
The plane landed after 37 years: the secret of Flight 914 is revealed

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The plane landed after 37 years: the secret of Flight 914 is revealed
The plane landed after 37 years: the secret of Flight 914 is revealed

Video: Did Pan Am Flight 914 Really Land 37 Years Later 2024, July

Video: Did Pan Am Flight 914 Really Land 37 Years Later 2024, July

An incredible case, the reality of which is impossible to believe, occurred in South America. It is reported that in 1992, at the capital's airport of the Republic of Venezuela, the plane landed 37 years after its disappearance in the sky over the United States of America.

Event history

The passenger airliner, which flew from New York to Miami in July 1955, suddenly disappeared from the radar. Despite large-scale search activities, the location of the death of the aircraft could not be found.

The tragic incident eventually faded from memory. The fate of the crew and passengers would have remained unknown, but suddenly the plane landed … after 37 years in Caracas. Airport employees had to experience a real shock when the long-obsolete Douglas DC-4 started circling in the sky.


How it was: testimonies of participants

Juan de La Corte, who assumed the post of duty dispatcher that day, said that, worried about the unplanned appearance of the aircraft, he hastened to contact the pilot on the walkie-talkie. Between them, approximately the following dialogue took place:

- Who you are? Where are you going?

- We are going to Florida!

- You deviated from the route by 1, 500 kilometers. Provide your details.

- Flight 914. New York - Miami.

A heavy silence reigned in the dispatchers' room - many knew about the disaster of 1955 from the surviving reports in special magazines. Nevertheless, a strip was urgently prepared for the emergency reception of the vessel. The once-missing plane landed after 37 years, as if in a normal, unremarkable, regular situation.


They disappeared again, not promising to return.

The further course of events turned out to be even more unpredictable. Landing was successful. The airport radio operator congratulated the crew on their successful arrival in Caracas and announced the current date - May 21, 1992. There was no answer, but managed to hear expressive exclamations mixed with curses.

Panic started in the cockpit. From the conversation of the pilots, it became clear that they needed to be in Florida at 9.55 on July 2, 1955. How did the crash plane land after 37 years? The mystery of the flight still causes burning interest among Internet users around the world.

Workers responsible for refueling aircraft ran up to the muffled board. Noticing people rushing to help, the commander raised the glass and waved his hand several times in which he held a tablet with documents. The pilot's gesture expressed a demand not to approach and leave them alone. A few minutes later, the aircraft soared above the airfield and disappeared into the clouds.


Material evidence of an incredible incident

Only one circumstance became a confirmation of what happened. Otherwise, everything could be attributed to massive hallucinations or a joke of airport workers. At the phantom's parking lot, they found a pocket calendar dated 1955.

In all likelihood, he fell out of the cockpit during a bickering pilot with tankers. Why the plane landed after 37 years, and when its next exit from parallel worlds will take place, no one knows.

Eyewitnesses claimed that the faces of passengers, clinging to the windows of the windows, were distorted by grimaces of horror. According to records from forty years ago, at least 57 people were on board. The protocols of the survey of airport employees, together with material evidence in the form of a calendar, were transferred to the relevant authorities for investigative actions.


The tragedy of the liner DC-4: truth and fiction

This whole story is mystical and can tickle the nerves of an inexperienced layman. However, if you look closely, you can notice some discrepancies. In various sources, there is a mismatch in the dates of the appearance of the mysterious aircraft. Some documents refer to September 1990, while others refer to May 1992. A number of publications describe the landing of Flight 914 in Venezuela between 1985 and 1993.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the moment of the ship's death is everywhere indicated with constant accuracy - July 2, 1955. But official information about the crash with a passenger plane in the specified period does not exist. If we assume that the data was classified in connection with the events of the 1990s, then why was the talk about the crash of the Douglas DC-4 earlier? The US authorities could not look into the future and see how the disappeared plane landed 37 years later on the neighboring mainland.