
There pedestrians go to the red light! German spoke about the oddities of Australians

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There pedestrians go to the red light! German spoke about the oddities of Australians
There pedestrians go to the red light! German spoke about the oddities of Australians

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A young German traveler, student blogger Jenny Bane, traveled to Australia and, she said, literally experienced a cultural shock from some local customs. Subsequently, the girl talked about her impressions to the subscribers of her YouTube channel.

1. Another culture: barefoot people

Jenny began her story with a thing that seemed to her the strangest in Australia. In this country, most large cities are located, as you know, along the sea line. Moreover, all these settlements are considered including resort ones.


Apparently, therefore, in the cities of Australia, no one considers it shameful to walk along the street without shoes. Especially often, according to Jenny, she saw barefoot people in such beach areas as Byron Bay, Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast.

In Australia, as the girl said, people walk barefoot along the beach, and then simply go, for example, to groceries in a store, not bothering to put on shoes. “Even in the beach areas, I was not able to walk the streets barefoot. For me it looked just wild. If someone in Germany had acted in this way, passers-by would immediately come up to him and ask what happened to him, ”says Jenny.

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2. Indifferent sellers

Despite the fact that sellers in Australia, as in any other country in the world, are welcoming to customers who have looked at them, their behavior seemed strange to Jenny. “They showed goodwill, but it looked very superficial. It was evident that they were just trying to do their job, ”the girl says, “ but in any case, I was not afraid to run into the rudeness of sellers in Australia. ”

3. Tap water

It was also very strange for Jenny that people in Australia drink water right from the tap. In Germany, according to the girl, this is not accepted. In her homeland, people prefer bottled mineral water with gas. “I even got a stomach ache from Australian water, ” Jenny complained to the subscribers.

4. Artificial tanning

Very strange, according to Jenny, is the fact that on the streets in Australian cities you can see a large number of women with artificial tans. “There are so many beaches and sunshine, ” Jenny says in surprise.

According to the girl, this strange phenomenon can be explained only by the fact that Australia really really warms the sun. Perhaps some women simply protect their health. “But in any case, in my town I have not seen a single girl with an artificial tan, ” says Jenny.


5. Air conditioning and shoes in the house

Another habit of Australians that surprised Jenny was that local residents usually do not take off their street shoes in the house. Perhaps this tradition, according to the blogger, in Australia arose due to the hot climate. In Germany, where it is cold in winter, one often has to go outside with closed shoes, which, of course, is completely unsuitable for the home.

Also, Jenny in Australia was surprised by air conditioning. In this country, they are provided literally everywhere - not only in homes, but also in buses, cinemas, trains. At the same time, according to Jenny, they usually work at full capacity.

6. Red light of traffic lights

“In Germany, ” says Jenny, “people never begin to cross the street when the red light is on at the traffic lights.” The people of Australia do not adhere to strict rules in this regard. ” Jenny, she said, had to do the same. But out of habit, she was constantly afraid that a police car would stop nearby and be fined.
