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Bayonet battle: tactics and techniques

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Bayonet battle: tactics and techniques
Bayonet battle: tactics and techniques

Video: Bayonet Fighting 101 2024, June

Video: Bayonet Fighting 101 2024, June

The history of bayonet fighting in domestic military units dates back to the time of Peter the Great, when the shotguns on the guns were replaced with a special tip, and they also strengthened the stock. The new design did not require a bayonet before each salvo or reload. The innovative compound significantly increased the offensive capabilities of the Russian infantry. It is worth noting that the Western European armies considered the piercing element as a protective (defensive) weapon. Domestic troops used it as part of an effective element of the offensive operation.


Historical moments

The active development of bayonet fighting in the Russian army began under the commander A.V. Suvorov. Many people know his “winged” expressions that the bullet is a fool, and the bayonet is well done, and similar statements.

In fact, an outstanding commander purposefully taught subordinates to skillfully own knives, as confirmed by many literary stories and regular victories in the most important battles. Some Russian officers noted in their memoirs that selected shooters and huntsmen, combining firing and bayonet fighting, put Napoleon's troops to flight. At the same time, units could be two to three times smaller in number than the French.


It was the above circumstance that was taken into account and carefully introduced in the Red Army. Moreover, the bayonet battle was positioned both before the Second World War and during the 41-45th years. At the beginning of the 30s of the last century, one of the main military “managers” of the USSR (Malinovsky) noted that such tactics had enough reasons to optimally combine the combat capabilities of a soldier. At the same time, he assigned the main place to the educational aspects of training in the indicated segment.

Military experience shows that, until recently, bayonet fighting was the decisive and finishing element of attacking actions. At least there is a ton of documentary evidence. From this experience, we can also conclude that the loss in hand-to-hand combat depends on both masterly possession of knives and the inept use of a combat tip.

When confronted at night or during reconnaissance operations, the combination of all capabilities, including grenade throwing and the use of a bayonet, guaranteed minimal losses and a successful end to the battle. In order for this to be brought to automaticity, regular classes, elaboration of an action plan and exercises in peacetime were required. In this case, the chance of winning "little blood" increased significantly.


What did the charter say about this?

The combat charter of the Red Army specifically required that, at the final stage of the combat mission, the soldiers finally finish off the enemy precisely in hand-to-hand confrontation. Moreover, the very concept of "bayonet battle" in the Russian army was designated rather vaguely.

Among the theses and recommendations are tips about this plan:

  • suggestion to fighters that they all go on the attack to kill;
  • any soldier must choose a victim in the ranks of the enemy and eliminate it;
  • not a single person meeting on the way, regardless of his condition, should be ignored;
  • the attacker must shoot and hit at each enemy so that he no longer stands up.

To understand and accept such a psychology can only be a person who will accordingly prepare for this. Such actions will require training with bringing manipulations to automatism, as well as dexterity, strength, prudence. In battle, everything must go into action, including shovels, knives, hoes, axes and all parts of the body.

What else did the Red Army teach?

The fighters of the Red Army were aimed at the fact that the bayonet battle is an offensive prerogative. At the same time, the essence of such a confrontation was interpreted in terms of the fact that many soldiers were injured or killed due to the inept use of the capabilities of existing weapons, especially the bayonet. In addition, such conduct was to guarantee a positive outcome for any attack, including a night battle. Prior to hand-to-hand combat, they categorically recommended to use fire shooting to the last.

Also, the Red Army men were instructed that it was necessary in the close combat of a retreating enemy to push with a bayonet and grenades to the line indicated by the commanders. The enemy, fleeing at a distance, was advised to pursue with the help of well-aimed and calm shooting fire. A persistent soldier of the Red Army must never lose its offensive spirit, be the master of the situation.


Bayonet techniques

Among the main methods of hand-to-hand combat is an injection. In this case, the tip rushes directly at the enemy, the throat and open parts of the body should be a guide. In order to make an injection, a rifle or carbine should be aimed at the target, holding the weapon with both hands. The direction is strictly forward, the left hand is straightened, the gun is advanced by the right limb until the magazine clip rests on the palm of the hand. Synchronously with this action, a sharp straightening of the right leg is performed with the body forward. The injection itself is applied simultaneously with the lunge of the left leg, after which the weapon is pulled back, the position of readiness to continue the fight is taken.

