
Stephen King: as special as his works

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Stephen King: as special as his works
Stephen King: as special as his works

Video: The Stephen King Multiverse Finally Explained 2024, July

Video: The Stephen King Multiverse Finally Explained 2024, July

Most people know Stephen King from his books and films made from them. He was nicknamed the king of horrors because he hooked many with his very first book. His genre and style of storytelling is kept in suspense to the very last page.


If you have not read his books, you most likely saw films shot based on the stories of Stephen. By the way, 200 were removed.

Books with stories diverged in millions of copies. In total, 350 million copies have been released and sold over his writing career, for which his fans still thank.


How it all started

At the very beginning of his writing career, Stephen was a simple guy with no money, but with a well-developed imagination and a great desire to write books. He began his journey with short stories that were published in magazines. At this time, he began to work on his first manuscript, the novel "Kerry".

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When the story was finished, Stephen was dissatisfied with the end result and threw it in the trash. Fortunately, his wife Tabitha took it out and, after reading, asked her to slightly modify and completely finish the book. After making the change, the novel "Kerry" was published, and it became a big hit.


In parallel, he made a living selling his short stories in adult magazines. They can be found in the old issues of Playboy and Cavalier. For these short stories he was paid less than $ 100, and this was barely enough to make ends meet.


He was hit by a car and he bought it

An interesting fact: back in 1999, while in Maine, Stephen fell under the wheels of a car. As a result of an accident, he received rather serious injuries, including leg fractures. Lying in the hospital, Stephen and his lawyer decided to redeem the van from the culprit, so that after recovering, break it with a sledgehammer.

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A little bit about family

Stephen is not the only writer in his large family. His wife Tabitha is a fairly experienced writer. She has several written and published novels.

The eldest son, Joe, followed in the footsteps of his parents and began to write very interesting and exciting stories. It is published under the pseudonym Joe Hill.


The youngest son also decided to keep up by publishing a collection of short stories and one short story. In addition, he worked with his father on the manuscript Sleeping Beauties, which was published in 2017. He also married a writer.

The only member of the family who is not a writer is Stephen's daughter. Naomi is a minister and an LGBT activist.

Stephen is also interested in music and even at one time was a member of The Rock Bottom Remainders. The group got its name from the publishing term "book balance", which is the unsold stock balance of copies that are sold at a reduced price.


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Adaptation of The Shining

The writer was dissatisfied with the adaptation of the book "Shine", shot by Kubrick. This film is now revered, but nonetheless, Stephen did not like it. In addition, he did not keep silent about this, actively criticized adaptation for misogyny and did not agree with the actors selected for the role.

Radiance is a good film, it looks like a beautiful new Cadillac, but only without an engine, ”these words were said by the writer after watching the film.
