
Russia, Irkutsk: contact zoo. Description, features, animals, mode of operation and reviews

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Russia, Irkutsk: contact zoo. Description, features, animals, mode of operation and reviews
Russia, Irkutsk: contact zoo. Description, features, animals, mode of operation and reviews

The Children's Contact Zoo (Irkutsk) is a place where not only children, but also adults can spend time with pleasure. Its peculiarity is that the guys can not only observe the animals through the aviary, but also take part in their feeding, play with them and spend time.

Irkutsk Contact Zoo. What can be done here?

Contact with animals is carried out only under the supervision of zoo employees. You can feed animals only with those products that are sold on its territory. It is strictly forbidden to bring food to animals. For violation you will be forced to pay a fine in the amount established by law. In addition, you will have to leave the territory of the menagerie with the children.


What else can you do for those who come to Irkutsk to visit the contact zoo? Tourists can chat with a lot of animals. The zoo is home to over sixty species. Here the child will be able to acquire communication skills with different animals. At the zoo you can experience the atmosphere of wildlife. Also get a lot of pleasure from interacting with her.

The zoo has many sites where children can spend time, and parents can rest quietly, watching them from the gazebo.

Here you can book a tour for a group of people, as well as individually. To do this, call in advance. Such excursions are often booked for classes and preschool children. Everyone who visits Irkutsk, the contact zoo, remains impressed.

Classes and theater scenes

Also in the menagerie they conduct thematic classes every weekend. They take place in a playful way. During their kids get acquainted with tamed animals. Zoo employees say that they love animals, where they sleep and a lot of other useful information.

Also, children will be told about which animals can be brought at home and how to properly care for them. Each lesson lasts no more than forty minutes. Similar training lessons are usually held for the smallest.


The contact zoo puts on small theatrical scenes with your favorite animal characters from cartoons. Thus, children can get to know the characters better and even take part in an impromptu scene.

At the zoo there is a children's club of naturalists. He annually recruits schoolchildren from ten to thirteen years old.

Birthday at the zoo

Here you can order a birthday celebration for your child. The conditions for ordering events are pre-negotiated by telephone. Prepayment for the transaction is made in advance in the amount of thirty percent of the total cost.

The zoo also has a service such as a field event. You can order a group of animals for your baby for a holiday. They will come to you at a predetermined time and place. Only chinchillas, rabbits, turtles, guinea pigs, squirrels, raccoons, hedgehogs and other small animals participate in field events.

Master classes

In addition, various master classes are held at the zoo, for example, a lesson on drawing animals on plaster figures. They will also teach parents the technique of applying face painting in the form of animals on the face of a child. If you decide to bring your baby to such a master class, then you must first make sure that he is not allergic to paints.


Although usually they do not cause any reaction. Such paints for face painting are completely safe. They are prepared on the water using food additives. But since each child’s body has its own characteristics, an allergy test must be carried out at home or at the zoo. To do this, you can ask a specialist in face painting to apply paint to the skin of the child in the wrist area. If within half an hour there is no irritation, then you can safely send the child to a master class.

Various contests are held that coincide with the holidays.

When a new animal appears in the zoo, employees conduct a quiz to give the new pet a nickname. Its essence is that visitors come up with a name and a history of its appearance. The first place will be taken by the best, for which the majority of visitors will vote.

Every day a lecture is held, which is included in the price of the visit, dedicated to any one animal.

The contact zoo organizes charity events. Everyone can take part in them. They are held in order to support the animals that live in the zoo. Another goal of a charity event is to maintain a population of a particular type.


At the zoo there is such a service as guardianship. The goal is to improve the living conditions of the animal in captivity. Both individuals and legal entities can take part in the action. That is, a person or organization undertakes full or partial obligations for feeding and keeping an animal.

Also, guardians can conduct various public relations campaigns to attract visitors. In order to become a guardian, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the administration of the menagerie.


The zoo has an online control service. To do this, in each cell there is a camera that works around the clock. A guardian can watch his animal 24 hours a day. One beast may have several guardians. This does not mean that he will be fed all the fruits that they acquire. Just one guardian can be responsible for feeding, another for health, a third for cleaning and cleaning in the aviary.

The advantage of guardians over other visitors is that they will be able to use the services that the zoo provides, free of charge. In the event that a person decides to stop doing his charity work, he must inform the zoo management in advance. Then you should break the contract.


When you are in the territory of the contact zoo, you must follow the rules in order to make it comfortable for you to relax and so as not to harm the animals. Contact with animals is possible only with permission and under the supervision of employees. Knocking on the cage in order to attract the attention of the inhabitant of the aviary is prohibited, as this can frighten him.


It is not allowed to throw any foreign objects into the cells: the animal may swallow them or get injured. When in a zoo with children, make sure that they do not try to crawl into the cage. Do not place them on the aviary and do not try to reach the animal yourself. Keep calm when walking around the zoo. After all, a scream and extraneous noise can scare the animal.

You cannot leave children unattended at the zoo. Remember that you are responsible for them. It is strictly forbidden to stretch hands or other objects into the cells to animals, trying to touch them. If the animal injures your child, the zoo will not be held responsible. The exception will be cases when the beast was not in the walls of the aviary due to the fault of employees.

Zoo reviews

People who visited Irkutsk, the contact zoo, say this is an amazing place. It is very interesting here.


Kids like it here. According to people who have visited this marvelous place, all animals are cute. Parents of children say that it is informative for kids to visit such a place.

Working hours

When is it worth going to the contact zoo in Irkutsk? The operating mode is quite convenient.

The menagerie is open to visitors all year round at the scheduled time. Guardians can come to their pets when they want, by prior arrangement with the management.

What time does it take to visit the contact zoo (Irkutsk)? Opening hours in the summer months are from 11am to 7pm. In winter - from eleven in the morning to 6 in the evening.

Weekends - every Monday.

Contact Zoo (Irkutsk). Ticket price

The cost for children from 4 to 13 years will be 150 rubles. Children over 14 years old will have to pay 200. For pensioners, a ticket will cost 150 rubles. But such a price is valid if a certificate is provided.

Free entry can be for children from large families or those who have not reached the age of three. Disabled people of groups 1 and 2, veterans of the Second World War or other military operations can also visit a menagerie without buying a ticket. The same applies to full-time students when providing student ID cards.


Also for the birthday admission is free. But such a price is valid only upon presentation of a passport or birth certificate.

The menagerie provides free photo and video shooting.