
How many churches in Suzdal? Churches and monasteries of Suzdal

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How many churches in Suzdal? Churches and monasteries of Suzdal
How many churches in Suzdal? Churches and monasteries of Suzdal

How many churches in Suzdal, even those who have visited this city more than once will not say. In the historical district, temples, belfries and monastery buildings are found at every step. According to some sources, the first church appeared here in 999. Active construction took place in the 16th century. The answer to the question of how many churches and monasteries are in Suzdal is contained in this article.


History of the city

Suzdal was first mentioned in the annals of 1024. A quarter of a century before the construction of fortifications began, a wooden church was erected on the territory of the future city. How many temples in Suzdal were at the beginning of the 12th century is unknown. But it was at this time that the Bulgars besieged the city. The locals were able to protect him. A little later, Suzdal became the center of the Rostov-Suzdal principality.

In 1637, the Tatars raided the city. Seven years later, there was a fire that destroyed part of the buildings. It is difficult to say how many churches remained in Suzdal by the end of the 17th century. Temples founded in the Middle Ages have survived, but they, as a rule, have been restored more than once. Wooden, built during the time of Ivan the Terrible, did not survive.

It is known that in the 16th century the city became one of the religious centers of the Russian state. Then there were eleven monasteries. How many churches in Suzdal were built in the 16th century? Probably only monastic at least eleven.

How many churches, monasteries and temples in Suzdal were destroyed in Soviet times? There is an exact answer to this question. In the twenties, 15 temples were destroyed.

After the collapse of the USSR, the white stone monuments of Suzdal were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 2004, the settlement received the status of an urban settlement.

Suzdal is included in the Golden Ring. This is one of the most interesting cities in the Vladimir region. Filming of such films as “The Marriage of Balzaminov”, “Andrei Rublev”, “Youth of Peter”, “Brothers Karamazov”, “Tsar” took place here.


Suzdal Kremlin

Nikolskaya, Uspenskaya, Nativity of Christ - churches located on the territory of the main architectural ensemble of the city. The first was built in the 18th century. The exact date of foundation of the St. Nicholas Church is not known. This is one of the first temples built after the fire that occurred in 1719. The church is built of white stone, consists of the main part, the bell tower and the refectory.

The Assumption Church was built in the 17th century. After the fire was restored. Before the revolution, the church chalked the tent bell tower. A major restoration was carried out in the late 50s. The main part of the building is designed in the Naryshkin style.

Church of the Nativity of Christ was built in 1775. Located in the south-eastern part of the Kremlin. In the 19th century a porch was attached to it. The temple resembles a residential building.


Monastery of Saint Euthymius

The cloister is located on the right bank of the Kamenka. It was founded in 1352. The original wooden buildings were not preserved. Transfiguration Cathedral - the main temple of the monastery. It refers to the end of the 16th century. The architectural ensemble includes three more churches - the Annunciation Gate, St. Nicholas, and the Assumption.


Pokrovsky monastery

The current appearance of this architectural ensemble took shape in the 16th century. But the monastery was founded in the middle of the 14th. In 1923 the monastery was closed, ruined. For some time there was located the so-called sharashka - a biological laboratory in which scientists worked as prisoners. The main temple is Pokrovsky Cathedral. There are no other churches in the monastery.


Alexander Monastery

The monastery was founded in 1240, but after 500 years it was abolished (as a result of the reform carried out by Catherine the Great). Divine services resumed in 2006. The Alexander Monastery includes the Ascension Church.

Rizopolozhensky monastery

This is one of the oldest religious buildings in Russia. The first wooden church, of course, did not survive today. The oldest building on the territory of the monastery is the Robe Deposition Cathedral. This temple was erected at the beginning of the 16th century. In 1882, the Sretensky refectory church was built.

Vasilievsky monastery

The architectural ensemble is located in the eastern part of Suzdal. The monastery was founded in the 13th century on the way from the Kremlin to the city of Kideksha. Basil the Great Cathedral was built in the 60s of the 16th century, restored in 1961.

Trade area

This attraction is located in the city center and is included in all tourist routes in Suzdal. Shopping arcades were built at the beginning of the 19th century. This ensemble became the first architectural complex in the Empire style. There are seven churches on the square.
