
Sergey Gorobchenko and Polina Nevzorova - happy large family

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Sergey Gorobchenko and Polina Nevzorova - happy large family
Sergey Gorobchenko and Polina Nevzorova - happy large family

Sergey Gorobchenko and Polina Nevzorova are happy parents of five children. The couple grows up three boys and two girls.

Gorobchenko Sergey Borisovich

The famous Russian theater and film actor was born on July 29, 1972 in the city of Severouralsk (Sverdlovsk Region). The activities of Sergey's parents have never been associated with the theater or cinema. His dad worked all his life as a driver, and his mother served as an engineer-economist.

In school, Gorobchenko, in addition to lessons, was fond of volleyball. When Sergei was 17 years old, he entered the State Mining Institute of St. Petersburg. However, after studying for 3 years, he realized that he had a completely different vocation in life and, leaving school, he entered the State Institute of Theater named after N. Cherkasova. Gorobchenko began acting in films since 1998.


After receiving his education, the young man became an actor of the St. Petersburg Academic Comedy Theater named after N. Akimova, where he was involved as a theater actor until 2000.

After Gorobchenko Sergey Borisovich worked for a couple of years on the stage of the Lenkom State Theater. However, the actor gained true popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s in film roles. So what films did Sergey Gorobchenko star in?

Famous projects with Gorobchenko

Sergey Borisovich began acting in films since 1998. His first roles were episodic and small. First, he played a hacker in the series "National Security Agent" and the chief of service in the second season of the Russian television series "Turetsky March." However, a little later, the actor received an award for filming in the movie "The Shoemaker", where he played the main role.


In 2003, the actor was invited to play the role of Petit Rama in the movie "Boomer". Having starred in the tape, Gorobchenko woke up popular and became famous not only in Russia, but also abroad. Sergei Borisovich began to act in films a lot and was even forced to leave the service in the theater.

It should also be noted the actor’s work in such television projects as the series “Officers”, “Moscow Gigolo”, “Brothers Karamazov”, “Fathers”, “Loop Nesterov”, “Double Blues”. In 2010, the artist was awarded the Man of the Year Award by the GQ men's edition in the Actor of the Year nomination. This year, the star of the films “Boomer” and “Officers” turned 45 years old.

The personal life of the actor

At 25, Sergei Gorobchenko married his classmate, actress Alexander Florinsky. In the second year of training, a couple appeared with a son, who was named Gleb. In a civil marriage, the young were for 6 years. The spouses separated for unknown reasons. Most likely, the marriage cracked due to the fact that young people, due to their young age, were not inferior to each other and did not know how to wisely approach the solution of everyday problems. After parting, Sergey and Alexandra maintained friendly and warm relations. Now Gorobchenko is actively involved in the life of his adult son.


In 2008, the wedding of Sergey Gorobchenko and Polina Nevzorova took place. As a result of this union, the boys Sasha, Petya and Vanya, as well as the girls Anya and Sonya, were born. In one of the frank interviews, Sergei said that he was next to his wife during all births. We can say that the famous film actor took place not only as a celebrity, but also as a faithful spouse and a happy father.

The eldest son Gorobchenko (Gleb) communicates with his father and periodically visits all his relatives. At the moment, he lives with his mother, Alexandra Florinsky, in Italy. The boy is trained in directing and is already making short films in English. Gleb is also creating his own music band.

Wedding young

Over time, actor Sergei Gorobchenko outgrew his own reckless attitude towards life. After all, there was a time when he independently, without the help of understudies, performed all the necessary tricks. Once he received a serious knee injury and underwent a course of treatment for a long time.

At the moment, Sergei Borisovich has become a more responsible person and has begun to take seriously his health and well-being of all family members. A significant event in his life, a popular film actor considers a wedding with his wife Polina. According to Sergei himself, such an act was prompted by his personal acquaintance with the Soviet actor Nikolai Karachentsov and his wife after the accident, during which the beloved artist received a head injury. This tragic event struck Sergei very much, and he decided at all costs to legitimize his relationship with God, getting married to Polina.


Polina Nevzorova: biography and personal life

The future actress was born on October 9, 1981 in the city of St. Petersburg. Her father is a well-known Soviet journalist, and her mother is a research fellow at the Russian National Library. However, when the girl was 9 years old, her parents separated. Polina lived with her mother and grandmother, and Alexander Nevzorov continued to build his career and only periodically visited his daughter.

After studying at school, Polina entered the Academy of Theater Arts, where she studied as a theater and film actress. As an actress, Polina began to show herself during her studies at the university.

After graduating from the academy, some changes took place in the biography and personal life of Polina Nevzorova, as the actress decided to move from her native St. Petersburg to the capital with the aim of creative development in her career.

Activities Nevzorova

While still studying at the academy, Polina Nevzorova was awarded the Golden Rose Prize for the best student production. To date, there are not many roles in the filmography of actress Polina Nevzorova.

The girl periodically starred in episodic and small roles. So, she took part in the filming of such series as “Time to Love”, “Special Department”, “Streets of Broken Lights”. She also starred in the following films: "The Black Prince", "Nine Oranges" and "The Charm of Evil." In 2009, the actress took part in the film adaptation of L. Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina, ” where she played Princess Kortasova.


Polina's personal life

The girl has always been popular with young people, she had many admirers and boyfriends. Sergey Gorobchenko and Polina Nevzorova met at one of social events. However, Sergei did not immediately manage to conquer the beautiful actress, as she for a long time chose between him and other gentlemen.

After they met, before the young people became a couple, several years passed. Polina made her choice and began to meet with Sergey Gorobchenko. For some time they lived in a civil marriage, but when they found out that they would soon become happy parents, they decided to officially register the marriage. At the end of 2008, the first-born was born - Alexander, then the other children of Sergey Gorobchenko and Polina Nevzorova were born.