
How much does the mushroom grow after rain?

How much does the mushroom grow after rain?
How much does the mushroom grow after rain?

Video: How Mushrooms Grow TIME LAPSE Compilation 2024, June

Video: How Mushrooms Grow TIME LAPSE Compilation 2024, June

The mushroom season has begun, and lovers of quiet hunting rush into the forest. And not only because others are ahead of them, but also because mushrooms live a short life. I did not have time to collect them in time, and they were already aging and collapsed, and all kinds of insects and birds helped them in this.

How much does a mushroom grow?


It is growing very fast. From the appearance of the embryo until the final ripening of the so-called fruiting body, 10 to 14 days pass. More accurate time depends on the variety of the fungus, temperature and humidity of air and soil.

Why so fast? As you know, the fungus develops from the mycelium, which grows in spring, summer and autumn. So, in this mycelium young fruiting bodies are formed, scientifically called primordia. As soon as the weather is favorable, they begin to develop rapidly and stretch in length.

The medium-sized mushroom reaches within 3-6 days. The fastest growth of mushrooms occurs in the warm period, when it rains and fogs form. But the humidity should not be very high, nor should the temperature be too low or too hot. A temperature difference is well suited for the rapid growth of mushrooms.

To the question "how many mushrooms grow after rain", one cannot give a definite answer. Mushrooms do not always appear after precipitation. Because moisture alone is not enough for them. When warm and humid, mycelium develops well.


And the growth of the mushrooms themselves contributes to a lower temperature. For example, a temperature of about 25 degrees is considered favorable for champignon mushrooms, and 18-20 degrees are well suited for the growth of the fruiting body.

Wider than long

So how much does the mushroom grow? It turns out that some mushrooms, such as russula, brown boletus and butter, can be picked up literally the day after they climbed to the surface of the earth. Because their fruiting bodies first grow underground and come to the surface already almost formed. And how much does the mushroom grow after it has emerged from the ground? In different ways, depending on the variety. There are giant-sized mushrooms that can grow half an meter per hour. But on average, mushrooms grow by 1-1.5 centimeters per day. In addition, if in the first 5–8 days they grow almost equally in the height of the stalk and in the width of the cap, in the last days the total growth of the fungus stops, and the diameter of the cap continues to increase.

How much does a white mushroom grow?


On the surface of the earth, mushrooms, depending on the species, live from 10 to 12 or 14 days. Porcini mushroom, like boletus and duvet, lives 11 days. Boletus, chanterelle, honey agaric are good for collecting within 10 days. Morels and lines more quickly deteriorate - in 6 days. But saffron milk mushrooms, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms will wait for the mushroom picker and all 12 days.

It is also known about the cep mushroom that after five days under favorable conditions it reaches an average of 9 centimeters in height, and its weight these days increases by an average of 40 grams per day.

So, how much the mushroom grows depends on its type, temperature and humidity. But as soon as the growth of the fungus stops, literally in a day it will begin to collapse. However, this means only one thing: his debate has ripened. A variety of insects, birds and animals will quickly spread them on the ground and will contribute to the germination of new mushrooms.