
Super Women, Alien Quest, and Console Battles: Main Expected Events of 2020

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Super Women, Alien Quest, and Console Battles: Main Expected Events of 2020
Super Women, Alien Quest, and Console Battles: Main Expected Events of 2020

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Video: 5 tips to help you feel confident on video with Sarah Fisher 2024, July

Upcoming events in the world are interesting, and somewhere even bewitching. Although, as you know, the expectation of a miracle is always more exciting and excites the imagination more than its onset. Let's find out what will happen and what they will talk about in 2020.

Earth Martian


Earth and Mars pass each other at the most minimal distance every two years. And the coming year is just marked by this event. Therefore, at least four countries (USA, Europe, China and the UAE) plan to send unmanned aerial vehicles to the Red Planet.

America already has satellites and rovers that perform missions on Mars. "Mars 2020" is equipped with a helicopter drone that can fly in the rarefied air of the planet.

The European Rosalind Franklin is equipped with devices for extracting soil at the site of the alleged dried river from a depth of up to two meters. After studying the samples, you can establish signs of the presence of microorganisms on the planet.

The Chinese rover “HX-1” will be launched into space without intermediaries and, having reached its place of deployment, must look for pockets of ice.

The UAE’s Nadezhda probe launched a non-Martian orbit to study the planet’s atmosphere in order to understand why hydrogen and oxygen disappeared from the surface.


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It is worth noting that one of NASA's Mars rovers already has a device that processes carbon dioxide into oxygen, which, as planned, can be used for its intended purpose by astronauts pioneers.

Young geeks at the Olympics


The youngest member of Sky Brown may appear in the British Olympic team. Her goal is to break the record for the 1936 Olympics, when the 13-year-old diving athlete won the gold medal. However, the 11-year-old British skateboarder has already won the bronze medal at the 2019 World Cup. This year, the Summer Olympic Games are scheduled to be held in Tokyo, and the competition will include sports such as skateboarding, softball and rock climbing.

Mankind begins to win the confrontation with malaria


The main carriers of the disease are mosquitoes. Of the 228 million reported cases in 2018, 405, 000 were fatal, according to WHO. In the 2020 forecast, another 9 countries will be able to eradicate malaria as a disease with dire consequences. Among them can be added and China, in which mortality from the disease reaches 300, 000 people per year. According to WHO statistics, 38 of the at-risk countries out of 91 have already been able to eliminate malaria outbreaks.

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Man 00 …


Bandiana’s 25th film about Her Majesty’s compelling spy, “Not the Time to Die, ” will be released in early April. It is predicted that this is the last episode with Daniel Craig in the title role. Already in this film, the character 00 female agent, whom James Bond has to deal with, was introduced. The fate of the most secret employee is covered in darkness and various theories about his future fate.

Console battles


By the end of 2020, two well-known developers promise to please gamers with the new PS5 (Sony) and Xbox Project Scarlett (Microsoft) consoles. It is reliably known that a new product is being developed in order to bring the graphics to a qualitatively different level. For the rest, both firms are silent, and their plans are shrouded in mystery. It is speculated that the developers will have to change the technical "stuffing" of the consoles, and in this regard, the initial price of $ 500 is forecasted.

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Games without which it is impossible to imagine 2020

After the undoubted success of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and the ensuingly debated issue of The Witcher (Netflix), CD Projekt has announced the release of Cyberpunk 2077 for April this year. Moreover, the owners of three PC, PS4 and Xbox One platforms will be able to plunge into the world of cybermen of the future. The plot of the action RPG with an open world is based on the game of the same name by Mike Pondsmith, who, like Sapkovsky, takes an active part in creating an ultra-technological world.

It is expected that the player will face problems caused by human interactions with artificial intelligence, organs, and excessive corporate control over all processes taking place in Night-City.

Naughty Dog is famous in the gaming industry for holding a title of high-level computer game developer for a long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that fans of The Last of Us are looking forward to continuing the adventures of the heroes of Joel and Ellie. The second part is expected in May this year. Players will have the opportunity to once again plunge into the world of the apocalypse, where not only self-defense skills are important, but also the ability to make important fateful decisions, since the development of the plot and the ending of the game will directly depend on this. Because, as in real life, all decisions made will have consequences, the results of which can seriously surprise.

Super women on screen


In 2020, Hollywood is not going to slow down the production of films about superheroes from the Marvel universe. The idea of ​​gender equality, cultivated in the Western film industry, has led to a curious tendency in the films of the beginning of the year. Almost all the main roles of superheroes were left at the mercy of the beautiful half of humanity. Wonder Woman, Black Widow, Harley Queen - this is not a complete list of characters that you will not suspect that they are exemplary housewives. Instead, each of them easily overwhelms the hordes of enemies, for some reason for some reason saves the world (motivation sometimes just can not be traced), manages to make some of the most memorable remarks that are not subject to logical analysis in a fairly short time.

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Billy ailish


Rising American pop star, who is also a songwriter, will make her first world tour in 2020. It should be noted that the previous year of the 17-year-old singer was rich in various prizes and awards, as well as fans will remember the release of a solo album. Billy's fans are a teenage audience with whom she skillfully finds a common language, and also selects topics that excite this category of listeners for their musical compositions. The singer herself is at the age of rebellious maximalism, although unlike her peers, she never attended school (she was trained at home with her brother). But this (and many other information about the life of a rising star) does not prevent teenagers from finding attractive aspects of Eilish's personality. Grateful listeners look forward to her concerts.