
Tambov: where is it located, history, economy and climate of the city

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Tambov: where is it located, history, economy and climate of the city
Tambov: where is it located, history, economy and climate of the city

Video: "Educational Exhibition "Study in Russia-2021" in Kenya (27 Jan 2021)" 2024, July

Video: "Educational Exhibition "Study in Russia-2021" in Kenya (27 Jan 2021)" 2024, July

The question of where Tambov is located will lead some people into confusion, although the name of the city is well known to every Russian. The city, which has retained its originality, historical memory, clean, drowning in flowers, is considered the most environmentally friendly city in Russia. It is called provincial, but is it really a minus in our time? No, that’s a big plus.


Where is the city of Tambov?

Tambov is located in the middle of the East European Plain and belongs to the central Chernozem region. Its border passes with the Voronezh, Lipetsk, Saratov, Penza and Ryazan regions. It can be called the center of European Russia. The area is small in area, only 34, 462 square kilometers. A little more than one million people live in it, including about 300 thousand in the city of Tambov.

Tambov region is located in the forest-steppe zone. Its main wealth is chernozems. The two rivers Tsna and Studenets flow through the city, which are connected exactly in the place where Tambov is located. From Moscow to the regional center 480 kilometers. A railroad passes through the city, which connects it with many centers of Russia. The city has a train station. Also, there were highways to the center and south of the country, in the Volga region.



The climate of Tambov is very comfortable and favorable. It is temperate continental. Summer is not hot, and winter is relatively warm. Average temperature indicators of winter –9 ° С, summer + 21 ° С. The maximum annual rainfall is 550 mm.

Wild Field Settlement

The lands where Tambov and many ancient cities are located are located on the territory that was once called the Wild Field. These were not plowed fertile steppes suitable for farming and practically uninhabited. The raids of nomadic tribes prevented the development of these places located on the border with Russia. Part of the Wild Field was under the control of the Don, Dnieper and Hoper Cossacks, but this was not enough. Decisive measures were necessary on the part of the state, capable of protecting the population from raids by nomads.

Such measures were the construction of defensive structures: fortresses, earthen ramparts, notches and ditches. A watch and stanitsa service was organized. In the built fortresses and along the line of defense there was a settlement of service people. Thus, modern cities were founded: Voronezh, Orel, Yelets, Belgorod, Volgograd, Penza, Rostov, Lugansk, Donetsk, Kharkov, Kirovograd, Sumy, Nikolaev, Poltava and many others.


History of education

The city of Tambov is relatively young. The date of its formation is considered to be 1636. At this time, on the hill, located at the confluence of the Tsna and Studenets rivers, where Tambov is currently located, a fortress was laid that protected the borders of Russia from raids by the Nogais and Crimean Tatars. The fortress was not accidentally located in the Wild Field area. It was a virtually uninhabited territory, without any borders, where settlers from Russia went.

Supervised the construction of the governor's fortress Roman Boborykin. The place for the construction was excellent, it seemed that nature itself protected the structure from uninvited guests. A moat was dug from the rivers, which rested against them with ends, and from there water came into it. On three unprotected sides, six-meter-high walls of oak logs were built. The garrison of the fortress totaled up to 1000 people.


The development of Tambov in the XVIII century

The place where the city of Tambov is located has long been famous for fertile soils. Gradually, this land became the breadbasket of Russia. High yields allowed local merchants to trade in bread, but, despite this, for a long time Tambov looked like a big village, and only the fortress betrayed the city in it. Only after Tambov was identified as the provincial center, it began to flourish and develop. The city plan was executed by metropolitan architects, beautiful buildings, pavements began to appear, and he began to take on the look of the city.

At the end of the 18th century, the great poet Gabriel Derzhavin was appointed governor of the city, who was obsessed with the idea of ​​improving the lives of citizens by organizing shipping on the Tsna River. The city needed a scaffolding and stone, which was much lower down the river from the place where Tambov was. In 1786, a public school was opened, a few years later following the example of Tambov, who at that time had become a provincial city, six more schools were opened in his counties.


Tambov. Century XIX

It was at this time that Tambov declared himself as the breadbasket of Russia. The city held annual fairs (Tenth and Kazan), which brought together merchants from all over central Russia. Tambov bread was sold abroad. The city was built up with solid houses and public buildings: the cadet corps, the noble assembly, the city society, the craft council, the public library, the institution of noble maidens.

In 1824, the first gymnasium opened, and a year later the first bridge street appeared. A hospital and an almshouse, 3 hotels, 7 taverns, clothing stores, and grocery stores were built. There were two monasteries and many temples in the city, which now give the city a unique flavor and peace.


Century XX

The beginning of the century coincided with the beginning of the emergence of industrial production in the city. The province was exclusively agricultural, in which a large number of wealthy peasants lived. Tambov, where there were very few representatives of the working class, met the February and then the October Revolution of 1917 with great enthusiasm. This was due to the distribution of land, according to the "Decree on Land" proclaimed by the Bolsheviks.

The peasants began to arbitrarily seize the land of the landowners and large landowners, but stumbled upon the resistance of the authorities. Mass appeals to the Red Army began, as the Civil War was on. This caused discontent. The region became a hotbed of violent uprisings against Soviet power, the most famous of which was the Antonov rebellion. All of them were brutally suppressed.

The Soviet years were marked by the opening of new schools, which were formed in connection with the elimination of universal illiteracy. In the 60s, the industrialization of the city began. New enterprises were erected and commissioned. A huge amount of housing has been built. Clinics, kindergartens, stadiums, music schools and much more were opened. Everything that Tambov has today was built in the Soviet years.



Not so much positive reviews have been written about any other city as about Tambov and its inhabitants. The overwhelming majority of reviews from visitors. The city is small, spotlessly clean and green. It seems that the forest begins right in the city, since there are many parks and squares. There are many sports facilities, modern hotels, shopping supermarkets, there is a central market in Tambov, where the TSUM shopping center is located. Nevertheless, the city is small and a bit provincial.

Fate saved the city from the devastating wars that swept through the territory of Russia, from too irresponsible leaders trying to redraw not only the city, but also the country for the sake of personal interests. The destruction affected only Orthodox churches, but the remaining, restored and newly built, they now serve as a decoration of the city, create its uniqueness. Here you can see the merchant Tambov, buildings and monuments of the Soviet era, and modern buildings.

Fate saved him from renaming to the city of Tukhachevsk, monuments were not demolished here. Tambov always remained Tambov. Many people want to know where the district in Tambov is located. On the territory of the Tambov region there are three settlements with the same name: in the Tambov, Sosnovsky and Pichaevsky districts.