
Six Demons Annelies Michelle

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Six Demons Annelies Michelle
Six Demons Annelies Michelle

Video: Real Anneliese Michel 6 demons 2024, July

Video: Real Anneliese Michel 6 demons 2024, July

The name of this girl became known all over the world after the sensational horror film "The Six Demons of Emily Rose" was released. The story of demon-possessed German Annelies Michelle caused great excitement among lovers of mysticism. Who was this girl really and can you believe the numerous stories about her obsession?


Real name is Anna-Elizabeth Michel. Born September 21, 1952 in the Bavarian commune of Leiblfing. Father Joseph was a devout carpenter, and mother Anna an office worker. Annelise had an older sister, Martha, who died of cancer at age 8. She was an illegitimate child, and the mother was embarrassed by her sin. The family was very religious, and the daughter was brought up in severity and devotion to the Catholic canons. The girl grew up weak and painful, but this did not stop her from studying perfectly and making music. In addition to her, the family had three more children - the younger sisters Annelise - Gertrude, Barbara and Rosvita.


First symptoms

In 1968, the first spasm occurred, as a result of which Annelies Michelle bit her tongue. Then it did not raise any suspicions, but a year later the real torment began. The girl woke up in the middle of the night and could not move her limbs. An incomprehensible weight squeezed her chest. The family doctor ordered an examination that did not reveal abnormalities in the brain, but showed that the patient had temporal lobe epilepsy. Following is another diagnosis - tuberculosis.

In 1970, she first said that she sees the face of the Devil. The pills and treatment for schizophrenia have not yielded any results. Anelise's condition between seizures was completely normal, which allowed her to graduate from the university. But in 1975, a moment came when the family could no longer turn a blind eye to the strange behavior of the girl. She could no longer control herself during seizures and did crazy things.



A few years before these events, the family had already turned to the clergy with a request to conduct an rite of exorcism over Annelise. But then their petition was rejected - permission from the bishop and evidence was required. Now there were more than enough of them - the girl spoke several languages, ate spiders and even licked urine from the floor. At the same time, she refused to respond to her own name and called herself either Hitler, then Lucifer, or Judas. During attacks, demons even talked to each other, which was recorded on tape. The voices that Annelise spoke did not resemble human voices, and the content of her conversations indicated that she was telling things that she could not know about.


Requests for help

After medicine was forced to admit defeat, the girl realized that she was doomed. In the same 1975, she wrote a letter to Priest Ernst Alt. In it, she asks to pray for her, because no one can help her. Following the advice of Bishop Joseph Stangl with the Jesuits, it was decided to give permission for secret rites. Alt and Wilhelm Renz went to the house of the sufferer.

Exorcism Annelies Michelle

On September 24, priests conducted the first rite. It is not known whether this brought relief to the obsessed girl, but from then on she stops taking medications. A difficult period begins - for as long as 10 months, a German tormented by demons was subjected weekly to two rites of exorcism, which lasted 4 hours. At this time, she reacted sharply to the touch of the priests and revealed the names of all six demons who owned her body and soul. She refuses food and water, which leads to rapid depletion of the body.

Photos of Annelies Michelle confirm her poor physical condition. Her whole body was covered with bruises and non-healing wounds. She was tied to a bed with chains, and held by three people during ceremonies, because at these moments incredible strength awoke in her. Weighing 30 kg and feeling unwell, she showed inhuman power. In June 1976, a weakened body was struck by pneumonia. The girl was no longer able to move independently - her tendons were torn from constant knees. On July 1, 1976, she died in the early morning.