
The most amazing and beautiful rose Ecuador: photos, varieties

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The most amazing and beautiful rose Ecuador: photos, varieties
The most amazing and beautiful rose Ecuador: photos, varieties

Video: JFTV: HUGE Ecuadorian Ghobi Roses with Celine 2024, July

Video: JFTV: HUGE Ecuadorian Ghobi Roses with Celine 2024, July

When you buy a large rose of bright color, you know, perhaps it was brought from areas of the Kayamba volcano far from us. They grow a huge variety of beautiful varieties of the most beautiful flower, called the rose.


Paradise place for roses

This is the best place to grow flowers. The soil and climate of this territory are ideal for plantations. The rose is especially well taken root. Ecuador has become the birthplace of many varieties of this magnificent indescribable beauty of the plant.

Locals with great trepidation and great respect for roses, and not only because the export of flowers brings them a lot of income. This plant is a symbol of the Catholic Church, and religion is not of secondary importance here.

Ecuador and the rose are inseparable, so the flowers are present in almost all interiors, and always fresh. Such amazing beauty is not found anywhere in the world.


What is Ecuador good for roses?

In fairly spacious territories of Ecuador, flowers, and even more so roses, receive a lot of warmth and light. This contributes to the appearance of saturated color. And also the unique soil of these places favorably affects the variety of colors.

Practice has shown that exactly the same varieties grown in areas with different soil had different shades. And most importantly, a rose is beautiful in any shade.

Ecuador has unique plantations. They are located on the slopes of volcanoes, which are located at a high altitude. Such conditions contribute to the extension of the stems, and the flowers themselves become more hardy and strong.

Competition worthy of these roses is only the flowers of Kenya. The pink plantations in Ecuador are carefully guarded.

How locals relate to flowers

Rosa Ecuador, photo plants are presented in the article, as noted above, is the main one in the Catholic world. This is the most beautiful name for girls or the best name for a village. Flowers are an integral part of the daily life of the people of Ecuador. They all believe that they will spend the next day under the auspices of the main Latin American symbol - Holy Rose.

Roses are reverent. This is not found anywhere in the world, as in the small Catholic country of Ecuador. Rose is everywhere. The people of these places believe in good things and love sincerely and childishly. Fresh flowers are everywhere: in homes, in chapels, and at gas stations.

In Ecuador, the most famous geographical name is Santa Rosa. This is the first village in Kayamba (in the valley), which grows a huge number of flowers.


Bit of history

The pink business was once in the Golden Age. At that time, no one had heard of Russian merchants, and all flowers were sent only to North America. The expression "flower planter" meant "aristocrat." These were people who were called old families in Ecuador, that is, descendants of the Spanish conquerors. All this was 20 years ago. This is a period of fabulous loans, chic limousines and fabulous brand new yachts in Miami in the very beginning of the 1990s.

In the early twentieth century, growing flowers again became a profitable business. Rosa Ecuador occupied huge plantations. Where the climate is colder, the plants grow beautiful and tall. Flowers feel best at altitudes of up to 3200 m above sea level, on the slopes of volcanoes - these are cheap Native American lands. And the variety of soils in mountainous areas has led to the appearance of such a palette of shades that nearby plantations are not alike.

Pink plantations of Ecuador

In Ecuador there is no empty and no land. Only very completely barren and cold territories, which are located at an altitude of more than 4000 m above sea level, as well as the surrounding tundra volcanoes, which are national parks. Every piece of land is cultivated in the country.


Rosa Ecuador grows everywhere. Kayamba and Tumbako (valleys at an altitude of 2500 m) are completely dotted with white roses. From a height they look like rags, each with an area of ​​1 hectare. Moreover, these territories are increasing.

70, 000 residents of Kayamba are associated with flowers: they build greenhouses, fertilize soils, grow, carry crops, etc.

There are few so-called old families in this valley. But here appeared plantations owned by the peasants themselves. The image of the planter has changed. It has an Indian peasant bone. They spend all day on pink plantations, driving in a jeep.

Varieties of roses Ecuador: photos

In total, about 400 varieties of roses are grown in Ecuador today. It should be noted that one plantation, for confidence in the sales market, must provide finished products of at least 20 varieties.


Russian buyers prefer roses with tall stems, not only growth in the matter. The Russians have the highest and most stringent standards: closed buds are not very suitable and too open are also not suitable.

More and more new varieties are appearing. Before filling the hangar with a new variety, it must be observed at least one cycle (9 months from planting to cutting).

Demand is stable and practically does not change only on scarlet plants. And the other varieties of roses Ecuador in different years are of varying success.