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Sports ethics: concept and basic principles

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Sports ethics: concept and basic principles
Sports ethics: concept and basic principles

Video: Sport and Ethics 2024, July

Video: Sport and Ethics 2024, July

To become the best in your favorite business is a healthy desire of every person. Be a good employee or a good parent. The most illustrative example of competitive behavior is illustrated by sport. Athletes, like anyone else, are close to the thirst for a prize. But how to control yourself and not succumb to emotions in a fit of passionate desire to be the first? There is a sport ethic for this. It was created to limit the possibility of using dishonest methods of gaining victory. This side of the sport also applies to the moral qualities of athletes. Victory obtained by fraud does not bring pride and joy. Sports ethics governs the concepts of honesty and justice in an athlete’s life. It regulates the rules of conduct and moral principles in sports activities.


Athlete Ethics in Public Mind

Implies honesty in every way. In this context, sporting ethics is understood by an ordinary person as sincerity, the desire for integrity and truthfulness. Compliance with the rules, discipline, culture, the ability to gather in a stressful situation. Respect for the opponent is a clear example of adherence to sports ethics. The inability to give up a sporting performance, turn away and leave if there is no self-confidence is what she teaches. Sports behavior is an important educational tool in the hands of educators. Raises consciousness in students, educates moral principles. Patriotism, responsibility and friendship also stimulate moral development in adolescence.

Science Sports Ethics

A specific section of general ethics. All stages of the training process, competitions are considered. The relationships within the sports group, with rivals and coaches are examined in detail. The subject of study is the moral aspects in sports conditions, psychological problems of a moral nature that arise on the way of athletes, the norms of sports ethics. What is morality based on in professional sports? How does sports ethics relate to moral values?


Moral consciousness

This is a formed concept of the principles on which the athlete's behavior is based. Accumulated experience, beliefs, ethical views. Sincere feelings base the foundation of moral principles and moral qualities of an athlete as a professional in his field. With gaining experience and the formation of moral beliefs in sports activities, a value orientation is created. It directs the sports activity of the individual in moral choice, combines thinking and action. The moral values ​​of athletes form a personality both in activities related to physical education and in public life. The rules of behavior and relationships are determined. Athletes form their own moral values ​​and apply them in life, observing the reaction of others.

Moral relations

In sports activities have specific features. The formation of moral relations occurs not only in the contacts of the student-trainer or fan-athlete. The concept of sports ethics as interpersonal relations extends at the state and international level, between opposing teams and sports societies.


Moral activity

Actions, the actions of which are aimed at a qualitative improvement of moral standards in sports. In the public mind, ethical principles and moral values ​​are formed through hard work, self-discipline, and the pursuit of the ideal. In sports activities, specificity is expressed in the ability to overcome, triumph over oneself, self-confidence and the ability to gather at the right time.

History tour

With the first mention of professional athletes in the history of Ancient Egypt (II century BC. E.), the emergence of schools, where they studied riding, archery, wrestling, was noted. The active development of sports, as a specialty, began with the opening of the Olympic Games and continued in Ancient Rome. In the Middle Ages there was a decline in sports, and the next heyday began in the XVIII century in the United States and Great Britain. Later, financial encouragement for athletes appeared, sports bets were opened. Gradually, the sport began to socialize and divided into amateur (the aristocrats were engaged in it, not letting physically strong competitor workers in their circle) and professional (consisting of ordinary people who earn money on this). In the XX century, sports competitions went on a commercial level. Professional athletes began to receive large fees, spectator fans began to monitor the competitions and actively promote this type of cultural leisure. As a result, commercial success overshadowed sporting ideals. To regulate sports activities and return to sports ethical standards, to the essence of competitions, several sports organizations have been created. They are designed to monitor the proper implementation of sports moral standards on the part of participants in competitions, as well as coaches and fans.


General principles

With the modern commercialization of sports, the rules of sports behavior have changed, relative to the original content:

• Cheating is prohibited between participants in sports competitions, with the exception of secrets related to training methods, pharmacology or the use of technology.

• Athletes are required to behave worthily, to demonstrate publicly friendliness and patriotism.

• Solidarity with sports colleagues, regardless of team and state affiliations. Protecting the interests of colleagues.

• You must not use sports achievements or belonging to any team to the detriment of the purpose of inhuman or criminal.

Sports behavior

It is specific in both periods of competition and in life. The profession leaves an imprint on all aspects of the personality. What is the difference in the behavior of a professional athlete?

1. The attitude to the opponent is respectful.

2. Adherence to the rules of the competition, the full adoption of decisions of the judge.

3. The lack of artificial stimulation of the body (a ban on doping).

4. Understanding that everyone who is at the start has equal chances.

5. Restraint in actions, actions and words. Acceptance of any outcome of the completion of the competition.

Sports rituals create a special atmosphere during the competition. These include: the same uniform within the team, greeting rivals and congratulations on the start of the competition. Sports behavior patterns are becoming less common. For instance:

• A boxer stops fighting if he sees that the opponent is not able to defend himself.

• The cyclist stops during the race to help the fallen opponent stand up.

• A tennis player draws the referee's attention to the ball inside the line sent by an opponent.


In the history of sports there are many examples of truly amazing personalities, famous athletes who are the standards of sports ethics and morality. So, the bobsledder Eugenio Monti lost the Olympics several times. He stopped his sleigh and helped his rivals fix repairs. As a result, he received the Pierre de Coubertin medal for athletic behavior. Or in 2012, the Kenyan runner who came first stopped early. He did not see that another 10 meters were left before the end of the race, and was happy about the victory. The Spaniard, who was second, caught up with him, turned his attention to the finish line, although he himself could finish the contest first. For him, it was more important to maintain dignity.

Fair play

This organization was established in 1963. The name literally translates as "honest victory." Designed to shape sports behavior and monitor the preservation of the principles of the game. Every year, individuals who become an example for other athletes are awarded medals named after Baron Coubertin. The organization stands for pure play and elevates moral principles above the thirst for profit and vanity.


Fair Play Codex

First of all, the dogmas of the Code are designed to educate the moral principles of sports ethics in the younger generation. Teens and young athletes are taught to withstand the pressure of society, not to succumb to provocations. The organization supports education in friendship, patriotism, respect for others. According to the concept of Fair Play, sport is a tool that shapes the worldview, contributing to the formation of the inner self. It brings people health, pleasure and does not allow violence and the use of artificial stimulations within itself.

1. Play fair.

2. Play to win, but accept defeat with dignity.

3. Follow the rules of the game.

4. Respect opponents, teammates, referees, leaders and spectators.

5. Support the interests of football.

6. Honor those who defend the good reputation of football.

7. Refuse corruption, drugs, racism, cruelty, money excitement and other dangerous things for football.

8. Help others withstand vicious pressure.

9. Expose those who are trying to discredit our football.

10. Use football to make our world a better place.