
The highest paid profession in Belarus. Economy and industry of Belarus

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The highest paid profession in Belarus. Economy and industry of Belarus
The highest paid profession in Belarus. Economy and industry of Belarus

Video: Ways out of the Impasse in Belarus. A panel discussion with experts from Belarus. 2024, July

Video: Ways out of the Impasse in Belarus. A panel discussion with experts from Belarus. 2024, July

All people choose a place of work based on various principles: someone follows in the footsteps of their parents, someone seeks self-fulfillment and therefore seeks work for the soul, and for someone the most important criterion is prestige and high salary. In Belarus, as in any other country, many job seekers are looking for a place with high incomes. What is the highest paid profession in Belarus?

Country Brief

The Republic of Belarus is a state located in Eastern Europe with the capital in the city of Minsk. It borders with Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic countries: Lithuania and Latvia. The area of ​​Belarus is 207 thousand km 2 - this is the 84th place in the world. As of January 1, 2018, 9.5 million people live on it (of which Belarusians - 84%). About 30% of the population lives in Minsk and the region. 4.5 million people are economically active.


The state has been leading its history since 1991, the year of the collapse of the USSR and independence. Belarus is a unitary state with a presidential form of government. Since 1994, the current president is Alexander Lukashenko, in whose hands the executive branch. Legislative power is exercised by a bicameral parliament.

Economic specificity

The Belarusian economy is being built in accordance with the market model. In some areas, the share of state ownership is high (mining and energy industry, agricultural sector). Industry is extremely important for Belarus - its share in GDP is about 37%. About a third of the total able-bodied population of the country works in the industrial sphere. Agriculture is also important for the state: it provides 7% of GDP and jobs for 10% of the economically active population.


GDP, as of 2016, amounted to $ 47.4 billion (per capita - $ 4, 990), which is 2.6% lower than in the previous year. The level of imports is $ 3.8 billion higher than the level of exports ($ 22.9 billion), which indicates a negative trade balance. The refined oil and potash fertilizers are mainly exported - the manufacturing industry of Belarus occupies about 2/3 of the total industry. Mostly crude oil and gas are imported.

Labor exchange situation

Analyzing the current situation on the labor market in Belarus, namely at the sites where employers and job seekers post their announcements, vacancies and resumes, we can say that 25% of the vacancies are sales and customer service managers. Employers also need sellers, who account for 17% of open vacancies. There are not enough experienced drivers - 10% of vacancies remain open. However, these are not the highest paid professions in Belarus: managers receive an average of 1000 rubles (about 30 thousand Russian rubles), sellers - 750 rubles.


In the case of applicants, the situation on the labor market is rather favorable for them. 13% of job seekers want to engage in and develop in the field of management, which is consistent with the proposed vacancies.

Doctors and educators in short supply

As of 2017, the state is experiencing an acute shortage of medical personnel and employees of educational institutions. The most popular professions in Belarus at the moment are the profession of a physician and teacher. The Belarusian Ministry of Labor reports a lack of qualified personnel in cities and rural areas. The seriousness of the situation can be understood from the statistics: on June 1, 2017 in the country's cities, only 21 physicians were considered unemployed with 2, 405 job offers on the labor exchange. Thus, the supply was 115 times higher than demand.


For example, in 2017, there were 314 vacancies for unemployed feldshers, and 136 jobs for obstetricians. Unfortunately, this state of affairs is understandable. The fact is that the average salary of a doctor in Belarus is quite small: only 800 rubles (26 thousand Russian rubles). A young specialist who has just completed an internship can count on a maximum salary of 600 rubles, more often 300-400. In rural areas, there were 40 times more open vacancies for nurses than non-working nurses themselves. The same situation is observed with teachers: on average 15 workers with teacher education applied for 130 vacancies in cities.

Salaries of military and civil aviation pilots

Usually, military personnel receive both good wages and decent pensions for long service. However, in Belarus, the military salary is on average an order of magnitude lower than in Russia or in countries included in the NATO bloc. Until 2017, the average salary of a soldier was in the range of $ 300, which is 5 times lower than in Russia at that time. On September 1, 2017, the state raised salaries and pensions for military personnel.


Civil aviation pilots in Belarus can receive really high salaries. Only one salary is within 1.5 thousand rubles. However, the pilots working at Belavia themselves say that the amount can reach up to 3 thousand rubles.

Top 3 professions with good earnings

Over the past few years, in Belarus there has been a tendency to increase the role and influence of several areas: economic, information, as well as marketing and management. There are quite few genuine qualified specialists in the economic sphere, which can be seen in Belarus. That is why large companies and corporations are looking for experienced employees as credit experts and financial analysts in order to maximize their profits. Moreover, financial directors receive huge, by the standards of the country, salaries - from 3 to 8 thousand rubles, which makes the position one of the highest paid professions in Belarus.


The country is also very in demand and will be in demand by IT-specialists, since information technology does not stand still. At the start of a career, the salary is not so great, but over time it can reach 2.8 thousand rubles. The sphere of marketing and management is also actively developing. Marketers, advertisers, sales specialists will always find a job with a stable salary. She, subject to high qualifications and experience, can be 2-3 thousand rubles.