
The most beautiful criminal in the world - biography, history and interesting facts

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The most beautiful criminal in the world - biography, history and interesting facts
The most beautiful criminal in the world - biography, history and interesting facts

Video: Top 10 Most Notorious Criminals of All Time 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Most Notorious Criminals of All Time 2024, July

Is it possible to become happy after being caught by the police for illegal possession of weapons? It turns out yes! That is how the story of Jeremy Mix, the most beautiful criminal in the world, began.

In June 2014, this guy was arrested in California and is believed to have posted his photo on the police department Facebook page. The picture suddenly began to gain thousands of likes, and after some time even a fan-made online community was formed. And that was the beginning of Jeremy’s popularity.



Very little personal data is known regarding the most beautiful criminal of our time. The guy was born on February 7, 1984 in the California city of Stockton. It is small, about 300 thousand people live in it. Stockton is the administrative center of San Joaquin County, which has a reputation as the city with the highest crime rates in the entire region. Forbes Magazine placed him in 5th place among the most dangerous cities in the United States.

About the guy's family there is practically no data. It is known that he has a brother, with whom they are united not only by external attractiveness, but also by problems with the law.


The biography of the most beautiful criminal in the world is full of articles about breaking the law. For misconduct, the young man spent several years in places of detention. The arrest of the summer of 2014 was not the first in his life. This guy has been known to Stockton's cops since the mid-2000s, and they even suspect that Mix is ​​a member of a gang known in the area.

If you look closely at the guy’s face, then under the eye you can see a small tattoo in the form of a tear. There is an opinion that this is a label about belonging to an organized gang. And it’s quite specific.

When a person who is close to a gang member is killed, the outline of such a tear is filled on his cheek. It is filled with ink only after the implementation of revenge. Jeremy’s tear, as you can see, is completely painted over. Can any conclusion be drawn from this? It is unlikely, since nothing was found out in court on the tattoo.


After posting a photo

The story of Jeremy demonstrates the effectiveness of the interactivity of social networks. As soon as his photograph appeared on Facebook, the likes literally fell. Almost immediately, a comment appeared from one of the users, who noted that the guy was unreal handsome. A few more girls instantly agreed with her, then others took up the topic.

Suddenly, the ladies began to repost this photo in their profile. And just a few days later the number of “hearts” set under the picture exceeded the mark of 100, 000. Jeremy was called the most beautiful criminal in the world.

Naturally, no one expected this. Jeremy was in shock, and his wife was in a real rage - her husband was placed in custody, and some ladies from the Internet allow themselves to let out sugary and comic comments about his appearance! The situation, to put it mildly, was distinguished by its eccentricity.


Consequences of Attractiveness

Thousands of women have launched a discussion on Jeremy Mix in discussions. The most beautiful criminal was discussed in detail. Representatives of eminent modeling agencies immediately responded to such unusual popularity by directly offering the prisoner … work in this business! Fashion houses and well-known brands have a burning desire to work with a guy.

However, this work really suits Jeremy. He has a beautiful appearance for this - bright blue eyes, full lips and a beautiful smile, a neat nose, expressive high cheekbones, and a captivating, confident, even somewhat arrogant look. And also tattoos, adding some brutality. If we talk about the body, then Mix is ​​not a "mountain of muscles", but it looks very fit and sporty. Definitely, Jeremy is the most beautiful criminal in all respects.


Exit to freedom

Two years after the arrest of 2014, the guy spent in prison. Have you forgotten about it? Surprisingly, no! As soon as the guy was released - he was literally bombarded with advertising offers of various nature.

Naturally, Jeremy agreed. He signed a contract with the renowned agency White Cross Management. Filming for magazine covers, model shows, social events - all this has become an integral part of his new life.

Of course, with such popularity, Jeremy Mix, the most beautiful criminal, immediately started a page on Instagram, which, by the way, received a “check” for verification. At the moment, the guy has a little more than a hundred publications and a half million subscribers.

And the promotion of Mix was taken up by the famous photographer and model scout named Jim Jordan. Over the year, the guys became close both on the labor fronts and in ordinary life. Jeremy always mentions Jim only in conjunction with the phrase “best friend”, and constantly publishes photos with a friend from both the backstage of filming and traveling. By the way, their joint picture is presented above.


New activity

The most beautiful criminal in the United States quickly joined his new image. In February of this year, 2017, his first show took place. And not somewhere, but at Fashion Week in New York! On the catwalk, Jeremy was invited by Philip Plain - a famous German designer from Munich, who is the notorious "bully" of the fashion world.

Mix was perfect for him. Who would better reflect Plain's grunge concept if not a brutal guy with tattoos? No one. The public was of the same opinion! Having barely appeared on the catwalk, Jeremy produced the effect of an exploding bomb.

After the show, Mix received an invitation to shoot - Man About Town magazine longed to see the guy on his cover. The newly made celebrity agreed to pose with a naked torso in front of the lens, behind which was Stephen Klein himself. Jeremy, by the way, also became close friends with him. They say the guys are planning some kind of joint project, which should be a sensation. But there is no details about this yet.
