore often went on business trips abroad. However, a little later, the grandfather was accused of counter-revolutionary activity and sent to exile. During the war, he fought against the Nazis. It was the grandfather who introduced his grandson to the history of the country.

After receiving a full secondary education, the young man quite logically went to serve in the army. This period of his life is worth exploring in more detail.



In 1984, the young fighter ended up in Afghanistan as part of the 56th Guards Airborne Assault Brigade. There Artyom Sheinin, whose nationality is so reliable and unknown, took part in hostilities, repeatedly risking his life. All these bloody massacres left an indelible scar in the guy’s soul, because he also had the opportunity to witness the hostile actions of commanders and subordinates, to see the death of friends and relatives.

According to Sheinin himself, in Afghanistan he has formed a certain circle of concepts and values ​​that may not help in his work, but he will definitely come in handy in life. In 1986, he was discharged with the rank of sergeant.


Life on the "citizen"

What did Artyom Sheinin want to become after the army? His biography says that, having returned home, he decided to connect his fate with history, politics and other considerations. However, once again in Moscow, for a long time he could not adapt to new realities, because the USSR began to slowly disintegrate and everything was changing rapidly.

His career growth did not go right away. And so the young man began to study. He was able to easily enter Moscow State University at the Faculty of History. The learning process itself did not cause him any serious difficulties and opened up certain prospects. In 1993, he graduated from high school and received a specialist diploma. After that, he travels around the country for several years as an anthropologist, studying the area of ​​Chukotka and Sakhalin.

Transition to TV

But fate decreed otherwise, giving a chance to change the profession, which Artyom Sheinin took advantage of. For him, a journalist always seemed like a person who can become a professional in almost any area of ​​life.


Television in the life of Artyom appeared after he caught the eye of an announcement about the recruitment of personnel on the RTR channel. Sheinin successfully passed an interview for the position of the host of the program “Endless Travels”, but, in the end, he did not gain a foothold in this work. However, the then producer of the program, Fonina, managed to see a certain creative potential in the young man and invited him to become a screenwriter. He took advantage of the offer and in 1996 took the corresponding post, and a little later he even worked as an editor of a program called "National Interest with Dmitry Kiselyov."

Professional Development

Artyom Sheinin is a journalist who has worked on several television channels: ORT, NTV, TVS. He was the editor of the programs "Times", "Classmates" and others. In 2003, he began managing the Vremya project. In addition, he was often attracted to many other programs, including news, where he managed to fully reveal his potential as an analyst and columnist. And in 2008, he became the head of the Pozner project. Sheinin was also considered the creative producer of the program "One-Storied America", but in practice he completely led the entire team. Thanks to this television project, Artyom was able to travel all over the United States and get to know their manners and way of life.

New level

Artyom Sheinin, whose biography is interesting to the public for many reasons, declares that he considers himself not a defender of the Kremlin, but a patriot of the state. Largely because of this, he was invited to Channel One as a host.


In a new television show, the journalist was at the top of his professional career. The “First Studio” program with Artyom Sheinin comes out in the evening on weekdays and is dedicated to an active discussion of Russian foreign and domestic policy, its relations with Ukraine and the USA, sanctions and other things. Initially, the leader of the project was Peter Tolstoy, but after he was elected as a deputy to the State Duma, it was our hero who took the place.

The “First Studio” with Artyom Sheinin is literally full of various skirmishes and disputes, therefore, the presenter needs to very clearly and sometimes rigidly maintain order, with which he is quite successfully coping. The journalist himself is also distinguished by his activity on social networks, where he periodically posts pretty interesting posts.