
Florida's Capital - Tallahassee: 5 Top City Attractions

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Florida's Capital - Tallahassee: 5 Top City Attractions
Florida's Capital - Tallahassee: 5 Top City Attractions

The twenty-seventh state of the United States, washed by the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, was called blooming and sunny. By and large, this is not surprising, because during the year in Florida, the thermometer rarely drops below + 20 ° С. The state's climate is recognized as an important and valuable natural resource. Warm and evergreen palm trees attract many visitors to these lands. They strive to get into the luxurious and vibrant energy of Miami, as well as in the hot and mountainous Tallahassee (the capital of Florida), which will be discussed later.

The city is beautiful, cozy and no longer young, and this makes it possible to enjoy not only the sea and the weather, but also organize a good cultural program. The official year of formation of Tallahassee is considered to be 1824. However, before the "whites" arrived here, the territory was inhabited by indigenous peoples - the Appalachian Indians. We invite you to consider with us places that are worth visiting when you are in Tallahassee.

Old and New Capitol


Two buildings stand side by side, like symbols of different eras. The magnificent old Capitol was erected in 1845 - this is a building that has significance both from a historical and architectural point of view. It is located at the intersection of Monroe Street and Appalachian Boulevard, in the heart of the capital of Florida (USA). Nowadays, a museum is located here, which anyone can visit. Its exposition tells about the stages of formation of state law.

The new Capitol is impossible not to notice. This is a bulky 22-story administrative building in which the House of Representatives and the Senate are now located. It was built in the 70s of the last century. The project reflected the demolition of the old Capitol and the expansion of space. However, as soon as the locals became aware of this, they organized a successful movement to preserve the state’s historical and cultural heritage. The result is an interesting place where two different historical periods “meet” and harmoniously coexist.

Nearby is a huge state park named after Alfred B. Maclay with a botanical garden covering an area of ​​more than four square kilometers.

Mission San Luis

The first Europeans arrived on the land that is now occupied by the capital of Florida (USA), the city of Tallahassee in 1528, as part of the expedition of the Spanish conquistador. The Indians met them with hostility, only four people managed to survive. The second attempt to settle in these places was made only 10 years later. Captain Hernando de Soto with 600 soldiers captured the settlement. And in 1656, the San Luis Mission was organized in its place by the Franciscan monks, which served as a religious, educational and military center for more than 1, 400 Appalachian Indians.


Today, the territory of the Mission in the capital of Florida is a national historical monument, visiting which you will plunge into the atmosphere of those distant times. Here you are happy to stroll around a small garden, observe the work of a blacksmith, learn about the life of a typical Spanish family and, if you like, try the food that the first European settlers ate in the 17th century.

All buildings with painstaking historical accuracy were recreated on the Mission's territory, including the Appalachian Council House, a five-story building (pictured above) tall and a wooden church.

Museum of antique cars

The capital of Florida boasts six major museums. They are dedicated to various topics and eras. One of the most interesting, of course, is the Museum of Antique Cars. The pleasure of visiting him will be received not only by motorists, but also by children. The exposition consists of a collection of old and rare models Ford, Duesenberg, Chevy's, DeLorean, Corvettes. In addition, it is here that you can see Bat Mobiles demonstrated in the movie "Batman Returns".


In total, the museum has more than 140 cars, as well as cast toy models, old boats and their individual elements, bicycles, cash registers, spark plugs and more.

Florida History Museum

In this museum you will be able to find out which capital of Florida and the whole state as a whole have an interesting history. Impressive and fascinating exhibits are available for viewing absolutely free of charge, but if you wish, you can leave a small charity contribution.


The Florida History Museum, which was opened in 1977, collects, stores, displays, and interprets evidence from past and present cultures that exist in the state. His attention is mainly focused on those exhibits and epochs that are unique and original for the history of Florida, and also speak about the role of its inhabitants in events of national and world scale.