
Owl skeleton: structural features. Owl

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Owl skeleton: structural features. Owl
Owl skeleton: structural features. Owl

Video: How Does an Owl's Hearing Work? | Super Powered Owls | BBC Earth 2024, June

Video: How Does an Owl's Hearing Work? | Super Powered Owls | BBC Earth 2024, June

Owl is a representative of the predatory class, includes more than 200 species of large and medium sizes, for the most part these are nocturnal birds that can be found all over the world. The appearance of all varieties of owls is similar to each other. These birds populated almost the whole world, except that they are not in Antarctica.

The structure of the skeleton of an owl

Two families are distinguished: this is a detachment of owls or real owls, and barn Owls. Owing to their anatomical features and plumage, owls are very different from daytime predators, so ornithologists brought them into a separate detachment. The features of the skeleton of an owl include the following signs:

  • The processes of the main bone.

  • Triple connection of the lower jaw with the skull.

  • Short phalanges of the third finger.

  • The mobility of the outer finger, which bends backward.



In Russia, there are seventeen species. Most of these nocturnal birds can be found in dense forests, and only a few live in open areas. Mostly found in the nests that they themselves built, they can also use the cloister cave or hollow tree. An eagle owl can find a home in almost any locality: in the forest, steppe, mountains, deserts. A long-eared owl prefers fields, as it hunts in open areas, but nests in the forest. A white owl lives in the tundra, and in the winter flies south. Barn owl or house owl nest under the roofs of houses and in attics.

Owl description and appearance

As we found out, an owl is a bird of prey, nocturnal. She may have a different color of plumage, depending on what area she lives. Owls vary in size depending on the species. The smallest is a sparrow owl. Its size is 17-20 cm, weight up to 80 grams. And the largest bird of this family is the eagle owl. Its length is 60-70 cm, weight up to 4 kg. The head of an owl is round in shape with huge eyes, long and sharp claws, has a short and strong beak. An individual lives on average about ten years, and in captivity lives up to 40. Such a short life in the wild is explained by the fact that larger birds of prey such as hawk and golden eagle prey on them.


The owl’s skeleton is characterized by strong and gripful legs. The claws are sharp and bent, they are needed to quickly capture the victim. Owl flies almost silently, and all thanks to the structure of feathers. The tail is rounded and trimmed, wingspan is up to 200 cm. Birds fly incredibly fast, speed can reach up to 80 km / h. These individuals make a characteristic clicking sound when they are annoyed or excited.

The owl’s skeleton is designed so that these unique birds can turn their heads 180-270 degrees without causing themselves pain or harm. Since the owl is a predator, and it needs to track its prey, her eyes are not on the sides, but in front. Eyes do not move and look inseparably forward. To change direction, the bird needs to turn its head. The angle of view is 160 degrees and it is binocular. Owls see the world in black and white. The lens is not in the eyeball, but in the horn tube, so they can see well at night. The owl’s skeleton is shaped so that their hearing is four times stronger than that of cats. As soon as the prey makes a rustle or sound, the bird immediately pounces on it.


A family

Owl couples create once and for all - they are permanent in this regard. Swamp owls can build nests on the ground in dense vegetation. They breed one or several times, depending on the environment and living conditions. In the clutch there can be from 3 to 10 eggs, which are usually white, spherical and small in size. The eggs themselves are planted by the female, and the male is directly involved in feeding the offspring. An interesting fact is that in most cases only older chicks survive, while the rest die. When they are on a hunger strike, they may eat the last chicks to hatch.

What do they eat

So, large and medium-sized individuals eat rats, mice, lemmings, hedgehogs, shrews, hares, frogs, toads, bats, moles, snakes, chickens. Small owls feed on insects (beetles, grasshoppers), and those who live on the coastal territories eat fish, crabs, and mussels. Living in tropical latitudes eat fruits, grass, berries. What is noteworthy, this bird can do without water for several months, thirst quench with the blood of its prey.


The most popular types

  • Long-eared Owls. They are the most common species in the European part of Russia. The name comes from their ears, which are formed from feathers. Long-eared owls prefer to nest in coniferous forests, which means that they are forest birds. Owls living south lead a sedentary life, while northern owls are migratory birds. They feed on shrews, small rodents.

  • Polar. It is the largest species of the owls in the Arctic. The female weighs three kilograms, and the male two and a half. The wingspan reaches half a meter. It lives in the tundra of North America, Greenland. You can also meet on some islands of the Arctic Ocean. In the natural environment they live up to 8 years.
  • Owl. One of the largest species of owls on the planet. Weigh more than three kilograms, live in places where a person is practically invisible. They are comfortable in dense forests. According to ancient belief, eagle owl feathers protect from misfortune. In Kazakhstan and Central Asia, people believed that the drawing on the side feather of the eagle owl is a saying from the Koran. The mating season is in March. A person who falls into the habitat of an eagle owl will be scared by the hooting of birds. A married couple makes these sounds, first individually, and then together. Also, this bird has another name - pugach. In addition to a hoot, his performance ends with loud laughter. They feed on rodents, amphibians, insects and reptiles.

  • Fish Owl. This bird lives in Primorye, not far from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Sakhalin and Japan. A favorite place for nests is the floodplains of rivers overgrown with large trees. They feed exclusively on marine inhabitants. And they catch them in two ways: the first is to watch the victim, not far from the water. The second - roam the shallow water and grab the fish passing by.