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X-55 strategic cruise missile: specifications, photos

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X-55 strategic cruise missile: specifications, photos
X-55 strategic cruise missile: specifications, photos

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The time has long passed when the main weapon of aircraft was an automatic gun. Of course, there is one on board every modern combat fighter or interceptor, but its real value is very small. The basis of the combat power of the modern Air Force is a cruise missile. X-55 - one of the first and most effective models of this kind of weapon, which was adopted by the Soviet Army.

Development start


It all started back in 1975. Then the team of the ICB "Rainbow" took the initiative to create a new type of small-sized missiles with a nuclear warhead, which can significantly increase the military power of the domestic air force. It is not known for what reasons, but the proposal was initially rejected. However, already next year he was accepted, and, moreover, the plant began work on the accelerated development of this type of weapon. Thus, the X-55 rocket was conceived and implemented by the talented team of the ICB "Rainbow". Of course, this was not possible immediately.

The first samples and "field" tests

The first samples began to be collected in Dubna, and this happened in 1978. But due to the fact that the enterprise was loaded with the release of X-22 missiles, it was decided to deploy production in Kharkov. In the early years, the Kharkov plant only partially produced the main components of the rocket, while the finished products were assembled in Dubna, but soon the company completely switched to a closed production cycle.

At the very beginning of 1978 (even before the completion of all stages of the tests), the USSR government decided to speed up the serial production of these missiles. At the end of 1980, the first serial X-55 rocket was solemnly handed over to the customer. From the very beginning, it was assumed that the carriers of the new powerful weapon would be the White Swans Tu-160 and Bears Tu-95. Tests X-55 were conducted at the site in Faustovo.


First failure

For the first time, the X-55 serial missile flew on February 23, 1981. In total, a dozen launches were carried out, and the product refused only one. Moreover, the matter turned out not to be in any constructive flaw, but in the failure of the electric generator. But why is it even needed in the design of such a specific munition, if it is possible to provide a constructively rechargeable battery of increased capacity?

The fact is that missiles with a nuclear warhead were originally designed to maximize their practical range if necessary. Standard batteries throughout the "route" simply can not provide power to all components. Therefore, they are powered by a small-sized electric power generator RDK-300.

Beginning of entry into the troops


For the first time, this missile was adopted by units based in Semipalatinsk. In 1983, the first exercises were held, during which the regiment practiced practical skills on the use of these weapons in conditions as close to combat as possible. In December of the same year, a modernized version of the Tu-95 was officially adopted, the main weapon of which was the X-55 (cruise missile).

In 1984, regular tests were carried out, on which it was revealed that it can hit a target located at a distance of 2.5 thousand kilometers with high accuracy. In 1986, the production was completely transferred to the city of Kirov. To relieve the assembly shops, some elements of the rockets began to be produced at the Smolensk Aviation Plant.

Key design features

What is structurally different X-55? The cruise missile is based on a standard aerodynamic design. The body of the product is steel, on welded joints. In fact, more than 70% of the fuselage volume is the fuel tank. The power structure is represented by frames on which all devices, equipment are mounted, they are also responsible for the solid docking of the rocket compartments. Since it was required to lighten the structure as much as possible, almost all frame elements were thin-walled.


What size did the X-55, a strategic cruise missile, have? The diameter of its fuselage is half a meter. The total wingspan is just over three meters. The length of the hull is nine meters, the normal starting weight is 1.7 tons. The maximum deviation from the target is one hundred meters. In subsequent modifications, this value was reduced to 20 meters, but at the same time the range of application fell to 2000 kilometers. Naturally, engineers and scientists did not like this option at all.

Modification option

However, there was another X-55. A strategic cruise missile with the SM index, on whose body special overhead fuel tanks were produced, could fly over 3, 500 kilometers. But subsequently, only the X-555 variant was produced, on the case of which there were also structurally incorporated mounts for additional fuel tanks. This modification could hit targets at a distance of up to 3 thousand kilometers.

The capacity of a nuclear warhead is 200 ct. Currently in service is a modified missile X-55. Its characteristics are absolutely identical to those described, but the warhead “begins” not with a nuclear charge, but with a mixture of ordinary TNT and hexoken.

Aerodynamics and characteristics of the power plant


All protruding parts were made of special composite materials. This approach not only made it possible to significantly reduce the starting mass, but also made the rocket less visible to potential enemy’s radars. The stabilizers and the wing are folded before launch, straightened out under the action of the squibs after the X-55 rocket (the photo of which is in the article) is launched from the plane.

A special mention is worthy of the used power plant. The double-circuit motor P95-300 of the turbojet principle of action is mounted in the rear part. The basis is a special pylon. It is also complicated, it is pulled out of the case immediately before launch. Start-up is also carried out under the action of a knock-out squib. This engine is very compact, but its weight return is 3.68 kgf / kg. This, for comparison, is fully consistent with similar indicators of the most modern combat aircraft.

Due to this, the X-55 cruise missile, the characteristics of which allow it to be considered a quite adequate weapon even for modern conditions, is capable of developing very high speed, which prevents its interception on a combat trajectory.

In fact, according to this characteristic, this weapon is still not inferior to many new developments. The interception of this missile is possible only if the most advanced and complex missile defense systems are used. Considering that rearmament at the present time is an unrealistically expensive affair, the X-55 will remain in service with our country for a long time, possessing quite modern capabilities and striking power.

Types of fuel used


Its advantage is also exceptional "omnivorous." The engine of this rocket can run on conventional aviation kerosene grades T-1, TC-1 and others. But for R-95-300, Soviet scientists as soon as possible developed a special substance T-10, which is better known as decilin. This is an extremely toxic, but at the same time high-calorie compound. It is on this fuel that the X-55 and X-555 missiles are capable of achieving maximum speed characteristics and their flight range.

But working with this type of fuel is extremely difficult: decilin is very fluid, and therefore requires frequent maintenance aimed at maintaining the highest tightness of the housing. And they only refuel with those missiles that are installed on board strategic missile carriers of constant combat readiness. In all other cases, the military prefers to use aviation kerosene, as this minimizes the risks for both the soldiers themselves and the civilian population.

Operating principle

The guidance system is inertial, completely autonomous, with flight adjustment depending on the characteristics of the terrain. Before flying, the reference terrain on which the intended target is located is loaded into the onboard equipment of the rocket. During the flight, X-55 air-based cruise missiles can obey both commands from the ground or air, and use a fully autonomous program, moving along the terrain. This makes them a truly universal and extremely dangerous type of weapon.