men's issues

Israeli special forces: units and their tasks

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Israeli special forces: units and their tasks
Israeli special forces: units and their tasks



To perform highly specific military tasks in each state, there are special units, which are popularly called special forces. Similar formations exist in Israel. These units are served by highly professional fighters who, in addition to basic military skills, have special knowledge. You will learn more about Israeli special forces from the article.


Israeli special forces, namely most of the units, are subordinate to the Defense Army, which is also called the IDF. Part of the special forces in the police department and special services. Mostly Israeli special forces are recruited from recruits. The special forces “Yamam” and “LOTAR Eilat”, whose task is to carry out anti-terrorism activities, recruit exclusively professionals.


About the special forces of the Israeli army

Today, the following special forces are in the IDF department:

Sayeret Matkal or Compound No. 101. Subordinate to the General Staff of the country's Defense Army. Soldiers carry out reconnaissance and power operations outside the state. If necessary, special forces from the Sayeret Matkal for counter-terrorism activities in the country and abroad can strengthen the Yamam police special forces. The service is carried out on a contract basis for a period of 6 years.


  • Maglan. It is considered the most secret division of the IDF. In addition to the name of the Israeli special forces, there is no more information in wide access about this formation. There is speculation that the Maglan is associated with state nuclear capabilities.
  • "Duvdevan", or Unit 217. The main function of the fighters is to precisely destroy or arrest terrorists in Palestine. Due to the fact that in order to carry out their task, special forces have to reincarnate as Arabs, when they are selected as a unit, great importance is given to knowledge of Arabic. In addition, an atypical Jewish appearance is welcome.
  • "Egoz", or Unit 621. The fighters confront the partisans. Despite the fact that this special unit is part of the Golani infantry brigade, Egoz can operate independently. Special forces destroy the terrorist ambushes and launchers of the NURS, through which Arabs fire on Israel.
  • "Shaldag." Air Force Special Forces. Fighters for this type of troops are engaged in reconnaissance, aircraft landing, finishing and sweeping targets after air strikes.
  • "Division 669." Subordinate to the Air Force. Special forces rescue pilots, evacuate soldiers from enemy territory. In the event of an emergency, soldiers of Unit 669 are involved in the evacuation of civilians.
  • "Okets." It is a cynological unit No. 7142.
  • "Yahalom." Subordinate to the engineering troops. The military is engaged in the undermining or demining of objects, solving engineering problems behind enemy lines.

About Navy Special Forces

Israeli maritime special forces are represented by the Shayetet 13 division. Is flotilla number 13. According to experts, the main tasks are the same as those of Sayeret Matkal. However, “Shayetet 13” fighters operate at sea, namely they are engaged in intelligence activities, anti-terror and sabotage. It is completed from recruits who initially prepare within one year. Service life 5 years.


About Special Purpose Police Units

Israeli special forces represent:

YAMAM. According to experts, formally part of the border troops of Magaw, whose fighters are endowed with the powers of police and military. In fact, special forces from the Yamal Peninsula carry out their immediate tasks independently. Yamam is the main anti-terrorist unit of the Israeli police. According to experts, in the work of this formation a lot of tactical developments and elements were borrowed from the Soviet Vympel and Alpha groups. Urgent bear up to three years.


  • Yamas. The tasks that the fighters of this unit are solving are the same as in Duvdedan - they detect, capture, or precisely destroy Palestinian terrorists.
  • YASAM. Responsibilities of fighters include apprehending criminals, patrolling Palestinian territories, suppressing local unrest, and dispersing demonstrations. In other words, YaSAM is the same Israeli SWAT or OMON.
  • LOTAR. It is a separate small anti-terrorist unit No. 7707. The place of activity of the special forces is the city of Eilat and its environs. LOTAR in its technical equipment and the level of training of fighters is not inferior to Yamam. However, if the situation gets out of control and Yamam arrives at the scene, then this formation subjugates LOTAR.

About other units

The administration building of the parliament and its employees are guarded by the Knesset Guard. The ShABAS Special Forces is considered a prison, as its soldiers solve suddenly arising tasks in prisons. If it is necessary to suppress the riot of prisoners, release the hostages or conduct searches, then it is SABAS. In addition, the soldiers of this special forces escort criminals and provide protection to law enforcement officers. The fact is that from the side of the criminal element and their accomplices towards the police and penitentiary institutions often receive threats. Providing the latter with protection is the responsibility of ShABAS. Shabak special forces and the Main Security Service are responsible for counterintelligence activities in Israel.