
Saveliev Alexander Vasilievich: biography, personal life, photos, achievements

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Saveliev Alexander Vasilievich: biography, personal life, photos, achievements
Saveliev Alexander Vasilievich: biography, personal life, photos, achievements

A talented banker, chairman of the powerful St. Petersburg Bank, Alexander Savelyev is a well-known and influential person in the world of finance. He is on the list of the most influential people in Russia according to Forbes. What is the secret to the success of this businessman?


The future banker was born in Kazan in March 1954. Alexander grew up a cheerful and active boy. Like other children, he was fond of sports, was engaged in sports sections.

Since childhood, Alexander Savelyev showed extraordinary ability to study mathematics, logic, physics and other exact sciences. Teachers noted well-developed logical thinking, the guy surprised everyone with non-standard solutions to the tasks.

After school, Alexander Vasilievich easily entered the Kazan Aviation Institute named after A.N. Tupolev, who graduated in 1978 with a diploma in mechanical engineering. The guy studied well, had high scores at the final exams.

Work in transport companies

After graduating from the institute in 1978, Aleksandr Vasilyevich Savelyev got a job in the Kazan branch of the Research Institute of Technology and Organization of Production, where he worked for almost 3 years, until 1981.

In 1981-1982, the young engineer was in a creative search. He worked in various transport companies in his hometown. Then the specialist decided to go to St. Petersburg. Alexander Vasilyevich Saveliev found a job here in a transport company.

Having established himself as a competent and responsible employee, Savelyev quickly flew up the career ladder.

In 1992, he held a managerial position in the General Directorate of Supply of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council in the department of motor vehicle management.

In 1995, Alexander Vasilievich became the head of another transport company called LLC Komavtoservis.

From 1996 to 1998, Alexander Vasilyevich Savelyev worked as the general director of another company - Freight Trucking Enterprise No. 12.


Banker career

The turning point in the biography of Savelyev Alexander Vasilyevich can be considered 1998, when he was invited to work at the Petrovsky Bank. A talented and experienced leader, he immediately took the post of deputy chairman of the bank. Work in the "Petrovsky" gave Savelyev pleasure. He liked his position, but the lack of career prospects made Alexander Vasilievich think about changing his job.

Having received an offer from Baltonexim Bank in June 2000, Savelyev moved to this institution, but worked there for only six months.

An experienced financier, a talented banker and an excellent leader constantly received offers of cooperation. One of these positions was particularly tempting. Alexander Vasilievich connected his life with Bank Saint Petersburg. He was offered to take the post of head of the bank’s board. Savelyev Alexander Vasilievich became one of the shareholders of this institution and worked for 13 years.


In 2014, information appeared in the press that Aleksandr Vasilyevich Savelyev was leaving the bank's board due to health problems. However, he no longer imagines his life without working in the financial sector and banking.

Savelyev only temporarily moved away from active leadership. At the same time, he took the post of head of the supervisory board of the bank.

The return of Alexander Vasilyevich Savelyev to St. Petersburg Bank was not long in coming. In 2016, the 62-year-old banker again became the chairman of the bank.

Today Savelyev owns almost 30% of the shares of St. Petersburg Bank. He became a shareholder of the Baltic Fuel Company with an asset of 23.5%, owns the Sevcable plant. In 2010, he also became the owner of a stake in Zarechye bank.


Achievements and ratings of a millionaire

Savelyev is one of the most significant personalities in the field of finance and banking in the country.

In 2003, he was awarded the honorary title of "Banker of the Year."

The leadership of the Russian Federation awarded Alexander Vasilyevich the Order of the 2nd degree "For Merit to the Fatherland".

Saveliev is also the owner of the silver order "Creator of St. Petersburg."

7 years ago (in 2011), Alexander Vasilievich was awarded the “Chef of the Year” independent business award.

The banker's fortune today exceeds $ 600 million. This allowed him to take 158 place in the list of the most influential and wealthy businessmen “The Richest Businessmen of Russia 2011” according to the Russian version of Forbes magazine.

Saveliev is also in the "DP billionaires rating." It is noteworthy that in 2015 he took 129th place in this rating. Over the year, the businessman managed to climb 108 steps and in 2016 to take 21 places in the same list.


Personal life and family of the famous financier

Not much is known about the personal life of Alexander Vasilyevich Savelyev. He tries not to spread the press about his family. Saveliev has been happily married for a long time. In marriage, a daughter was born to the spouses.

Personal relations with subordinates and politicians, as the banker himself admitted, he tries not to start. In one of the interviews, Alexander Vasilievich said that Valentina Matvienko is a friend of their family. And this is perhaps the exception to the rule. Since the families Matvienko and Savelyev have long been friends.
