
Stepashina Tamara Vladimirovna: photo, biography, career and personal life

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Stepashina Tamara Vladimirovna: photo, biography, career and personal life
Stepashina Tamara Vladimirovna: photo, biography, career and personal life

Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina - for 43 years the wife of Sergei Vadimovich Stepashin, a statesman, the most important person on the political Olympus of our country. She received an excellent education, is a brilliant banking employee and financier.


In 1976, a son was born to the Stepashins, who was named Vladimir. He followed in the footsteps of his mother and graduated from St. Petersburg Institute of Economics. The young man also studied at the law academy, after which he worked at Promstroibank (PSB).

The close relationship of Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina with VTB and PSB is a subject for active discussion of this topic in the media. Every now and then comes information about clannishness and continuity.

School, Institute

The wife of Sergei Vadimovich was born on January 21 in Uzbekistan, in the city of Fergana, in the family of an officer. The year was 1953, which turned out to be nothing particularly outstanding for the Ukrainian SSR, except that it became the year of birth of Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina, a talented financier, banker and, as it turned out later, a reliable and smart partner for a politician in life.

And indeed, the personal life of the Stepashins does not give rise to the "fried". These people are not "customers" of the yellow press. Their union is an example of a strong marriage, the couple have been married for many years, have not been convicted of treason and scandals.


School years Stepashina fell on the period from 1963 to 1970, studied at school number 16 of the city of Volsk in the Saratov region.

In 1974, the future banker graduated from Kazan State Financial Institute.


Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina is the daughter of Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Mitrofanovich Ignatiev, a native of the village of Pruzhinki. The district secondary school bears his name.

Tamara Vladimirovna, mother, father and sister Natasha are the Ignatiev family in full force. Parents raised the girls in severity, but in great love.

Tamara Stepashina at one time released a book dedicated to her native village. There are only two similar books in Russia devoted to the school - this and the one dedicated to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

In an interview with reporters, the economist admits that she loved her father madly and keeps all his notes and diaries, as well as awards. In the archive of Stepashina Tamara Vladimirovna - photos that they, together with dad, printed on the old German camera "Practice".

The sisters always studied well and graduated from music school. Tamara Vladimirovna recalls that the family was very happy, as great love, comfort, empathy and mutual assistance reigned in her.

In an interview, Tamara Vladimirovna often recalls their life in Germany, where her father served. It turns out that her dad was an avid hunter, and, according to her, brought home hares, and moose, and other prey, and her mother cooked delicious meat, whose smells spread throughout the main staircase of the house - then everyone knew that “Frau Maria” prepares wonderful dishes.

The Ignatyev family returned to Russia in 1963, and his father began to teach political economy and history at the Volsky Higher Military Rear School.



Tamara and Natasha were always dad's daughters and, although they did not always manage to talk heart to heart with their father as much as they wanted, they looked at the world with his eyes. According to Tamara Vladimirovna, they always felt protected. Father's care was enough for the whole family - a family of four, grandmothers and all relatives. The father concentrated real male responsibility for relatives and relatives. Every year, the Ignatievs visited their native Pruzhinki and Donskoye - their grandmothers needed help. Stepashina said that her parents helped her mother’s relatives move to Volgograd, where they still live.

Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina recalls that it was father who always taught them and their sister not to be afraid of difficulties and any work, saying the sentence "Eyes are afraid, but their hands are doing." She says that it was his industriousness and decency, as well as responsibility for those who live and are close, and especially those who need help and support, who were transferred to him and his sister. Add to this the sense of justice, fidelity, love and respect for books.

According to Tamara Vladimirovna, her dad never just did nothing, indifferently. He put his soul into any action. Maybe this distinguishes the people of that generation from the modern inhabitants of the planet?

She says that he was always interested in everything, no matter what he undertook. Ignatiev’s house has always been a chalice and welcoming for guests.


My father was always full of energy for the family, for work, and for leisure, Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina continues to share her memories.

