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SVD with a silencer: description, device and technical specifications

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SVD with a silencer: description, device and technical specifications
SVD with a silencer: description, device and technical specifications

Video: Tarkov SVD Modding: Budget Basics to Ergo Build Blowouts! (Why you should give the SVD run-out) 2024, July

Video: Tarkov SVD Modding: Budget Basics to Ergo Build Blowouts! (Why you should give the SVD run-out) 2024, July

Since 1963, the Soviet army has the opportunity to destroy moving and appearing, open and well-camouflaged single targets using the 7.62-mm Dragunov sniper rifle. This rifle unit in the technical documentation is listed as SVD under the index 6B1. The creation of Eugene Dragunov was widely used by Soviet specialists in several wars and armed conflicts. The high technical characteristics of the rifle were highly praised by the military. Due to the fact that each new weapon model becomes obsolete and loses its effectiveness, the designers have to refine and improve it. This fate was not spared and SVD.


The rifle with a silencer, according to experts, will be much more effective than its counterpart without a PBS device. Information on the Dragunov rifle unit equipped with a silent firing device can be found in this article.

About the history of creation

Designing SVD with a silencer began in the 1970s. The rifle unit was intended for the airborne troops. The work was carried out by the designers of TsKIB SOO. However, the matter was limited only to the creation of the project of the rifle. The new model received the designation IED (advanced sniper rifle). The industrial production of silent weapons was not established. Twenty years later, the SVD with a silencer was offered to the employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs as a sniper weapon that can be used in urban conditions. IEDs by the leadership of the Ministry of the Interior were thoroughly tested, approved and adopted in 1994. In addition, the designers were tasked with creating a similar model from which it would be possible to shoot bursts. Later, such rifle units were designed. In the technical documentation they appear as IED-A and IED-AS.


SVD with a silencer is a shortened sniper rifle. The new rifle unit is based on the legendary Dragunov rifle. However, the bullpup scheme was used to build the IEDs. In contrast to the SVD, a massive camouflage muzzle device can be installed on a shortened barrel; the development of designer L. V. Bondarev. Polyamide was used to make weapons accessories. Thanks to the dovetail mount, the IED is equipped with a PSO-1 folding diopter or conventional optical sight, which is used in the 1963 base sniper rifle. Ammunition is carried out from removable box stores, designed for 10 rounds. A photo of the SVD with a silencer is presented in the article.


About the mechanism

According to experts, the new rifle unit with the same internal arrangement as the basic Dragunov rifle. Due to the fact that the VCA provides for a slightly changed layout, for example, the length of the rod that connects the trigger to the trigger, the trigger mechanism in the silent shooting unit was modified by the designers. As a result, the improved Dragunov rifle is adapted to perform both single and burst fire. In the first case, it’s easy enough for the fighter to push the trigger, in the second - turn on the special translator of the fire mode, and then push the hook all the way.

About technical specifications

This type of weapon has the following specifications:

  • By type of IED is a sniper rifle.
  • In service since 1994.
  • The weight of weapons equipped with optics and without ammunition is 5.9 kg, with a DS5 night vision system and an empty ammunition load of 6.1 kg.
  • The total length of the rifle is 98 cm, the barrel is 52 cm.
  • Shooting is carried out by ammunition 7.62 x 64 mm R and NATO 7.62 x 51 mm.
  • The weapon functions due to the removal of powder gases.
  • Within one minute, 30 shots can be fired from IEDs. For IED-A and IED-AS, this indicator is increased to 650.
  • Using an SVD with a silencer, you can hit the target at a maximum range of up to 1300 m. Aim fire is possible at a distance of not more than 800 m.

About the merits


Judging by the reviews, the SVD silencer reduces the sound of a shot by 12%. In addition to a sufficiently high dispersion of sound, thanks to the presence of PBS during the use of a sniper rifle with single cartridges, the flame does not break out from the barrel. As the military assures, if you carry out a single shooting, the exact position of the shooter will remain uncertain. The accuracy of the battle at small and medium distances is somewhat inferior to the basic sniper rifle Dragunov. Reducing the length of the barrel led to an increase in dispersion, which negatively affects the accuracy of the battle.