
Sonia Gandhi - widow of former Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi: biography

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Sonia Gandhi - widow of former Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi: biography
Sonia Gandhi - widow of former Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi: biography

Video: Life and times of Sonia Gandhi, post 1984 2024, July

Video: Life and times of Sonia Gandhi, post 1984 2024, July

Italian (from birth) Sonia Gandhi, whose biography is unusual and amazing, has become the national Indian leader. She is the widow of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and the daughter-in-law of his mother Indira. Politician, chairman of the Indian Congress. Sonya found herself at the top of political activity because of her marriage and several very difficult tragedies that occurred in her life. But first things first.

A family

Sonia Gandhi was born on January 9, 1946, next to the Italian automotive capital (Turin), in the small town of Orbassano. It is located twenty kilometers from Turin. Her family was Catholic, very conservative and well-to-do. At birth, Sonya received the name Anthony Maino. She was the third daughter. Her mother's name was Paola. Sonia from early childhood was brought up in severity.


Sonya's father served on the Eastern Front, in the Italian military unit. This unit was defeated at Stalingrad by the Red Army. And Sonya's father was captured by the Russians. When he returned to his homeland, he began to engage in the construction business. Despite his captivity, he had great respect for Russian culture and history. Therefore, he called all three of his daughters with Russian names. He died in the eighty-third year.


Sonia Gandhi first went to a regular Catholic school. Thanks to a wealthy family, in the sixty-fifth year she was sent to continue her studies in the UK, at Cambridge University. At that time, she was already full eighteen years old. Sonya studied literature and English. Lived in a British family.

Introducing Sonya to Rajiv

At the university, Sonya met her future husband, Rajiv. She drew attention to him during dinners in a small restaurant. Rajiv Gandhi often went there with friends. Sonya immediately noticed him, as he stood out among all the young people not only in his appearance, but also in his manners.

A mutual friend introduced her to Rajiv. From that moment on, young people began to meet frequently. Rajiv belonged to one of the most famous Indian families. His grandfather was the prime minister and authoritative world leader. And Indira Gandhi, the mother of Rajiv, began to lead the party of the National Indian Congress after her father. Subsequently, she was the Prime Minister of the country.


Sony Gandhi Marriage

At first, Rajiv's parents were against his marriage to a foreigner. The granddaughter of the Indian president was told to his wife. But the love of Sonya and Rajiv was strong. And they stubbornly continued to meet.

As a result, since Rajiv was far from politics and was not interested in her, his parents agreed to this marriage. The wedding of Sonya and the future Prime Minister of India took place in the sixty-eighth year in Delhi. The celebration was attended by only fifty people. For such a famous family as Gandhi, this was a very modest number of guests. Relatives of the groom did not want to advertise this marriage much.

Sonya studied Indian Hindi, began to wear saris. The newlyweds lived in Indira's house. Rajiv Gandhi worked as a pilot in an airline, and Sonya got a job as a teacher at the Institute of Contemporary Art.


Their family life went well. In the seventieth year the first-born was born. Sonia and Rajiv named him Rahul Gandhi. In the seventy-first year, a daughter was born. She was given the name Priyanka. Many years later, after Sonya resigned as prime minister, her son continued the political activities of the family dynasty. Daughter Priyanka married businessman Vadra and gave birth to a child. So Sonya became a grandmother.


The beginning of political activity

Sonya was opposed to Rajiv engaging in politics. But after the death of his brother in the eightieth year, he remained in the family the only heir. Sonya had to put up with the responsibilities that, as a result, fell on Rajiv's shoulders.

The killing of Indira Gandhi

The murder of Indira Gandhi, Sonya was very difficult. She managed to fall in love with this woman. On November 31, 1984, in the morning, Sonya heard shots in the yard. She ran into the street in one shirt and saw that Indira Gandhi was lying in blood. Sonya accompanied her to the hospital, pressed her body to herself to ease the pain. But Indira was already dead at that time. As it turned out later, her own guards, adherents of the Sikhs, killed her. After the assassination of Indira, Gandhi Rajiv led her party in parliamentary elections.

Sonya Gandhi remains a widow

As a result, Sonya’s husband won and became prime minister. Five years, while Rajiv held this honorable post, she was very afraid for his life. And not in vain. In the eighty-ninth year she became a widow. Rajiv was killed by terrorists. After his death, Sonya led a reclusive lifestyle for ten years. But she did not leave India, as her detractors desired. She continued raising children in Indian culture.


To the question: “Do they love Sonia Gandhi in India?” - You can answer unambiguously: "Yes." Back in the days when her husband was alive, she helped the poor and destitute. Provided assistance to the victims of terror. After her husband’s death, she continued to lead the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation and help people.

The beginning of a political career

For ten years, while Sonya was mourning her beloved husband, his political party, which he led, almost collapsed. This made her shake herself, and in the ninety-ninth year she took up vigorous activity. Sonia Gandhi, the widow of Rajiv, continued the political course begun by his family.

She began by understanding the basics of oratory and public speaking. The image of Indira Gandhi was taken as a sample. Sonya resolutely cleansed the party ranks. Increased discipline and debugged organizational activities. She learned Hindi very well to make it easier to communicate with ordinary people. I studied the performances and manner of behavior of Indira Gandhi. And subsequently tried to stick to her experience. She harshly criticized the ruling coalition.

As a result of her labors in 2004, the party, which, after the death of her husband, was led by Sonya, won the election. And she herself became a contender for the post of Prime Minister of India.


On the political Olympus

After the victory of the party, heated debates began over whether the foreigner has the right to lead the country. In order to avoid a split, Sonya Gandhi refused to fight for the post of prime minister. For this gesture she was called the queen.

Numerous supporters of Sonya tried to convince her, to force her to change her mind. But she firmly stood her ground, explaining that her goal was not the highest leadership position, but the desire that a strong and stable government be at the head of India.

Instead of herself, Sonya nominated Manmohan Singh for the post of prime minister of the country. As a result, he was approved in the elections and took this highest position.


Sonya today

To date, Sonia Gandhi and her children have revived the dynasty. She herself remains the leader of the Indian National Congress. In 2010, she was re-elected to this position for the fourth time. Any meeting of the rulers of other countries who come to India includes mandatory communication with Sonya. Vladimir Putin did not escape this fate when he visited this country on an official visit.

Rahul Gandhi was elected party vice president. Experts assessed this as an early nomination of him to the post of Prime Minister of India. Sonya is still considered one of the most influential ladies in the world. Forbes magazine included her in 2011 in the top 10 famous women of the planet.
