the culture

Through his work, I.V. Kurchatov created the monument to himself during his lifetime. And how do the descendants keep the memory of the great scientist?

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Through his work, I.V. Kurchatov created the monument to himself during his lifetime. And how do the descendants keep the memory of the great scientist?
Through his work, I.V. Kurchatov created the monument to himself during his lifetime. And how do the descendants keep the memory of the great scientist?

Academician Igor V. Kurchatov was an outstanding Soviet scientist who became famous in the field of nuclear energy. Often he is called the "father of the atomic bomb." It is safe to say that Kurchatov erected a monument to himself during his life with his own achievements and hard scientific work. With such worldwide fame and recognition, it is not surprising that sculptures and monuments to the scientist were erected in many cities of the former USSR. Which monuments are the most original and interesting?

Sculptural composition in Chelyabinsk


Kurchatov Igor Vasilievich was born in the Chelyabinsk region in 1903. It is not surprising that after the death of the famous fellow countryman, the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Chelyabinsk Petr Sumin set about organizing the installation of a memorial dedicated to him. Kurchatov was a great man, they decided to make the monument appropriate - of impressive size and interesting. The grand opening of the sculptural composition was timed to coincide with the 250th anniversary of the city. The figure of Kurchatov, 6.4 meters high, stands on a pedestal (the total height of the statue is 11 meters), and two pylons (columns) are installed on each side - each 27 meters high. The lateral elements are completely symmetrical; hemispheres symbolizing a split atom are located on them. This is incredible, but the sculptural composition, opened in 1986, was equipped with spotlights. However, due to imperfections in the design, they did not work long.

Chelyabinsk Kurchatov (monument near SUSU) today

To date, the monument erected in the homeland of the physicist is considered one of the most interesting among all the sculptures dedicated to Igor Vasilievich. In 2006, a restoration was carried out. And now the sculptural composition is highlighted in the evening, and on holidays the atom itself also shines. A popular question among visitors: where is the monument to Kurchatov in Chelyabinsk? In fact, finding him is not easy. The sculptural composition is located near the South Ural State University, at the intersection of Lesoparkovaya Street and Lenin Avenue. The exact address of the attraction: Lenin Avenue, 89. If you decide to visit the monument to Kurchatov (Chelyabinsk) you will not be able to take a memory photo on any day. Keep in mind that the attraction is located on the campus, young people always gather here, many roller skate and skateboards. And very soon, right in front of the monument there will be an equipped platform for practicing extreme street sports.

Monument to the "father of the atomic bomb" in Moscow


The capital of Russia has its own monument to Kurchatov. It is located near the Scientific Center "Kurchatov Institute", in the square named after the academician. The monument looks original, as it depicts the scientist’s huge head mounted on a pedestal. The monument was created in 1971, and even then many criticized the sculpture. However, many people like this monument. One version: the image of a huge head symbolizes a clear non-standard mind and genius - qualities that Kurchatov undoubtedly possessed. The monument, as well as its counterpart in Chelyabinsk, is very popular among young people. Near him, almost daily, urban street sports enthusiasts and ordinary students gather to see the tricks performed by friends and just chat.

Monuments to the academician in other cities


In fact, the monuments of I.V. Kurchatov in the vastness of our country is quite a lot. The sculptures look different. Some depict the academician in height, others in a sitting pose, there are also busts. In the Chelyabinsk region, you can see the great scientist not only near SUSU, but also in the cities of Ozersk and Sime. Kurchatov’s monuments are also decorated with such cities as Dubna (Moscow region), Snezhinsk, Obninsk (Kaluga region), Kurchatov (Kursk region) and Volgodonsk. There is a monument to the academician in Ukraine, in the city of Yuzhnoukrainsk (Nikolaev region).