
The loudest betrayals among the stars

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The loudest betrayals among the stars
The loudest betrayals among the stars

Video: I Prevail - Scars (Official Music Video) 2024, July

Video: I Prevail - Scars (Official Music Video) 2024, July

We are all humans. Celebrity status does not guarantee happiness in your personal life. Absolutely everyone knows that the rich also cry. Money does not give stars an advantage in arranging their personal lives. They also experience betrayal and betrayal, get married, break up.

Theft of the Dancers


For a long time, Catti Perry and Taylor Swift were good friends. Until Catti stole … the dancers from a "co-worker" for her music show. From the outside, the situation looked absurd. Tabloids added fuel to the fire. For some time, a quarrel between the two performers became the most discussed topic not only in Hollywood, but also far beyond.

After some time, the conflict came to naught. But, as before, Catti and Taylor no longer communicated.

Kristen Stewart is a traitor

At one time, the vampire saga "Twilight" made a splash. The love between the main characters very quickly from the screen passed into real life. It seemed that Kristen and Robert were happy, but there it was. During the filming of the next version of "Snow White", the film director and performer of one of the main roles retired. It seemed to them that no one was seeing them. Lovers sweetly kissed and whispered. It was captured in the photographs. Who made them and for what purpose is unknown. It is only clear that the pictures got to the second half of the infidel celebrities. After some time, a couple of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson broke up.


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Ben Affleck and Nanny

From the outside, it seemed that Ben Affleck (in the main photo) is an exemplary family man. What was the surprise of the public when the fact of the betrayal of a famous actor with … a nanny of children surfaced. After the actor’s wife learned about the infidelity of the partner, the nanny was fired. It turned out that Ben Affleck had a vicious relationship with a girl raising their children for several months.

Shortly after the incident, the couple broke up. However, officially the couple divorced only in 2018.

Balthazar Getty and Sienna Miller


The fact that the Balthazar Getty is a traitor, the legitimate wife of the actor learned from the press. In one of the newspapers, pictures were posted in which Getty and Sienna Miller kiss cute on the beach.

Balthazar's wife, Rosetta Millington, is in no hurry to file for divorce, in every way preventing it. The couple broke up, although the gap was not officially formalized. The actor began to live with Sienna Miller. However, the idyll did not last long. And less than a year later, Balthazar returned to his wife.

Livia Firth and Stalker Lover


Livia Firth, the wife of the famous actor Colin Firth, had an affair behind her husband's back during 2015 and 2016. Fortunately, the woman recovered herself in time and broke the connection. However, the lover of Libya was unhappy and began to chase the couple. As a result, the couple had to go to court to get rid of the persecution of an obsessive fan of Libya.

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Heather Locklear


Denise Richards and Heather Locklear were not only best friends, but also neighbors. Their mansions in Hollywood were connected by one path. Locklear offered her husband a divorce. A few months before the divorce, the man began a relationship with Denise Richards. Friendship and marriage were broken.

Gwyneth and Winona are no longer friends


Winona Ryder and Gwyneth Paltrow were the most promising, coolest and most interesting actresses of the 90s, as well as best friends. Even their soul mates were alike.

Gwyneth didn’t take her beloved man away from Winona, she stole … Oscar. Once, the blonde found the script of the film called "Shakespeare in Love" from Winona, who was about to try her hand at the casting in the near future.

Gwyneth carefully examined the find and went to the casting herself. As a result, the role was given to her. Subsequently, Gwyneth Paltrow received the only Oscar for her work, and the friendship between the two celebrities was forever broken.

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Princess Diana and Prince Charles


Probably everyone knows about the history of the famous couple. The heir to the British throne cheated on his legal wife for a long time. The romance of two young people began long before the marriage of the prince.

An official marriage could not rectify the situation. Diana recalled that Camille - the prince's lover - was always present in their relationship. The marriage of the darling of millions and the British heir did not save even the children.

Jerry Halliwell leaves the Spice Girls


For members of the famous women's group Spice Girls, it was a big shock to Jerry's decision to leave the roster. The departure of one of the audience’s favorites was the beginning of the end. And soon after the unpleasant incident, the group broke up. A few years ago, Jerry apologized to her fans and said that she regrets what she did.