According to her, Ignatyev Sr. was a real patriot of his Fatherland and sincerely believed that it was necessary to educate the spirit of patriotism in young people. He himself fulfilled this mission with pleasure and all responsibility whenever possible. He was a very demanding person both to himself and to others.

Tamara Vladimirovna confesses: "Thank God that my father did not find the collapse of the USSR."

Pruzhinki Village


This unremarkable settlement in the Lipetsk region is the small homeland of Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina's father, where the ancestors of the family lived from the 17th century, engaged in agriculture.

Dad of our heroine mastered several professions, but at the beginning of the war he was forced to go to the front. From the war, senior Ignatiev returned as foreman, Hero of the Soviet Union. He met his wife Maria in the village of Donskoy, love at first sight lasted a lifetime. This fidelity in love was transferred to Tamara Vladimirovna.

Traditions of the Stepashin family

On July 30, in 2013, the village of Pruzhinki turned 355 years old. Stepashins made a present to their fellow countrymen - an illustrated book about a school of 240 pages. According to Tamara Vladimirovna, she and her husband are trying to keep in touch with the village, honor the traditions of their ancestors, and help people revive it.



Career of Tamara Vladimirovna’s spouse Sergey Vadimovich Stepashin always went uphill. At one time, he was appointed to the post of director of the Federal Counterintelligence Service (FSK), where he worked from 1994 to 1995, becoming his second and last head. Sergey Vadimovich also served as the first director of the Federal Security Service of our country in 1995.

From 1997 to 1998, Stepashin was the Minister of Justice of our country, and then - Minister of the Interior of Russia from 1998 to 1999. From May to August 1999, he served as Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

But most of all he is known as the chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. She held this position from 2000 to 2013.


Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina and her husband know how to count money. On the spouse of Sergei Vadimovich recorded land plots with an area of ​​2307 square meters. m., she owns a residential building with an area of ​​about 662 square meters, two apartments of 84.9 and 178.3 square meters each, as well as one-twentieth of the garage. Along with this, Tamara Vladimirovna is the owner of a Mercedes-Benz car.


She was lucky to marry a talented person. Doctor of Law and Professor, Colonel General Stepashin is a charming person, a faithful husband and an excellent family man. But Tamara Vladimirovna herself is a very valuable financial officer. For PSB and VTB, it was indispensable; it participated in transactions for the sale of a stake in a credit institution.

Job and career

The labor biography of Tamara Vladimirovna Stepashina after the university began with the USSR State Bank. From 1974 to 1980, she worked in the Vasileostrovsky branch of this credit organization.

The Stepashin’s surname is closely associated with the surname Kogan. They say they really help each other. In 1980, the chairman of the supervisory board of the Industrial Construction Bank and simultaneously the president of the Banking House, the notorious Vladimir Kogan, played an important role in the career of Stepashina Tamara Vladimirovna: PSB Bank received a new deputy chairman of the board in her person. In this bank, at the suggestion of Kogan, Sergey Vadimovich’s wife went from being a loan officer in the Krasnogvardeisky branch and until 1996 worked as a “swing”, and from 1996 to 2000 she was appointed manager of the PSB branch in Moscow.

Curator of bankers and those nearby

The further career growth of the wife of the chief controller of budget funds has continued since May 2000 as vice president of JSC Banking House St. Petersburg. Moreover, the increase of Tamara Vladimirovna coincided with the appointment of Sergey Stepashin to the post of chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. At the new post, Tamara Vladimirovna oversaw the activities of the holding in the Russian capital, supervising the activities of about 200 organizations - all banks and institutions included in the Banking House.

In particular, it was about the management company of the group, about the well-known Tamara Vladimirovna PSB, about the banks Saint Petersburg, Vyborg Bank and Vitabank, as well as various brokerage and financial, as well as leasing and insurance companies, trading firms and industrial enterprises.