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The scariest picture in the world. The most "scary" picture

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The scariest picture in the world. The most "scary" picture
The scariest picture in the world. The most "scary" picture

Video: Top 10 Scary Paintings That Moved 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Scary Paintings That Moved 2024, July

Not all artists prefer portraits and landscapes. Some want to convey in their images a certain mystery, mysticism, a sense of fear. For example, the most terrible picture in the world, inflicting endless horror on all Internet users, was photographed from the famous canvas entitled “Hands Resist It”. This truly eerie canvas created such a stir around itself that many were afraid to even look at it through the monitor screen, thinking that it was damned. Rumor has it that the artist poured all his dark sides of the soul and the most terrible nightmares onto the picture. However, more about everything in our interesting article.

"Hands resist him." Fiction or real curse?

This creepy picture was painted in 1972 by the famous artist Bill Stoneham. It depicts a girl resembling a doll and a boy of about 5 years of age. Children stand against a glass door, on which you can see a huge number of small palms.

The most terrible picture in the world was copied from a child’s photo of the artist. Stoneham portrayed himself at the age of 5 and a little neighborly girl.


What did the artist want to say?

According to Stoneham, a door means nothing more than a wall between the world of the living and the parallel world of dreams. The boy on the canvas is depicted angry and displeased. And this is not surprising, because he really wants to open the door and see what is beyond the real world. But children's hands resist this, blocking the boy’s path. The doll standing next to it, insensitive and empty. She does not see or hear anything, but she is the only one who in this case can help the boy penetrate the world of dreams.

What terrible stories are associated with the picture?

The first owner of "Hands Resist Him" ​​was the famous American actor John Marley. After some time, the man died. Nobody still knows whether the ill-fated picture is really to blame for his death. The same thing happened with other owners of the mystical canvas. Once possessing this terrible picture, a young family told about terrible things happening in their house. They found the canvas in a landfill along with another pile of unnecessary things. Rejoiced, the head of the family took her to the house and placed her in a prominent place. At night, their little daughter burst into the bedroom with their parents screaming that some children were quarreling in her room. The next day, the girl again reported that the image in the picture had changed somewhat - the children were outside the glass door. After that, the father decided to get rid of the “damned” creation.

In 2000, the image of the canvas appeared at an online auction. Administrators warned Internet users that this is the scariest picture in the world, because it was photographed from the analogue of the cursed painting "Hands Resist Him", which brought grief to many people. However, many closely examined the image, showing their immense curiosity. And after some time letters began to come to the administrator's mailing address, indicating that after viewing the "ill-fated" image, many began to feel dizzy.

Despite the eerie letters, the worst picture was still sold. Its owner was the brave owner of an art gallery named Kim Smith. After some time, letters began to come to his address, saying that this was the worst picture. Smith even offered the services of famous psychics who promised to expel the demons from this terrible canvas. To date, the fate of the picture is unknown.

Crying Boy

The painting “The Crying Boy” was painted by Italian artist Giovanni Bragolin. Many people viewing the image on the Internet claim that this is the scariest picture of the planet they have ever seen.


There are several versions of this painting. The first says that the artist had a little son of 4 years of age. The boy was very afraid of fire and everything connected with it. Rumor has it that Giovanni allegedly set fire to a match and brought it to his face in order to more accurately capture all his anger and fear. Rumor has it that the baby because of this hated his cruel father so much that he sincerely wished him to burn. After a while, the boy died of pneumonia, and then suddenly a fire broke out in his father's workshop. Fire incinerated everything in its path. Only the canvas remained untouched. It is no wonder that the “Crying Boy” is the most terrible picture in the world, at the sight of which many people tremble in their hearts.

Later, an unexpected series of fires took place throughout England, in which people died. No matter how strange it may sound, but in all the rooms were works of Giovanni, which remained absolutely untouched. People decided that the ghost of the offended boy who had settled in the canvas decided to take revenge on the whole world. It is known that the most terrible picture in the world still excites the subconscious of many. That fear, which is reflected in the eyes of a small, innocent boy, will never be forgotten. The original “Crying Boy” was never found.

The Red Dragon by William Blake

One of the most controversial artists and poets of modern times painted this picture, receiving inspiration from the Book of Revelations. In the picture, William depicted the devil himself, who appeared to him in dreams.


The author managed to portray the king of darkness quite plausibly. Many at that time did not even have any doubts about the fact that the artist could really meet the devil himself in his dreams.

The Scream by Edward Munch

As the artist himself wrote in his personal diary, he depicted in his picture those feelings that he had once experienced. “Scream” is undoubtedly included in the list of “Scariest Pictures”. The art gallery, which stores this terrible canvas in its walls, is located in the city of Oslo (Norway) and is called the National Gallery.


Many scientists are of the opinion that Munk was a mentally unstable person, because only a person with serious diseases of the nervous system can portray this. The author created paintings of the same subject, which, as he himself claimed, tormented him for many years.

Many people think that the scariest picture in the world is the prototype of Scream. Few people know that the original of this famous canvas caused many deaths. The owners of this terrible picture allegedly suffered serious illnesses or became victims of terrible disasters.

"Venus with a mirror." Diego Velazquez

There are other scariest paintings and pictures, for example, “Venus with a Mirror”, written by the artist Diego Velazquez.


This seemingly unremarkable canvas has already brought a lot of grief to its owners.

Rumor has it that the one who acquired the damned picture, quickly went bankrupt and was dying from a deadly disease. That is why "Venus with a Mirror" for a long time could not find a permanent owner. In 1914, the most terrible picture was destroyed, an unknown woman cut it with a knife.

"Saturn devouring his son" by Francisco Goya

The Spanish artist depicted in his painting a mythical character named Kronos, who was afraid that his own son would overthrow him, and in despair devoured the flesh of his children.


As you know, the author created this picture in a bad mood. Having suffered a huge number of diseases, Goya tried to pour out all his suffering and torment on canvas.

"Nightmare" by Henry Fuselli

"Nightmare" is the work of the famous English artist Henry Fuselli. Creativity of the author was more inclined to mysticism and secrets. He drew his stories from mythology and literature (most often the master depicted Shakespeare's works).


In "Nightmare" Fuselli portrayed a woman lying unconscious, on whose chest sits an incubus (a demon indulging in sexual pleasures with single women). Her figure is curved and elongated. Between the curtains you can see the head of an eyeless horse, which represents a contented demon.

Paintings by Zdislav Beksinski

Polish artist Zdislav Beksinski most often depicted in his paintings dying and deformed people, wars, crumbling worlds, apocalypse and eternal grief.


Rumor has it that the artist depicted his death on the last canvas. The picture was the body of a punched man. Such a terrible fate befell the artist. He was killed by the son of the commandant because Zdislav refused to lend him money.

Theodore Gericault and his Severed Heads

For his work, the artist used real human limbs, which he found in the morgues. Therefore, not in vain, looking at the image, many argue that this is the most terrible picture in the world.
