
The most scandalous American celebrities

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The most scandalous American celebrities
The most scandalous American celebrities

Video: The Most Scandalous Love Affairs Ever 2024, June

Video: The Most Scandalous Love Affairs Ever 2024, June

Their faces constantly appear on the pages of yellow print media. They cannot imagine their life without scandals and revelations. We made a list of names of American celebrities who often surprise their fans with different antics.

Lindsay Lohan

Everyone remembers this red-haired little devil from children's Disney movies. Her career went uphill so quickly that now her name could stand in line with such American celebrities as Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman. Instead, the whole world is watching how the girl is regularly arrested and forced to undergo treatment for drug addiction. A charming little girl with freckles sank into oblivion, and a woman exhausted with drugs replaced her.


Kim Kardashian

The scandalous and noisy American celebrity with Armenian roots has long been the favorite person of journalists. Her many boyfriends did not hesitate to upload nude photos of Kim to the Network, and one even shared a frank video. But for the girl this was not a tragedy, because behind her already had two marriages. Perhaps it was after this video that rapper Kanye West decided to marry the eccentric beauty. Be that as it may, but even after becoming the mother of three children, the girl continues to shock the audience with her outfits and actions.


Britney Spears

Now no one remembers how a bald singer beat a reporter with an umbrella and walked without underwear, showing all her intimate places to the public. Now she is again on top of Olympus and boasts a large army of fans. But in 2002, after breaking up with Timberlake, this blonde did not get tired of pleasing the world with her eccentricities.


Lady Gaga

If we talk about this legendary person, then it is worth recalling her famous dress made of meat. At one time, it caused a huge stir and made her the most talked about person. The singer, whose voice drives millions of people crazy, loves non-standard outfits, hairstyles and makeup. In the past couple of years, she has been shocking with her body - her weight is changing so rapidly that it is difficult to believe in the reality of what is happening!


Miley Cyrus

Another Disney princess who traded the image of a good girl for the style of a loose tear. Abrupt changes in appearance allowed her to draw attention to her person for a while, but she soon realized that this was not enough. Everything went into play - vulgarity in clothes and on the stage, drugs, outright gestures. It is easier to remember what this talented singer has not done in recent years.


Justin Bieber

The charming boy, who became the first performer whose YouTube clip collected more than a billion views, remained in the distant past. Now this is an adult young man whose behavior is poor. Come drunk to a concert? Easy! Throw Selena Gomez? Easy! Hit the fan? And he can do it!


Paris Hilton

The heiress of a huge fortune is among the American celebrities whose fame was achieved through high-profile scandals. There are legends about the nature of this beauty. And her plastic surgery and painful thinness only add fuel to the fire!


Johnny Depp

This handsome until a certain time was an example to follow. A faithful husband and a wonderful actor turned out to be not the most decent man. The crystal clear reputation was tarnished when the whole world learned that he had beaten his wife Amber Hurt. The scandalous divorce and sharing of property only aggravated it, and so is not the best position.


Mel Gibson

It would seem that he was a decent man and a famous actor, but there were skeletons in his closet. First, the truth was revealed that he had beaten Oksana Grigoriev, and then, as they say, Ostap suffered … Drunk anti-Semitic, and then racist remarks, a prison term, fights - this is not the whole list of his “exploits” in recent years.


Charlie sheen

Of all the American male celebrities, this one managed to break all scandal records. First, he was accused of seducing a teenager, and then he himself revealed his terrible secret. After his statement that he had a positive HIV status, numerous lawsuits from past lovers rained down. Now Charlie is undergoing treatment and is trying to stay at large, paying material compensation to her friends.
