
Thai multimillionaire has promised money and a share in the business to the one who marries his daughter

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Thai multimillionaire has promised money and a share in the business to the one who marries his daughter
Thai multimillionaire has promised money and a share in the business to the one who marries his daughter

Video: Thousands come forward after Thai father promises £240,000 to the man who marries his daughter 2024, June

Video: Thousands come forward after Thai father promises £240,000 to the man who marries his daughter 2024, June

It is difficult to be a royal daughter … It is necessary to marry only by calculation, think about the throne and obey the king-father in everything. No less depressing share among daughters of multibillionaires. For example, the 26-year-old Carnsita is forced to put up with the fact that her own father chooses her future husband.


I'll pay, just take

A caring father lives in the world. He himself is a Thai multimillionaire who owns a fruit farm in Chumphon province in southern Thailand. The man is 58 years old, he lives with a beautiful daughter. According to her father, she "sat up in girls", it is time to marry a 26-year-old lady.

The multimillionaire has offered £ 240, 000 to someone who marries his daughter. This amount is 20.5 million rubles, if translated into Russian money.

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The father praises his daughter with all his might. She is smart, educated, fluent in two languages ​​- Chinese and English, helping her parent do business. In addition, the young woman is distinguished by chastity and modesty, her father declares her innocence.



After Anont Rottong published this announcement on social networks, calls rained down on him. The man did not expect so many responses, his daughter is ready to marry more than 10 thousand candidates. One of them was especially distinguished, a 28-year-old handsome man named Preimsapon Hongsai. He spoke in detail about his parents who own a fruit farm in one of the provinces of Thailand and about his hard work.

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"I can drive a 10-wheeled truck and tractor. I can withstand the sweltering heat and freezing rain. Give me a chance." - A young man wrote under a photograph of a girl exhibited by her father. The candidate’s review collected over 14 thousand likes, but Mr. Rottong rejected the young man, considering him too handsome for his daughter.

“That could break her heart, ” said a loving father in response to bewildered subscribers.

Candidate Requirements

Anont declares that he does not care about the nationality of the future husband of his daughter, as well as his education. The multimillionaire wants Carnsita to be happy, she and her husband will receive not only the declared amount of money, but also part of the fruit farm.

“I need a son-in-law who can develop a family business and work honestly for his good, ” the man says.


Constant calls

The multimillionaire recklessly left his mobile phone number in the ad. Since then, the device practically does not fall silent, the man is called potential suitors. After enduring for some time in this mode, his father prayed for mercy on their part. He published a new entry in which he asked candidates for his daughter’s hand and heart to stop calling him.


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"I am dying of constant calls. Let me rest, " the man writes.

To be or not to be?

This is a three-month tour planned by Anont. During the trip, he planned to get acquainted with potential sons-in-law in order to make the right choice, but decided to cancel it. Such a decision is connected with too many interested people, the allotted time is too short to choose the ideal companion for Carnsita.

More about money

In some parts of Thailand, the custom is that the future husband must make a ransom for the bride, however, Anont Rottong is not going to participate in this at all. Despite the refusal of the tour, his proposal for 240 thousand pounds and part of the fruit farm, as a dowry for his daughter, is still valid.

In addition to Carnsita, the man has several sons, they must inherit the parental business. The man claims that as soon as one of them gets married, part of the assets will pass into his hands. Whether the father will choose brides for his boys or let them do it themselves - time will tell. So far, the man is preoccupied with his daughter's happy marriage.