
The safest cities in the world: rating

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The safest cities in the world: rating
The safest cities in the world: rating

Video: Top 10 Safest World Cities | MojoTravels 2024, June

Video: Top 10 Safest World Cities | MojoTravels 2024, June

We are all used to thinking that small settlements where everyone knows each other are much safer than megacities. In fact, big cities are not necessarily dangerous. Statistical analysis showed that the risk of getting into an unpleasant situation is reduced in proportion to population growth. The most protected are residents of those settlements where more than 500 thousand people live. This seems implausible, but statistics are stubborn.

Parameters for assessing the safety of cities that analysts used to compile the rating


In December 2017, The Economist weekly news magazine published an urban security index (hereinafter referred to as IBG) based on personal, digital security factors, the level of development of healthcare and infrastructure.

Personal security is based on indicators of local crime, the likelihood of terrorist acts and other types of violence, as well as the population’s workload of drugs and weapons, their availability. Digital security is an assessment of the risks of an attack on the information security of a computer system by hackers, such as cyber attacks. Safety of health care implies the access of the population to medical services and the quality of these services, the number of hospitals (hospital beds) and / or outpatient clinics, the work of emergency services, the availability of medicines (i.e. their availability in pharmacies and the price policy of pharmacists). Infrastructure safety is considered in cities with strong anti-seismic buildings, roads and bridges, associated with the load of residential areas with gas stations, the presence of nuclear power plants and their proximity to the population.

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The safest cities around the world on a 100-point scale


The data are presented in the table below. In drawing up the overall assessment, analysts relied on indicators such as individual, digital, medical and infrastructural security, the indices of which were distributed along a gradient from 1 (the safest) to 25 (the most dangerous).

City name General assessment (IBG) personal safety rating digital security rating medical safety rating infrastructure safety rating
Frankfurt, Germany 84.86 eleven 16 3 23
Zurich, Switzerland 85.20 20 19 4 ten
Hong Kong 86.22 7 5 24 7
Stockholm, Sweden 86.72 nine 13 ten 4
Sydney, Australia 86.74 12 12 6 nine
Amsterdam, Netherlands 87.26 eleven 5 13 7
Melbourne Australia 87.30 eight eleven nine 7
Toronto Canada 87.36 5 6 eleven fourteen
Osaka, Japan 88.87 3 fourteen 1 eleven
Singapore 89.64 1 2 13 1
Tokyo, Japan 89.80 4 1 2 12

Note that none of the cities in the United States was on this list. San Francisco, with 15th place, is closest to it. Moscow is ranked 41st. On the other hand, Japanese and Australian cities are on the list of the best. The safest place to live in terms of security for the medical, digital and personal spheres is Tokyo, the capital of Japan. The society here can calmly solve its problems without looking back at thieves, maniacs and killers.