
The son of Jeanne Friske Plato Shepelev will live with his father and walk with his grandfather

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The son of Jeanne Friske Plato Shepelev will live with his father and walk with his grandfather
The son of Jeanne Friske Plato Shepelev will live with his father and walk with his grandfather

Sometimes fate presents unpleasant surprises at the most unexpected moment. This happens even with successful, wealthy and famous people. Zhanna Friske is a singer, host and actress, known to each of our compatriots. She built her female happiness in adulthood, and a couple of years later, unexpectedly for everyone, she died of cancer. Jeanne's son - Plato Shepelev - is incredibly similar to his mother. How does a child grow and develop today and with whom does he live?

Love from which beautiful children are born


Unlike many colleagues in the workshop, Jeanne Friske did not participate in high-profile family scandals throughout her career and rarely got to the pages of the yellow press. Of course, there were novels with men in her life, but the singer could not decide for a very long time to give birth to a child. With a radio host Dmitry Shepelev, Jeanne began a relationship at the age of 38. Very soon after the beginning of the novel, lovers ceased to work actively and participate in social life. And then Jeanne with a noticeable tummy and completely flew to Miami. Why exactly the USA? Friske has been to Miami more than once before pregnancy, and she really liked it. In her interviews, Jeanne said that it was there that the weather was always good.

Pregnancy proceeded well, Plato Shepelev was born on April 7, 2013 in one of the best local clinics. After the death of Jeanne, rumors appeared in the press that she learned about her illness during pregnancy. According to some sources, Jeanne had a choice - to begin treatment immediately and lose the baby or wait for his birth and risk his own health.

Conflicts in the Friske-Shepelev family


Officially, Jeanne's disease began after the birth of a child. She was treated in several different clinics. In between courses, she lived at home, with her family, and personally looked after her son. Plato Shepelev at birth received the name of his father, although his parents were not married. Dmitry also lived with Jeanne and the baby, their relationship went well. The wedding was postponed until Friske recovered.

However, fate decreed otherwise. The treatment continued, at times Jeanne really got better. In 2015, in the summer, Dmitry Shepelev and his son went on vacation to Bulgaria. Jeanne died while her family was at the resort. This fact outraged the singer's parents. Her father - Vladimir Friske - said that Dmitry simply ran away from his dying wife. Shepelev himself later justified that he did not expect that his beloved would not be so soon, and the vacation was planned six months before the tragedy. This explanation did not satisfy Jeanne's parents, the conflict was gaining momentum. Dmitry expressed a desire to personally raise the baby. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Plato Shepelev, the son of Jeanne Friske, is the only direct heir to the singer.

In the many months of confrontation, the parties to the conflict went to extremes. Shepelev did not allow his son to communicate with his grandparents, and Friske's parents did not stop complaining at all levels and sometimes even personally insulted Dmitry. According to the civil husband of Jeanne, they even tried to abduct Plato.

Truce for the Future


They managed to reach mutual understanding Dmitry Shepelev and Vladimir Friske only in court. A special commission decided that Plato could meet with her mother’s relatives several times a month. Jeanne's father was pleased with this decision. Now the baby regularly sees his grandparents and aunt. At the same time, Plato constantly lives, as before, with his father, Dmitry Shepelev. The radio host says that he is serious about the upbringing and development of the child. Plato Shepelev, son of Jeanne Friske, this year celebrated his own third anniversary. At the same time, he has daily classes and sports training. Dmitry does not forget to tell his son about a bright and talented mother every day.