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Sophia and Sophia - different names or not? Names Sofia and Sofia

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Sophia and Sophia - different names or not? Names Sofia and Sofia
Sophia and Sophia - different names or not? Names Sofia and Sofia

Video: Sweet Sophia (Never Underestimate Her) 2024, June

Video: Sweet Sophia (Never Underestimate Her) 2024, June

Recently, a very popular name for the girl is Sophia. Still - it is not only beautiful, but also ancient. So many princesses were called, and how many literary heroines with that name could not be counted! By the way, the names Sofia and Sofia are exactly the same in meaning and different only in sound. Many newly made parents are very surprised when, when registering a child, they are asked how to record the baby. Following this, the bewildered mom and dad ask a completely logical question: "Sophia and Sophia - are they different names or not?"

In fact, Sophia and Sophia are the same name, except that the first option is the Church Slavonic sound, and the second is colloquial. Therefore, if you are asked the question: “Sophia and Sophia are different names or not?”, You can safely answer: “The same!”

Legacy of Byzantium

This name appeared in Russia in the 13th century along with the Orthodox faith that came to our land from Byzantium. Since the Moscow prince Yuri Danilovich called his only daughter a new name, it has been firmly entrenched in aristocratic families. Sofia is the name by which one of the daughters of the first king of the Romanov dynasty was named. The daughter of the second king, also Sophia, ruled Russia at the end of the 17th century.

A century later, this name was one of the most common among nobles. In those days, in addition to the Russian language, it was fashionable to speak French. Accordingly, this was reflected in names that became bilingual. So, Sophia for a while turned into Sophie. By the way, this can be found in Tolstoy’s famous novel War and Peace.

In the Soviet Union, the name’s popularity has declined to a minimum, but today, every third newborn is called Sophia.


Record in a personal file

So, Sofia and Sofia … Different names or not? What is the best way to write this name on a birth certificate? Of course, it is up to the parents to decide. Sophia sounds more aristocratic and intelligent, and Sophia sounds more melodious and gentle. In fact, the difference between the names Sophia and Sophia lies in only one letter.

Sacred meaning

Sofia is a name that is translated from ancient Greek as "possessing wisdom." It perfectly reflects such a zodiac sign as Libra, and is also endowed with all the properties of the planet Saturn. Most esotericists associate this name with a dark blue color. An unusually beautiful lapis lazuli can become a talisman for Sophia, and linden can be a healing plant. The lucky day for the owners of this name is Friday, and the season is autumn.


Kind-hearted babies

Little Sofiyoks grow up as kind and compassionate girls. They do not cry in vain and rarely take offense. In the house of a baby with that name you can often meet a street animal, which, by coincidence, got into trouble. Baby Sophie has a big and kind heart, striving to help everyone who needs it.

Among strangers, Sonya behave somewhat constrained, shy. They don’t even trust all their secrets to their friends and often confide only with their relatives. By the way, family and good relations with relatives for girls with that name always come first.

Sonia is inventive and each relative can easily find an approach. They know what to play to get a coveted toy or a handful of chocolates.


As a schoolgirl, Sofia will study diligently, pedantically performing all homework and speaking brilliantly at the blackboard. Bearers of this name have a sharp mind and a wonderful memory. The learned material from them literally bounces off the teeth.

Girls with this name are activists who are directly involved in school life, starting from the olympiads in Russian literature and ending with the competition “Fun Starts”.

Despite the soft nature and non-conflict, they all have their own opinion and are ready to defend it to the last argument, which will always be theirs.

Little girls love to work with beads, embroider and craft various crafts, and are also fond of performances and music.


Delicate young ladies

From tender little babies Sofia grow into sophisticated girls. They are hardworking, thanks to which they are very appreciated in any field. Natural coping helps Sonya make friends with all members of the team. Thanks to such qualities as pedantry, diligence and perfectionism, Sofia without any difficulties move up the career ladder and often occupy leadership positions.

Young Sofia is not deprived of delicacy and sensitivity. She will never offend a loved one, always sympathize with the deprived and will regret the unfortunate.
