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St Paul's Cathedral in London. St Paul's Cathedral. sights of London

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St Paul's Cathedral in London. St Paul's Cathedral. sights of London
St Paul's Cathedral in London. St Paul's Cathedral. sights of London

Video: London Walk St Paul's Cathedral to Houses of Parliament (via Southbank) (4K) 2024, June

Video: London Walk St Paul's Cathedral to Houses of Parliament (via Southbank) (4K) 2024, June

Traveling to the capital of Great Britain is always rich in new impressions, surprises and adventures, because London is one of the largest capitals not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Here, as in no other region, they are concerned about preserving their original historical appearance. Grandiose cultural monuments, amazing sights, are not subject to modernization and redevelopment. They are constantly carefully restored and carefully preserved for posterity.

There is something to see here!..

Unambiguously answer the question: "What are the sights in London?" almost impossible. There are an infinite number of them, because it’s not without reason that the old-timers say: “If a person is tired of this city, it means that he is simply tired of life!”


Tremendous diversity

If the traveler is limited in time, but wants to explore all the memorable and famous places, it is best to start with the world famous clock tower - Big Ben in the Palace of Westminster. This building, without exaggeration, is one of the most striking architectural symbols of London. After which it is recommended to take a look at:

  • the Central Historical and Archaeological Museum (British), whose expositions occupy more than 94 galleries with a total length of almost 4 km;
  • the political center of the state is Westminster. Most tourists with reverence and pleasure visit Buckingham Palace - the official residence of Her Majesty, as well as Trafalgar Square or Parliament. Westminster Abbey is truly a religious building, a treasury, among the jewels of which are masterpieces of monumental and applied art, painting, unique tapestries and church utensils of amazing beauty;
  • Piccadilly. Even one who has never been to London is aware of one of the most picturesque and lively streets of Westminster, because filmmakers, writers and musicians often mention it in their creations;
  • The Tower of London, which is a symbol of not only the capital, but the whole state. Today it is one of the most visited historical and architectural sights of the world. And the replicated symbol, the Tower Bridge, is famous for its construction: it is both movable and hanging;
  • "Stronghold of freedom of speech" - Hyde Park;

city, combining ultra-modern buildings and ancient monuments, among which the "cucumber" - the giant skyscraper Mary-Ex - and the magnificent St. Paul's Cathedral stand out. London (the photos used in the article will help you make your own opinion about the capital of Great Britain) does not seem complete without this masterpiece of architecture.

Largest Anglican Church in Europe


At the highest point of the capital of Great Britain - Langeith Hill - St. Paul's Cathedral (St. Paul), the residence of the bishop of London himself, impressively spread. The official opening date of the cathedral is considered to be October 20, 1708, although it was already the 5th temple erected on this site. The fate of the previous ones was very sad, because three were burned due to fatal fires, and one was destroyed before the foundation during the Viking raid. St. Paul's Cathedral in England was built on the site of the temple of the goddess Diana, which existed during the Roman Empire. According to legend, it was here that the very first Christian church in London was founded, although the first reliable information about the existence of the church, named after the Holy Apostle Paul, dates from the beginning of the 7th century.

Reborn from the Ashes

Burnt back in 1666, the old St. Paul Cathedral was preserved, unfortunately, only in medieval images. His image combines a well-balanced combination of Romanesque, Gothic and Norman styles in architecture. This abundance is explained by the fact that it was rebuilt several times after the devastating conflagrations that arose with frightening constancy from the 11th to the 16th centuries.


Its bell tower was the highest in Europe - its height reached 156 meters. The modern building was erected in 1675 - 1710. funds from the additional tax on coal imported into the state. Thus appeared to the world the Cathedral of St. Paul. Christopher Wren, the architect of this creation, decided not only to restore, restore the building that had burnt down to the ground, but to erect a completely new stunning building that could compete with the great Catholic church in Rome - St. Peter's Basilica. Kings Charles II and James II insisted on this rivalry, not without the intervention of the clergy. Despite this, Rene managed to reconcile all parties involved and make some changes during the construction. So St. Paul’s Cathedral, erected by the largest English architect, has little to do with the original design.

Modern look

Until recently, the cathedral was the tallest building in the capital of Great Britain, because its height reaches 111 meters. Even among the riot of modern skyscrapers, he is not lost. Can you imagine what a stunning impression he made on the townspeople and tourists when the tallest building in London did not exceed four floors ?! The current appearance of the temple is distinguished by the harmony of proportions and proportionality of architectural delights. Its dome is one of the most advanced structures in Europe, making the temple


mention along with the Roman Cathedral of St. Peter, Florentine and Constantinople churches of St. Sophia. Yes, we can safely say that St. Paul's Cathedral in London went down in the history of world architecture. Additional decorations are a monument to Queen Anne (it was during her reign that construction was completed) and a thirty-meter-high portico decorating the western and main facade of the building. It is two-tier, with six pairs of columns in the upper row and four in the lower. Crowned by his sculptural composition by Francis Bird called “The Conversion of Saul” - a rare monumental structure. On the sides of the portico is limited by bell towers, in one of them is the "Big Floor" - the largest bell in the UK (16 tons).

Dry interior

Now let's see what is inside the Cathedral of St. Paul. In London, as you know, Protestantism reigns supreme. This fact could not but affect the interior decoration of the church. The cathedral gives the impression of a certain emptiness and


coldness, which is characteristic of Protestant churches, in which there is no magnificent gilding, stucco molding and an abundance of sculptures. This dryness and modesty led Londoners to establish a special fund for the modernization of the interior decoration of the cathedral under consideration. With the money raised, sculptures were built over the Whisper Gallery, decorating the altar of the mosaic and partially domed space. But the main advantage of the temple is considered to be openwork stone carving, as well as lace gratings made of forged metal. Of particular note are the unique wooden benches that were commissioned at the end of the 17th century by Greenling Gibbons. Without exaggeration, the organ of the temple can also be called artistic perfection.

Crypt Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral in London is famous as the burial place of prominent personalities. It was here that the creator of the church, Christopher Wren, Admiral Nelson, the first president of the Reynolds Academy of Arts, Lord Wellington, and the eminent landscape painter Turner were buried. For the most part, gravestones of celebrities are not very artistic, but they also come across real masterpieces, such as the epitaph carved on the René slab that the monument is “… what you can see around”, that is, the whole St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. Equally inferior in originality is the equestrian sculpture of the winner of Napoleon at Waterloo - Lord Wellington.
