
Schengen countries: a complete list of 2018

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Schengen countries: a complete list of 2018
Schengen countries: a complete list of 2018

Video: Schengen Countries 2024, July

Video: Schengen Countries 2024, July

The integration processes taking place in the world affect absolutely all aspects of the life of each state and its inhabitants. Most often, starting as a process of economic cooperation, these integration processes more and more connect 2 or more countries in the exchange of resources, goods, labor, etc. The closer the countries cooperate, the more they have mutual interests and areas of activity that must be regulated. One of these areas is the free movement of labor, tourists, businessmen, etc. between neighboring countries.

Today's largest union of countries on visa issues is the union of countries belonging to the so-called Schengen zone (from the name of the small village of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg). So what is Schengen? What is it for? And which specific European countries are part of the Schengen? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Schengen zone - what is it?

Schengen area, Schengen, Schengen Area is an agreement between 28 European countries that have signed and strictly comply with the Schengen agreement. They cancel the border passport and customs control between these countries, which contributes to the free movement of people, goods and capital. Simply put, the territory and countries included in the Schengen agreement look like one big state. It is limited to the territories of the countries participating in the agreement with a single border control of external borders (entry / exit of people; import / export of goods / capital). As well as the lack of control at the borders of Schengen states.


The countries that signed the agreement pursue a single policy for people temporarily entering the territory of the Schengen agreement, conduct uniform, transparent control at external borders and promote the development of police and judicial cooperation between the countries of the Schengen agreement.

When passing through customs control, flights, registration at hotels, police inspection and control, you may need either an EU citizen's passport or an identification card of an EU member state or Schengen countries, or a visa stamp in a foreign passport of a citizen of one of the countries not included in the Schengen agreement.

The history of Schengen

As mentioned above, the Schengen zone acquired its name from the small village of Luxembourg called Schengen, in which on June 14, 1985 representatives of several countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France and Germany) signed the Schengen Agreement, through which The participating countries abolished customs and passport control.

In fact, Schengen was born on March 26, 1995, when this agreement was signed between seven countries. The original countries were joined by Spain and Portugal.

On May 1, 1999, the Schengen legislation of the European Union appeared instead of the Schengen agreement. And from that moment on, there was no need for new members of the European Union to sign the Schengen Agreement, since, becoming a member of the EU, they are automatically obligated to comply with the Schengen legislation.

In 2000, another state joined - Greece, and in 2001 - the countries of the Scandinavian Passport Union (Finland, Sweden, Denmark), as well as two states that were not members of the EU - Norway and Iceland.

Since 2007, the Schengen zone has included the following countries (9 new participants at once) - Latvia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Malta, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia. Since December 2008, Switzerland has been a full member of the Schengen law. Since December 2011 - Liechtenstein.

Currently, the Schengen area includes 26 countries. Schengen states (list of countries) are presented later in the article.

An exception. What other countries can I enter with a Schengen visa? It should be noted that the Schengen zone extends to countries such as the Vatican, San Marino, the Principality of Monaco. Even though they did not sign the Schengen agreement. An important point: since the small Principality of Andorra is not a member of the Schengen agreement, when entering the Principality from Spain or France, a person actually crosses the border of the Schengen zone. And upon returning, he needs to obtain a visa again.

Countries awaiting Schengen accession

Country Population Decision to enter expected date
Bulgaria 7 576 751 January 1, 2007 Undefined date
Cyprus 801 851 May 1, 2004 Partly dependent on the unresolved Cyprus conflict
Romania 21 466 174 January 1, 2007 Undefined date
Croatia 4, 290, 612 December 9, 2011 Undefined date

It is worth commenting on countries that have not yet decided to join the Schengen zone.

In 2011, on September 22, at a meeting of the Ministers of the Interior of the EU member states in Brussels, Romania and Bulgaria, the right to enter the Schengen zone was denied. The refusal was due to the fact that France and the Netherlands opposed the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, as these countries are not fighting corruption effectively.

The decision to enter Bulgaria and Romania into the Schengen was postponed several times and, as of 2015, no new countries have been adopted in the Schengen agreement. Thus, today in the Schengen zone includes 26 countries.

What are the most popular Schengen countries to visit in 2018? Each year, a rating is compiled of the countries in this zone in which the largest number of tourists is expected to arrive. For 2018, such a list has also been compiled, and below it is presented to your attention.

Schengen: which countries are included?

So, below are all the countries of the Schengen area as of 2018.


This is the full list of 2018 Schengen countries.


Holidays in Italy are not cheap. However, every year this destination for recreation is becoming more and more popular. Gastronomic tours are especially popular as Italy is famous for its cuisine. Along with this, picturesque beaches, the sea, mild Mediterranean climate, beautiful nature and ancient architecture attract more and more tourists from all over the world and in any season. And Italy, stretched from north to south in the form of a boot, is very diverse. Tourists who have already visited this country are happy to return to visit one of the other regions of Italy.



This country is famous for the warm sun, siesta, beautiful architectural sights and excellent national cuisine. Cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao and smaller towns and villages spanning the entire magnificent coast will not leave indifferent even the most demanding travelers.



The traditional destination for all romantics, fashionistas and people of art is France with its center in Paris. And the delicious smells of croissants, incredible architectural ensembles, the spirit of freedom and beauty will fall in love with any tourist in France, and he will want to come back again and again to make more discoveries, emotional and sensual. Separately, it is worth highlighting the Cote d'Azur with amazing beaches, as well as the wonderful ski resort towns of the French Alps. It seems that in France anyone can find an occupation for their own interests.



The picturesque Prague with its medieval castle constructions, narrow streets and delicious national cuisine stands apart. And this is the Czech Republic.



One of the most popular destinations for tourists from the former CIS is Greece. Ancient architecture, Mediterranean culinary traditions with Greek wine, pristine nature, create an incredible atmosphere of tranquility and relaxation.



This country receives more and more tourists every year, as Hungary is full of home comfort and warmth. In addition to beautiful local attractions, a large number of tourists come to the thermal springs to work on their health.



Ancient cities such as Krakow, Poznan, Lodz with the beautiful capital of Warsaw will fill your vacation with memorable impressions, and in addition to ordinary tourism, Polish medical resorts are waiting for their guests. For lovers of outdoor activities created beautiful scenic ski slopes. Also, this country is distinguished by a simpler visa application, since the Polish Consulate is more loyal than other Schengen countries, considering applications for a visa.
