
The Country of Migratory Capitalism: Key Features and Examples

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The Country of Migratory Capitalism: Key Features and Examples
The Country of Migratory Capitalism: Key Features and Examples

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What is meant by the concept of "resettlement capitalism"? By what signs can it be determined? The country of resettlement capitalism - what is it, and how is it different from other states?

Migration capitalism is …

By the concept of "resettlement capitalism" is meant a special type of management in which the metropolis expands its living space at the expense of the lands of indigenous peoples. Later, these territories become colonies, which are massively settled by immigrants. The latter create here their own rules of the economic game, norms and principles.


In newly formed colonies, the indigenous population is suppressed, assimilated, or even physically eradicated. Metropolitan countries often send criminals and unreliable elements here. Migration capitalism is always a profound and thorough transformation in the economic life of the colonial region.

Any country of resettlement capitalism has a number of characteristic features. We will talk about them further.

The main features of the countries of resettlement capitalism

The country of resettlement capitalism is, first of all, the dualistic (dual) nature of the economic system. This means that the state is highly developed, but it shows (to one degree or another) the features of dependence - economic or political. Capitalism in these countries did not form itself, but was introduced from outside - by emigrants from Europe.


Among the most important features of these states are the following:

  • active participation of foreign capital in the economic development of the country;

  • agrarian and raw material specialization of the economy in the world market;

  • weak or insufficient development of high-tech and high-tech industries;

  • post-industrial type of economic system;

  • uniform economic development of the state.

All countries of resettlement capitalism (the list of which is given below) from the colonial times retained the agrarian and raw material specialization of their economies. On the other hand, they are not at all like classic developing countries in a number of ways.

Countries of resettlement capitalism (list)

This group of states usually includes the former:

  • Australia

  • New Zealand

  • Republic of South Africa (South Africa);

  • Canada

  • as well as Israel.

Some features of migratory capitalism can be traced in the United States.

One way or another, all of the above states (except Israel) were founded by immigrants from Europe (USA, Australia and New Zealand - by the British; Canada - by the British and French; South Africa - by the British and Dutch). And all of them were under the powerful influence of Great Britain until the beginning of the twentieth century.


Each country of resettlement capitalism owes its economy to the Europeans, who built it in the form in which it still exists. Indigenous people in these countries (Maori, Eskimos, American Indians, etc.) practically do not participate in the economic life of their states.

A few words should be said about the natural resource potential of the countries from this list. It is mostly poorly understood and very rich, since the exploitation of natural resources began here much later than in the old Europe. Canada, Australia or New Zealand today also boast vast areas of forest and grazing land for livestock.

Canada is a country of migratory capitalism

On the shores of modern Canada, Europeans first appeared at the end of the XV century. It was the ship of sailor John Cabot, who discovered the island of Newfoundland. The British and French fought for a very long time over the territory of this country.


Modern Canada is a classic country of migratory capitalism. Its industrial-agrarian economy has tremendous potential. Canada is in the top ten in terms of GNP per capita. The country's industry is diversified and complexly structured.

However, in some aspects, Canada's national economy is very similar to the economies of underdeveloped states. It is about agribusiness specialization of production: the most developed in Canada are the sectors of mining and primary processing of raw materials. But this fact does not prevent her from being among the richest and most prosperous countries in the world.