
Earthen rowing - a mushroom worthy of attention

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Earthen rowing - a mushroom worthy of attention
Earthen rowing - a mushroom worthy of attention

Video: Reviving the Independent Farmstead Part 2 2024, July

Video: Reviving the Independent Farmstead Part 2 2024, July

Many people like to pick mushrooms. Combining a leisurely walk through the woods with a useful thing - collecting free food is doubly nice. The end of autumn pampers with a huge number of mushrooms belonging to the family of row rows, in particular, earthy row rows. Unpretentious in appearance, but very tasty and healthy, they are easy to assemble, because they grow, as a rule, in large groups.


The family has about two and a half thousand species of mushrooms. They are widespread throughout the northern hemisphere. Favorite place - coniferous or mixed forests. They prefer sandy soil, covered with a thick layer of needles and leaves or moss. Not all mushrooms can be eaten. In the family sit conditionally edible, poisonous and edible mushrooms. The latter include earthy rowing. Description:

  • A hat. Depending on the species, it can be conical, spherical (in young fungi) or in the form of a bell. With age, it straightens, but the central tubercle remains. The edges of the caps are wavy, even, tucked up or vice versa bent up. The color is different: white, gray, variations of green, yellow, brown, red, purple. Moreover, as it grows, color can change significantly. The surface can be scaly, mucous, smooth, velvety, dry, fibrous. Diameter can reach 20 cm.

  • Records (gimenofor). The rows under the hat have plates, they are covered with a spore-bearing layer. The plates are either thin and frequent, or fleshy and rare. In young mushrooms, they are even and white, darken over time, become covered with brown or brown spots, the edges become torn and uneven.


  • Leg. Height 3-10 cm, diameter 0.5-2 cm. The shape depends on the species. It can be club-shaped (with extension to the top or bottom) or cylindrical. The texture also varies, it is bare, fibrous, velvety, scaly. The color is usually pink with a brown tint, under the hat itself there is a zone of white tint. Sometimes under the hat there are residues from the protective cover in the form of a fibrous ring.

In general, with some nuances, this description is suitable for all species of this family.


The main types of edible rows:

  • The rowing is earthy. The mushroom is very popular both in Europe and in the countries of the former Union. The cap in young fungi is cone-shaped, with a diameter of 3 to 9 cm. The touch is silky, brown or fleshy. The plates are uneven, rare. The lower part of the pronounced yellowish tint. The legs grow up to 10 cm, usually straight, but they come across also curved with a screw, in old ones it is hollow. Its flesh has a slight floury smell, almost tasteless, elastic, white. Earthen row grows exclusively in the coniferous forest.

  • Gray. Outwardly very similar to the earthy. She has a fleshy, young mushroom with a smooth round, later flat and cracked hat. There remains only a flattened tubercle in the center. The size ranges from 4-12 cm. The color is dark gray, it happens with a purple or greenish tint. The records are rare, wide. If you break the earring, it will turn yellow, the taste is mealy. The foot at the base is wider, can grow up to 15 cm and above. The differences between gray and earth shades are that gray has a more slender “body”, a noticeable yellow coating on the plates, a well-pronounced pleasant floury smell.

There are many other types:

  • Matsutake grows in China, Japan, North America, Russia, Finland, Korea, Sweden;

  • giant, grows up to 20 cm in diameter, is in almost all European countries, North Africa, Japan, Russia;

  • crowded, grows in a temperate climatic zone; in Asian countries it is widely used in pharmacology;

  • Mongolian, looks like a porcini mushroom, but the plates give out a row in it, grows in Mongolia, Central Asia, and Western China.

There are many inedible species in this family: white, gray, pointed, brown, leopard.

Beneficial features

Earthen rowing, in addition to being an excellent dietary product, has a number of useful qualities:

  • contains vitamins A, C, K, PP, D2, D7, group B, betaine;

  • minerals: manganese, zinc, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus;

  • phenols:

  • polysaccharides;

  • natural antibiotics: clitocin, fomycin;

  • amino acids: stearic, glutamic and aspartic acids, phenylalanine, alanine, lysine, threonine;

  • ergosterol.

Edible rankings have antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulating properties. They are used in the complex treatment of the following diseases:

  • oncology;

  • diabetes;

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;

  • to normalize the pressure;

  • with a disorder of the nervous system;

  • arrhythmia;

  • osteoporosis;

  • rheumatism.


However, uncontrolled consumption of mushrooms can be dangerous. Ryadovka can accumulate any pollution in itself, including heavy metals. Better to collect young specimens. Overeating with mushrooms leads to pain, heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence. People suffering from diseases of the gallbladder, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, the gastrointestinal tract, with low acidity, it is undesirable often and in large quantities to include in their diet row.


Ryadovka earthy is pleasant and delicate in taste. It is good both in fresh form, and as preparations for the winter. Good housewives successfully pickle and salt mushrooms of this species. There are several nuances in their preparation:

  • firstly, you need to cook only young mushrooms, the "old people" will be bitter;

  • secondly, before cooking, they must be thoroughly washed, sand and other garbage are clogged in the plates;

  • thirdly, it is necessary to remove the skin from the hat.

Observing these simple rules, you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy dishes.