Depending on the specific situation, the injection could be carried out with or without deception of the enemy. If the enemy does not have significant protection in the form of an opposing weapon, it was recommended to do the manipulation directly, without any tricks. If the opponent closes with something, the action is performed with deception. That is, by injecting directly, at the last moment the bayonet is transferred to the other side, in order to hit the enemy in an unprotected place. If the operation did not succeed, the fighter himself was at risk.


Execution technique

When training in bayonet fighting, the injection technique was carried out through several stages:

  1. Practice training without a special stuffed animal.
  2. Performing an injection in a mannequin.
  3. Striking with a lunge and a simultaneous step forward.
  4. The injection with an accelerated step to run.
  5. Perform actions on multiple targets with a variable path.
  6. At the final stage, an injection for stuffed animals is practiced in different climatic, geological and camouflage situations.

When training and studying this maneuver, considerable attention must be paid to the development of accuracy and strength. At the training stage, the Red Guards often cited the dictum of General Dragomirov, in which it was said that we constantly need to remember the importance of the eye. This is due to the fact that the loss of a bullet can not be compared with the loss of life.


Butt kicks

In hand-to-hand bayonet fighting, butt attacks were used when confronted with the enemy when it was not possible to carry out an injection. This blow is applied from above, back, from the sides or directly. For a side impact, it is necessary to synchronize with the attack of the right foot forward and the movement of the right hand from the bottom up to make a strong impact with an acute angle to the opponent’s head. This manipulation was often used after fighting off the attack to the left. In this case, it was necessary to push the butt with his right hand down, grab it at a level above the left ring and take the gun back. After that, a swing is made, a lunge with the left foot is performed, a blow is made to the occipital part.

To attack in this way, you should turn back on the heels of both limbs, without bending your knees, swing with the maximum retraction of the rifle back store up. Then a lunge of the right leg is made, a blow is made to the occipital part in the face of the enemy.


Taking into account the tactics of bayonet combat, a butt strike is applied from above by tossing a carbine with a turn of the clip up. Then the weapon is fixed on the fly with his left hand in the upper part of the left ring. In this case, the right hand is located at the bottom ring of the bed. The final blow is delivered with the lunge of the right leg with an acute angle of the butt. Exposure in this case requires maximum accuracy, speed and strength. The training regime of this discipline provided for the practice of bayonet fighting in a bag. Universal training recommended the use of a special stick, as similar as possible in weight and design to a real rifle.



The indicated protective maneuvers are intended for defense against injections or, if the opponent’s weapons interfere with a preemptive strike. After completing the rebound, the enemy should be answered as quickly as possible by the impact of the stock or a prick with a bayonet. The direction of the chops is in both directions or down to the right. The maneuver is performed when the threat of an injection into the upper body comes from the enemy. It is necessary to quickly move the left hand to the right side with a shift forward, perform a short and sharp blow with the forearm on the opponent’s carbine or rifle, and then make an immediate injection.

To perform a maneuver down to the right, it is recommended that the left hand promptly make a sharp movement in a semicircle, strike the forearm on the enemy’s weapon. Such a maneuver is appropriate if the enemy attacks in the lower torso. Repulsions are advised to be done only with hands, with a small scope, without turning the body part. The sweeping amplitude is unprofitable, as it opens up space for the opponent to retaliate.

Initially, the fighters were taught the technique of bouncing, then maneuvering to the right, using a training device. Further, the technique of working with a scarecrow was worked out. At the final stages, training was carried out with complications and various combinations of hand-to-hand combat.

Soft-tip carbine battles

In order to develop the swiftness, endurance, decisiveness, perseverance to achieve victory in the fighters, it was necessary to strengthen the "morale" of the Red Army. To do this, bayonet or saber fights in training were carried out in "sparks" when two soldiers participated. This approach also made it possible to improve the technique of the techniques produced. As training equipment, mock carbines or analogs with soft tips were used.

For a successful result in hand-to-hand confrontation, it was necessary to remember that only active actions will bring the desired outcome and subsequent victory. In a battle with a conditional opponent, the soldier should have shown maximum decisiveness and perseverance. The training manuals indicated that passive behavior inevitably leads to failure.
