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Snow statuses and quotes with explanations

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Snow statuses and quotes with explanations
Snow statuses and quotes with explanations

Video: Snow and Quotes 2024, July

Video: Snow and Quotes 2024, July

Most people on our planet love summer more than winter. But despite this, many find pleasure in the cold season. After all, winter is not only frost and piercing wind. She brings with her the New Year holidays and, of course, snow. It is difficult to find a person who will remain indifferent when white flakes begin to pour from the sky. Quotes about snow very often appear in the statuses of people on social networks. Today we will talk about the best of them.

"First love, like first snow: heartbreaking and melting"


This phrase by A. Gavryushkin tells us that people often compare natural phenomena with their feelings. Quotes about snow are almost always allegorical. It is thanks to such vivid statements that it turns out to make your speech picturesque and interesting. Indeed, how else to explain love, if you do not compare it with anything? Each of us experienced this amazing feeling, and nature gives us a chance to remember it again. With the help of this phrase, you can encourage girls who have failed in love, because they must understand that in their life there will still be a romance that will necessarily be mutual.

"Winter arouses appetite. While snow is falling on the streets, chocolate cake is the best medicine for me."

A quote from Erich Maria Remarque is very popular today. It can be found both in everyday speech and in the Internet statuses of people around the world. It is difficult to find a similar quote about snow, because this cozy phrase is full of truth. It is in the winter cold that you want to escape from the piercing wind in a cozy cafe, and as a preventive measure, so as not to get sick, use hot tea and delicious chocolate cakes. Not for nothing that people gain extra pounds in the winter. Many people like this method of “treatment”.

"When it snows, we feel like children again"


Everyone loves to remember their youth, that’s Yukio Mishima’s statement reminds us of her. Some relive these wonderful moments again with their children, and some just walk along a snowy street to flood memories. Why does winter inspire walks to the past? Dark evenings, a blizzard outside the window and hot tea hinted that it was time to take a photo album and walk through the back streets of childhood.

Quotes about snow are often joyful and bright. But how could it be otherwise? The wonderful time of the year, which is famous for the holiday that has been loved since childhood, simply cannot but evoke positive emotions in the soul of a person.

"Thanks to the snow you can retire even in the city crowd"

But, of course, not all phrases about winter create a festive mood. The beautiful quote about snow, which was taken from the movie “Confessions of a dangerous person”, given above, tells us that it is in the cold season that a person feels his loneliness best. In snowfall, not everyone likes to walk outside. It is one thing to look at him from the window, and another is to run under the piercing wind. During a blizzard, passers-by rarely pay attention to each other, so thanks to the snow there is an opportunity to simply retire.

"Winter without snow - summer without bread"

Not all winter quotes are from literature. Some of them are sayings and idioms. For example, the quote about snow and winter given above is a vivid example of this. People have long noticed that if the white blanket does not cover the earth, it will freeze, and the crops will not sprout in the spring. And since for the peasants a lean year meant hunger and death, and bread was a staple food, this saying was born.