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Modern Japanese technology and following traditions

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Modern Japanese technology and following traditions
Modern Japanese technology and following traditions

Video: 10 Ways JAPAN is 10 Years Ahead of the World 2024, July

Video: 10 Ways JAPAN is 10 Years Ahead of the World 2024, July

By the level of technological development, Japan is now one of the leading countries. But it was not always so. A few centuries ago, the state was rather backward, this applied to both technology, industry, and education and science in general. In just a few centuries, Japan managed to reach the level of European powers and surpass them, while preserving its culture, customs and lifestyle.


From the history

Japan has long been an isolated country. From the 17th to the 19th centuries, entry into it was forbidden for residents of European countries. Over the years, the lack of imports, the exchange of experience and knowledge negatively affected the development of Japan. But the era of complete isolation sooner or later had to end.

At the end of the 19th century, the United States was forced to sign a peace treaty with them and open several ports for trade. As a result, the country in the East has become more “open”. Imports of goods not only from the United States, but also from European countries increased sharply. The government has radically changed the course of politics.

Gradually, trade was established with other states. In Japan, reforms were carried out that significantly changed the daily routine of people.


Particular attention was paid to the education system. The government was oriented to the West, students and young specialists went to gain experience in other countries. At the same time, military equipment in Japan was improved. This affected the country's further successes in numerous wars.

Foreign influence

The desire for the West was expressed not only in improving the technology of Japan, but also in changing the canons of building construction, copying the European style in clothes and hairstyles. To this day, it is considered fashionable to dye your hair in light blond colors, so unusual for Asians. There are special stores where you can buy goods from Europe. Japanese cuisine has also changed somewhat, becoming more diverse since new food began to arrive from overseas.

Following the principles

Despite the fact that the educational system adapted to European countries, the government sought to preserve the national features of the state. The main principle of Japan was observed: "Eastern morality - Western technology." From a young age, the Japanese learned the basics of Confucianism. Special attention was paid to Shintoism - this is the oldest religion, the essence of which is the worship of nature, represented by different deities. And now, already in the XXI century, the majority of residents of the state believe and abide by Shinto customs, passing them from generation to generation.


When the process of accelerated modernization, focused on the Western model, was over, the country became more independent. However, cultural characteristics have been preserved. Now, residents of other powers are already attracted to Japan’s national identity, its unique art, and moral standards. Not every state can combine such different extremes: absolute adherence to traditions, respect for the religion of ancestors and the highest level of technology development with a constant increase in innovation.